I'm so sorry to inform you lovely readers that this is not an update. This isn't twiXlite in fact! It's me Shelby0321! *waives hand frantically at all you wonderful people *

My darling friend twi asked me to let you all know that she is down a laptop right now and cant update any of her stories, or answer your messages and reviews! I offered her mine but alas she is an ocean away! (I've seriously considered UPSing {is that even a word? } mine to her. Seriously I need my Edward fix!) But don't you worry she has informed me that she has lots of notebooks {she's kickin it old school for the moment} that she is diligently writing new chappies in! So if you want updates soon, please send money to PO Box..haha just kidding. (well not really if you would like to donate to a wonderful causeā€¦and lets face it folks, Edward Cullen is in fact a wonderful cause!) Okay, so no on the money, but cross your fingers, rub your lucky trolls or do whatever that brings you good fortune so we will have our dear twi back soon! ;-)

Please don't review this because then you wont get to review the real chapter once it goes up! And that would just be sad!

And don't worry about the Edwards, I'm gonna take good care of them while she's gone. {wink wink}

{Edwards gulp and look around nervously} Hurry back twi!