A/N: OH MY LORD IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I UPDATED ANYTHING! About 3 months since I last updated this. I truly am sorry, I swear I am. I understand completely if you wish to impale my head on a flaming stake and roast me, I don't blame you for wishing so. However, I am back now (for good), and I will be updating my stories every two weeks. Yay~ -BloodyLawlipop


Chapter Fifteen:

L's dark onyx eyes fluttered open, the throbbing feeling in his hand and ankle causing him to grimace with pain. He lifted his head slightly and let his vision become enveloped in the complete and utter darkness, his body completely sprawled out and strapped down to a sturdy, large table. He tried to lift the rest of his limbs, but only got so far before the surging agony of his wounds caused him to let out a strangled cry, writhing in pain in the small amount of space the restraints binding him would allow him to move in. He could feel his dried and caked on blood smothering his torso, the strong metallic smell of the blood making his nose scrunch up. His breath quickened as he felt fresh blood beginning to emerge from his lacerations caused by his struggling. L began to panic when he heard the droplets of his blood splashing on the floor. He couldn't afford to lose anymore blood.

His head snapped over to the sound of a heavy metal door being slowly opened, his eyes closing sharply at the sudden abrupt light. A dark figure sneaked into the room holding a lightless candle. The figure closed the door sharply and shakily lit the candle with a small match, allowing L to unmask the identity of the shadow. No surprise, his eyes fell upon a very disheveled looking Beyond.

Beyond was breathing heavily, his free hand lightly tracing his slightly flushed lips repeatedly. L studied the man carefully, noticing how unruly his entire appearance was despite his usual messy look. L could definitely identify a prominent blush painted on the pale man's face. Beyond set the small candle on the edge of the table and stumbled next to L, plopping down on a chair that L had failed to notice. Beyond's eyes were a dark and menacing red, the flickering of the candle illuminating his lips. Both his hands clutched his shirt tightly, his entire body shaking lightly. L couldn't tell what the hell was happening, but he was extremely concerned for his own safety. Seeing the deranged man in this state was trouble, and L remembered vividly how dangerous he could get, for he had witnessed it himself when Beyond had been in a similar state of being.

L stared blankly at the young boy who looked identical to him. The boy's demonic red eyes glimmered dangerously as he stared up at the stern teacher who was yelling for an unknown reason. L braced himself against the wall tightly, a small lollipop occupying his mouth as he watched the scene from a safe distance.

The young boy's small frame began to shake as the angry teacher continued ranting about how the boy had defied him once again. L noted how the small boy radiated hatred toward the man. with every acidic word the teacher hit him with, he would get closer and closer to the man.

"Listen kid, I don't care how smart you think you are, or how 'special' you believe yourself to be because you're L's 'understudy', you are required to obey me at any cost, for I am your teacher and your superior. Got it? I don't want to waste my time yelling at some punk kid for disobeying me and making me look stupid!" The man yelled loudly, his voice ricocheting off the walls. Beyond simply inched closer to the man, a small and malicious smirk slowly sneaking onto his face. Without warning, the man gasped out in pain and buckled over, clutching his stomach tightly. L winced a bit at the sudden sight of the man supporting himself on the wall and Beyond's sinister smile. Beyond lowered his knee from the man's abdomen and wrapped his small hands around the struggling man's neck. the man stared down, wide eyed at the demonic smile the small child displayed.

"Well now that we've clarified the base of the problem, let's get down to business shall we?" Beyond said with false care, his slender cold hands tightening sharply around the man's neck. The man simply gasped in shock, not able to comprehend what in fact was happening.

Beyond let out a quiet cackle, his eyes glowing dangerously. "You know, your science class did teach me something, despite what you believe," he stared darkly into the terrified teacher's eyes. "If I remember correctly, which I do, this right here is the jugular vein, correct?" He spoke darkly, running the pad of his thumb over the pulsing vein. The man simply swallowed hard and stared wide eyed at the boy, too frightened to say anything. L could easily tell that Beyond's grip was strong and painful. L sucked on the sweet lollipop quietly as he watched.

"Answer me." Beyond snarled, tightening his grip even more on the man. the man gasped and nodded his head vigorously, droplets of sweat falling from his forehead. Beyond smiles happily and relaxed his grip a bit.

"So to kill someone using the vein, you would just have to puncture it, correct?" The man nodded again.

"I presume a powerful and sharp bite to the area would break the skin, so to truly rupture the vein one would have to say apply a more…animalistic touch?" Beyond flashed his unordinary sharp canines at the man and snarled like some sort of rabid animal. The man let out a loud cry as he squirmed out of Beyond's vice, clutching his throat as he coughed and gagged for air.

