Wizards vs. Phantoms

I do not own Wizards of Waverly Place or Danny Phantom

When ghosts are coming out of the wizard portal and people notice, the Fentons are called in to deal with it, but their results winds up being at the Waverly Sub Station. Now the Russos have to protect their secret while getting the ghosts back into the Ghost Zone.

Beneath the dark sky of New York City, the Waverly Sub Station, home to the Russo family stood ready to close up. Inside the shop, Justin was cleaning up the trash, Max doing something with the leftover sandwich toppings, and Alex and Harper were talking about a fashion magazine. "Come on. When are they ever going to design something that actually looks good on people?", asked Alex in a bored voice.

"Probably twenty years from now, when people look all shiny.", answered Harper. Harper was an amateur designer and was always making the wackiest outfits, this time she was wearing a shiny silver and blue dress that looked like it was from a fifties sci-fi movie with antennae on top.

"Yeah, lets hope it doesn't come to that."

"Well, now that's all done, at last, I can go and have some long needed me time", said Justin in his usual dorky personality. That broke when a glass jar fell off the counter next to Max. "Max, what did you do?"

"I don't know. I was just making my sandwich fortress and the tip jar just fell over." Suddenly, the supply closet door that doubled as their secret wizard lair had a banging noise coming from it.

"What was that?", asked Alex with a hint of fear.

"Maybe, you guys have rats", Harper said with another banging that was even louder, "Big rats".

Jerry and his wife Theresa rushed downstairs with worried looks on their faces, wondering what's going on. "What's going on? We were upstairs and we heard that", Theresa looked at the door that was still emanating the banging noise, until it swung right open revealing a bunch of ghosts flying out of it, the entire family took cover. It was over after a few minutes, everyone got up and saw the damage. It looked like a tornado went through with papers fluttering and tables turned. They were all so stunned Alex was the only one to say, "what the heck was that?"

The next morning, the family, plus Harper who lived with them, gathered in the living room of their loft above the shop. "Okay, according to the Wizard World alert, there have been strange occurrences with portals all over the city, similar to last night they are all releasing ghosts", said Jerry to his family.

"I'm sorry 'ghosts'?", asked Alex with a surprise.

"Yes, you see ghosts live in a parallel dimension, called the Ghost Zone, but the only way to get to it is through some kind of ghost portal and the wizard portals are designed to prevent that, but something must have gone wrong", replied Jerry to his children.

"Wait, I remember hearing about a group of ghost hunters actually creating a portal into the Ghost Zone", said Justin, "Could that have something to do with it?"

"No one knows. But now all travel between this world and the Wizard World is restricted until further notice", said Jerry with worry. Theresa walked into the room with news as well.

"That's not the only problem. The city's going to hire professional ghost hunters to deal with the problem and they are coming tomorrow", said Theresa.

"Tomorrow?", replied Justin.

"Professional? There is such a thing?", asked Alex.

"Well, with what happened to a small town in Ohio last year, there is such a thing as professional ghost hunters and if it's the ones I think they are, we should worry."

"Don't worry I got a plant to deal with the ghosts", Max went to the closet and got out a vacuum cleaner in an attempt to reveal his plan.

"A vacuum cleaner?", surprised Harper.

"Not just any vacuum. A ghost vacuum, it sucks up ghosts as well as dirt and dust.

"No one is touching my vacuum", said Theresa.

"Look, before the ghost hunters arrive, we need to make sure that none of their leads will come back to us, cause if they do, they might find out we are wizards and that our wizard portal is throwing out ghosts, like Justin when he eats a snicker doodle", said Jerry embarrassing Justin as well with his cinnamon allergy, "But the most important thing next to that is protect the place from the ghosts, which is why I got these from the Wizard market before it closed". Jerry went over to the counter to reveal the dark red flowers that were wrapped up and lying on the table

"How are freaky looking flowers going to protect us from ghosts?", asked a skeptical Alex.

"They are called blood blossoms, and they are guaranteed ghost repellants. I figure we could put them in centerpieces around the shop. That way we won't have a repeat of last night or any other future attacks".

"Not to mention they could make the Sub Station look a little nicer", commented Theresa.

"Okay, while Theresa and I take care things downstairs, we want you guys to make the pieces and put them on the tables when you are done. Good luck", Jerry replied as he led his wife downstairs.

"You know I bet if I sew these flowers in our clothes then we could be safe outside of the station, I'll get started", said Harper as she went to work on her project in her basement portion of the house.

"While we are on the subject of ghosts, I saw be online looking up everything I can about the Ghost Zone and ghosts so I can get these ghosts out of here before the professionals show up", Justin rushed up to his room.

"I'm just gonna go and do something else", Alex left leaving Max to work on the flowers alone.

Meanwhile downstairs, Jerry and Theresa were finishing straightening up the shop from last night, when the doors busted open with jumpsuits on. "Alright nobody move. If there's a ghost around no one panic", shouted the man wearing orange.

Jerry and Theresa didn't know whether to be afraid or to start laughing, "Can we help you guys?", asked Jerry.

"We are Maddie and Jack Fenton and we heard that there have major ghost invasions all over the city and we've come to check them out", replied Maddie.

"You're the professional ghost hunters? We weren't expecting you until tomorrow", said Jerry in a worried voice.

"Well, we just happened to be in the area when we got the call, so we thought we could check it out", answered Jack.

"According to our scanners, there's a massive amount of ectoplasm energy coming from here, more precisely over there", Maddie referred to behind the counter where the wizard portal/fridge was. Good thing that only wizards could open the wizard room where the Russo family's collection of magical items and supplies, but when the scanner kept pointing towards there, Jerry and Theresa started to panic a little, "Do you mind opening this, the signal's strongest here and we need to check it out?", asked Maddie.

"Yeah, sure just let open this ordinary fridge", Jerry said trying to stay calm, "See, just day old vegetables. Nothing out of the ordinary here".

"Well, it doesn't look like anything's wrong here. Looks like I'll have to fix this thing again, especially how its been acting around Danny", said Maddie.

"Is Danny your son?", asked Theresa.

"Yes, he's fifteen and we have a daughter who's seventeen".

"Oh, two of our kids are the same ages", Theresa and Maddie's motherly conversation got interrupted when Justin came down.

"Mom, Dad, I got some stuff about ghosts in connection with the-", his parents managed to warn him before he could reveal their secret, "Vacuum cleaner. Yes, apparently ghosts hate vacuum cleaners. They suck up them along with dirt and dust", Justin replied in a hasty save.

"You don't know how right he is. Ghosts absolutely hate those vacuum cleaners", said Jack.

"Jack, Maddie. This is our oldest son, Justin. Justin, these are the Fentons, the professional ghost hunters that were hired to deal with the ghosts", Jerry told his son, as code for 'be careful'.

"Oh, the Fentons. As in Jack and Maddie Fenton from Amity Park, Ohio? As in the town that has been in ghost trouble for almost two years now? As in home to two of the greatest ghost hunters of all time, Jack and Maddie Fenton?", Justin asked, telling his parents in another way that 'they're doomed'.