Well, here's a one-shot I have been meaning to add. My Miggy one-shot!

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride!


I sat on my bed in a safe house. It had been a week since Fang left the flock and I was still numb with little feelings. And not too long after Fang left, Dylan left as well, yelling at me for not noticing him. That had hurt me somewhat, but I was already to numb to care about that.

I was numb all over again just by thinking about what those two had done to me. It had hurt and killed me slowly on the inside. I could barely think straight anymore. I had barely eaten anything since then. Iggy had tried to get me to eat, but I had pushed him away with tears forming in my eyes. When I had done that I could see the hurt expression on his face when I shut the door. He looked sad and lonely as if I had pushed him harshly.

"What am I doing?" I mumbled to myself, placing my puffy face on my arms that were wrapped around my knees. I didn't want to be upset, but how could I help it in the end when I couldn't even control my emotions like I usually did around the flock. I had left everything to Iggy to handle, the blind bird kid. Even though I trusted him, I was worried about how he could handle Angel. She had been bent on taking my place for a while, and now she had the chance to do so. I just hoped Iggy could handle the little girl.

Just then someone knocked on my door and I went rigid all over. They knocked again and then I heard a voice:

"Max, it's me Iggy. Let me in." I sighed to myself, quickly wiping my face with the sleeve of my cloths and walking over to the door, opening it up for the blind kid. Iggy walked in quietly, standing there awkwardly. I didn't say anything to him, only walked away to my bed and sitting down on it.

Finally, I asked Iggy something, "What do you want Iggy?" I saw him flinch lightly at the question. I hadn't meant it to be harsh, but I was in pain and I wanted to be left alone for a while.

"I want you to stop this Max. We need you in the flock. We need you to lead us. Only you can do that: not me, not Angel, only you." Iggy told me that in one full breath. He was telling the truth I could tell.

'He's right,' The voice told me, finding now would be perfect to give me some advice.

I smiled at the blind kid, knowing fully that he couldn't see it, so I stood up and walked over to Iggy, throwing my arms around his frame and pulling him close. He stiffened under my touch, not used to me being this way.

"Thank you Iggy. I needed that," I murmured into his strawberry blond hair. At that I felt him slowly become more relaxed and put his arms around me.

"Max," He murmured to me, making me look at him. He was smiling. "Don't do this to me again." At that statement I made a confused expression and was about to ask what he meant, but his lips lightly touched mine. I was shocked to say the least for a second but just as I relaxed slightly he pulled away from me and walked back out the door.

I stood in my room watching his back retreat and I lightly touched my lips where he had been and I smiled. He had given an amazing kiss that I surely would never forget in a second. At least now I had someone to turn to.

Okay, well what do you think of it? Did it suck? Should I make it into a story? What? R&R!