Beyond laughed maniacally, clutching his own stomach and doubling over with laughter. the man stared at him in horror and rapidly flung his legs and began to ran. Beyond's gaze snapped up as he called for the man. "Wait. Turn around."

The man froze in place and slowly faced the terrifying boy, thankful for the bit of distance he made between them. Beyond took a single step forward and spoke deeply. L was surprised by the dark tone of voice.

"If you ever think you can talk down to me like some moronic child, I will kill you. Mark my words, I will kill you. So if you value this shameful and disgusting thing you call a 'life', it is in your best interest if you let me be. understand?" Beyond's shrill voice was laced with such acidity, even L flinched a bit. The man nodded quietly, too scared to even speak. "Oh and another thing, before you go," Beyond spoke louder. "If you tell anyone about what just transpired between us, I'll end your life even faster and more painfully." The man shivered and scampered off, leaving the small boy in the hallway all alone.

L was astonished. He knew that Beyond was a bit evil, but he never thought he would go as far as to physically assault and threaten a teacher. he pulled the red lollipop out of his plump lips and inspected it thoroughly.

Suddenly, L felt a cold pair of eyes upon him. He looked up and was face to face with Beyond. He wore a prominent smirk that only showed his amusement with discovering L. L didn't mutter a syllable. instead, he just stared blankly.

Beyond giggled. "You saw that didn't you?" L just stood there, eyeing his lollipop once again. Beyond frowned and eyed the lollipop as well, licking his lips dangerously as he looked back at L. he then quickly snatched the lollipop and began to lick it himself, his long tongue wrapping around the head of the sweet delicacy. L hid inner turmoil and stifled the desire to snatch the candy back. Beyond noticed this and simply giggled again, walking off with the lollipop. L simply stared as his backup walked away, pulling out another lollipop from his jean pocket and unwrapping the sweet.

L studied the man next to him, his dark eyes locking with Beyond's crimson orbs. The two simply stared at one another for some time, until Beyond averted his gaze slowly and continued panting. L glared dangerously at him, his lips curved up in a threatening snarl.

Beyond looked at L, amusement splattering across his face. He stood up from the chair, still clutching his shirt tightly, and stared down at the now motionless L. Their eyes met once again before Beyond trailed his gaze down L's body, a smile creeping up his flushed lips. L grimaced at the heavy blush that dusted Beyond's face, the innocent gesture making the maniac look uncharacteristically humane.

"Looks like my precious Lawliet sustained a few, minor injuries." He said, his voice light and carefree.

L looked up at him with disgust. "Minor injuries, huh?" He spoke darkly. It wasn't a question, but more like an acidic statement.

Beyond sighed and eyed L's mangled and bloodied hand. There was an enormous chunk of flesh missing in the spot below his thumb and above his wrist. The sight of the bone sticking out grotesquely made Beyond's sadistic smile widen even more. L felt the man's piercing stare and he shifted his hand, feeling obviously uncomfortable.

Beyond chuckled darkly. "As breathtakingly delicious as the sight of you bleeding and fragile is, I do not like seeing my toys all mangled and broken before I get to play with them myself." He grabbed the small candle from the table and walked toward the dark corner of the room, L's eyes sharply focused on his strange behavior. L heard the opening of a small drawer and the sound of shuffling, coming to the conclusion that there was a small bureau where Beyond was. Beyond then shuffled back to the wounded man and flashed him a warm smile, holding up what seemed like a basic first aid kit. He set the candle and the dirty small box on the end of the table, L's eyes refusing to stop watching him for a mere second. The deranged man popped open the rusty lock from the first aid kit, tossing it into the perpetual darkness of the rest of the room. Beyond looked into the box and frowned. He then looked up at the ceiling and glanced down at L, his jaw line glowing in the candlelight prominently. L glared up at him questioningly, his gaze defensive. Beyond let out a small chuckle and reached up toward the darkness. L heard the pulling of a chain before his retinas began to burn.

L hissed in pain as he sharply closed his eyes, the stunningly bright fluorescent light serving as a sharp contrast to the endless night that surrounded him constantly. Beyond smiled at L's discomfort and continued rustling through the first aid kit.

"Forgive the light, sweet Lawliet, I'd rather fix you up in a nice amount of light than damage you in darkness." He spoke reassuringly. "Besides, now I can fully see your pained face I love so much!" Beyond sounded happier than a small child with a new toy.

L grimaced as he took in the now fully lit room around him. The walls were stained with a grotesque amount of blood splattered in horrific shapes. The flood was a dirtied tile smothered in the same blood as the walls. L's eyes flicked over to a wall where various chains descended from, the rusty metal shining dully in the light. L's eyes fell upon a sickeningly large rat ravenously chewing on what seemed to be an old human bone. A femur, he concluded.

