A/N: OK! So sorry it took me so long. It's almost winter break, so school is packing a lot on... I have a lot of essays to write! (PS. I watched "Pay It Forward" in ag-sci class. It made me cry. I can't be the only one that thinks that is one of the saddest movies ever, right) Please R&R! All my lovely reviewers are making me so happy! And thank you those who have + the story!
Warnings: If you've stuck with me this long, I don't need to explaine the warnings, you should already know :D
Disclaimer: I do not own anything Freddy-related. :(
Freddy Krueger's: A Kid To Haunt
I stood staring at Junior. He had came out of nowhere, it seemed like. This was my dream, for sure, so I didn't really understand how I could possibly see him. But there he was, still searching around for the noise.
My internal emotions conflicted with eachother. The naive child in me wanted to scream at Junior to run away, to hurry, to never look back, to tell him that Freddy was going to kill him. The naive part about that was that even if I told him, what could possibly be done? This was his realm, his place. There would be no way for Junior to ever run away from Freddy. But here I was, hyprocritical me, still trying to run away from him. If I had no chance of getting away, than there was absolutely no chance for Junior to get away...
But what scared me the most, was the other emotion I was feeling... Anger? Maybe. Perhaps it was... resentment. Junior was horrible. The school bully, he beat everyone up, and I was only here because of him! But why was I feeling this? Who was this resentment towards? Was I mad that Junior could have it end so quickly, that Freddy would be willing to kill him off like an ant, whereas I've had to suffer for months? Was I mad that Freddy was the one who got to kill this little piece of trash, the little piece of dirt that always landed in your eye, causing it to sting? I had hoped not, because if it was for that reason, then what would that make me? A monster, perhaps no better than Freddy himself.
That's right, doll, I heard a voice in my head say. It was not my voice though... It sounded like Freddy's. It didn't just sound like Freddy's, though, I was positive it was his. My hand moved from my mouth and quickly relocated to my head and grabbed onto the roots of my hair, tugging.
"No, no, no, no,"I repeated. "No, I can't hear you, I can't hear anyone, nothin', you ain't there..." I said, as if denying it would make everything better. It never did, though.
You want him dead. The voice said, it sounded prodding, like it was trying to push me. Like it could win something if I gave in... But whenever someone won something, someone else had to lose it.
"No, no, no... I don't want him dead, I don't... No, I can't hear you. You ain't there."
I can help you, my Shirley, I can. You want him dead, so do I. Go Shirley... Kill him. My knees buckled from fear, I gripped my head tightly, and closed my eyes.
"I don't want him dead... I don't wanna kill... Go away... Oh, God, just go away... You ain't here, you ain't here, I can't hear you. YOU. AREN'T. HERE."I told myself over and over. However, I knew I was lying. Of course he was there. He was always there. In the back of my fucking head. When I slept, he tortured me, treating me like a mouse and him the cat. When I was awake? I was tortured more by the thoughts of him... He just won't go the fuck away! His image was in the back of my head...
God, I was only twelve. At that age I should have been hanging out with friends, begging Mom to raise my allowance, giggling with girls about how cute that thirteen-year-old was, talking about how we can't wait until we're in highschool... Just having fun. I was only twelve fucking years old and what was I doing? I was battling a personal demon who could hurt me. I personal demon who tortured me. A personal demon who was in my thoughts and dreams, all the time. All the bloody fucking time!
The thought of Junior then crossed my mind. I was trying to stay alive from this demon, and here Junior was, trying to play the bad-boy role, trying to act cool and dangerous, trying to become "feared leader of the school", like a seventh grade Hitler... If only he knew how dangerous things could get. If only he knew what it felt like to be tortured everyday and night by thoughts and dreams. Then what the hell would he do? He'd be pissing his panties, running in fear, calling for him Mommy.
I no longer trembled from the freakish thoughts of Freddy's invading my head. I was engulfed by my own thoughts about Junior. As I looked up at Junior (who was staring deathly confused at me), I was still on my knees and my hands still gripped my hair. I stared at him, my jaw slightly opened, my eyes sort of droopy. I felt away, but there.
"I hate you." I said to him. "I really fuckin' hate you." Yes, I had hated people before, not everyone was my friend (more like, no one was), but if there was a word that escalated hate, that exceeded it, I would use it. It went so far beyond hatred. I wanted this boy dead. Silent tears filled my eyes as I still kneeled on the ground. I gave him no glare, no frightening "may-God-smite-your-ugly-ass" type of look. Just a flat stare that had leaking tears.
"I hope you die." I spoke to him. "Just, DIE." I slowly rose from my kneeling position to standing. My arms flopped to its respectible sides, as if they were dead. I was feeling angry. Really damn angry.
Junior's POV
She really hated me, enough to want me dead. But, then again, I didn't really blame her... I did nearly kill her with a hammer. What had came over me, I had no clue. I always kept the hammer with me, who knew when my dad would flip a lid... But I never actually meant to hurt her so. Yes, I didn't like the girl too much. I would admit, she was weird and that sort of... Interested me. She was, afterall, the only girl in the whole school that didn't just let me do what I wanted, that wouldn't let me just bully. Tommy asked if she could join our "gang" (I hate it being called that. It wasn't a "gang", it was just us. Just three boys who didn't put up with anything. Not a gang), but I told him no. I didn't want her around more than necesary.
I must have snapped when I saw her beating up Roberto. I regretted it quickly, especially with Tommy shouting at me and Roberto freaking out because of all the blood. We quickly dialed the police for an ambulance, then ran. Roberto flipped, he shouted saying we were all going to Juvie. Tommy looked more pissed than angry. I wouldn't blame him. I knew for a while, that though he never admitted it, he liked the Foxx girl. She didn't chase after him, the 'cool and collected, totally awesome and calm, but still a bit of a bad-boy', like most girls did. It didn't make him happy, thinking I nearly killed the only girl he's ever really liked since kindergarten.
I was brought back to the present situation when Foxx took a half-step closer to me, causing a shiver up my spine. What the fuck... I thought, confused, Am I SCARED? Of this girl? No, I could take her... No reason to be afraid. I tried reassuring myself, but to no prevail. She took another step towards me, and I unconciously took a step back.
Murder was in her eyes. I could recognize it, because that was often what my own dad looked like when he snaps. I wondered if that was what my eyes looked like when I snapped and hit her with the hammer.
I hoped not. I didn't want to be like my dad.
"H-hey..." I said, trying to get her attention. "Chill, dude, whatever this place is, we can get out, right?" She shook her head.
"No, you won't leave." Her voice was laced with self-satisfaction and anger.
"Come on, you don't want to hurt me!" I said, taking a step back as she took when forward.
"Yes. I do."
"About hurting you, I'm sorry." I said, hoping that would patch things up a little bit.
"Fuck you." Apparently she had no intentions of trying to patch things up.
"Please-" I started, but tripped over something on the floor. Of course, I thought sourly. Of course, the time you least want to fall flat on your ass...
As I regrouped back to my surrounding - slightly being put off from falling hard - I saw something that actually made my shorts get all wet and warm.
The girl that hated me and wanted me dead now wore a glove with... Blades? Knives? Ohshitohshitohshitohshit, she's gonna cut me up, shitshitshit! I tried to tell her I was sorry again, I tried to beg her to let me live... But I couldn't get more than a slight squeek out before she lunged towards me, raising the blades up high in the air.
Oh, God don't kill me!
Ok,ok... Tell me what you think :) I know, I know... Cliffhanger. And I don't intend on making Shirley one of Freddy's little helpers, where she ends up all twisted like spagehtti on a fork... Unless thats what you want? I'm always open to new things.