Beyond smiled happily and pulled out a roll of bandages and what seemed to be a nameless bottle of ointment. L stared oddly at the bottle, the dirty and faceless bottle making him uneasy. Beyond pulled his wrist up gently and inspected L's hand once again. His red eyes skimmed over every gash and chunk that made up the hand. He looked up at L and began to shake the bottle. L watched cautiously as Beyond poured a lavish amount of ointment onto his mangled hand, hissing at the stinging sensation.

"Stop being a baby. If it stings, that means it's doing its job." Beyond cooed softly as he watched the now muddied ointment run through the wound. He then wiped off the excess with his sleeve and began to wrap L's hand with the bandages. L breathed deeply and stared intently at Beyond. Alas, the blush from Beyond's face had not ceased to appear.

"Why are you blushing?" L asked quizzically, his voice deep and dangerous.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm not really sure actually." Beyond lied through his smile, his bruised lips clearly spouting lies.

"Liar. Tell me." L demanded.

Beyond fastened the bandage around L's hand, clearly satisfied with his work. He gently placed the hand back on the table and looked at L. "No need to be so hostile. It's really nothing of your concern!" His voice was teasing and deceitful.

L's glare darkened as he noticed Beyond's bruised lips. "Your lips are bruised. What happened?"

Beyond sighed and slumped back on the chair next to L, a crazy smile lining his lips. He giggled dangerously and looked up at L. "Oh nothing bad, I assure you."

L scowled at him weakly and then averted his gaze, clearly knowing that this creature was hiding something. The two sat in silence for what seemed like ages, the only noises in the room coming from the flickering light and the squeaking rats. Beyond then looked at L and smiled.

"By the way," He dragged out his words lazily. L snapped his attention toward the man. "I had no idea Sora's lips were so…sinful." Beyond lowered his head and gazed up at L mockingly, licking his lips as he did so.

L sat up sharply and snarled loudly at Beyond. "You sick psychopath! What the hell did you do to her? Let me go right now!" His eyes were swarming with hostility and rage. The veins in his neck looked as if they would explode from his pale neck. His entire body was tense and ready to strike. Beyond simply laughed loudly as he hopped up from his chair.

"My my, Lawlipop! Such anger over something so minute! I didn't think you would be so hostile!" Beyond exploded in malevolent laughter and he took in the sight of L fighting against his restraints like a rabid animal in a cage. L kicked violently as he growled and screamed at Beyond.

"You disgusting, meaningless collection of scum! How dare you take advantage of her in such a way! You're dead, Beyond Birthday! Dead!" L's violent rampage only caused Beyond to cackle more demonically. He was now doubled over and using the wall as a support.

"What did I do to HER? I didn't do anything like that, Lawliet, maybe she was the one who did something to me hmm?" Beyond's cackled heightened as L stared at him in disbelief.

"LIAR! You disgusting, vile liar!" L cried ravenously, his limbs pulling against the restraints forcefully. Cuts began to for around L's wrists and ankles as the bindings gnawed their way into his flesh.

Beyond stifled his laughter as he sauntered over to L, a metallic syringe held tightly in his grip. L eyes flashed to the needle and then back at Beyond. "No. No! NO!" L howled out in agony as the tranquilizing fluids rushed out of the syringe and into his vulnerable veins. He tried so desperately to stay awake, but he had not the willpower or the ability to. Beyond slowly called his name like a mantra as he gently lay L's heavy head back on the table. Visions and memories of Sora flashed lazily in L's mind as his struggling ceased.

"Shhh…L, my dearest L. Stop being so difficult, I simply wanted to talk to you." He spoke softly in a tone one would use to calm a frightened child. "Rest now, I suppose we can talk later"

L couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that this psychotic man would do this to the one person he loved the most in the history of human kind. L couldn't believe that he wasn't strong enough to protect Sora from it all. He couldn't believe he had gotten her in this situation. No, it wasn't that he couldn't believe it, L simply did not want to believe, for if he believed it, it would seem as he had given up. It would appear as if he had lost hope of saving Sora, seeing his beloved heirs once again, or sentencing Beyond Birthday to justice. L was not a man who gave up on anything, and the thought of him giving up on something was the only thing that had him cowering and hating himself.

"I won't give up…Sora." L thought slowly as his eyes became extremely heavy. His head lulled to the side of the table as he saw Beyond open the heavy metal door once again and exiting swiftly. L could see the shine reflecting off Beyond's knife that was showing in his pocket. The door slammed shut loudly, and L's eyes closed and led him into a deep slumber.


Soooo...I hope you liked this chapter! Please review, for the I know you truly care. 3