Okay you guy's seem to have a misunderstanding! Of course by now I have seen episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx! The reason why this said I didn't was that this story was written a LONG time ago when my writting style wasn't so advanced! Sorry for the mix-up folk's! I hope that hasn't made you not read this story! To sum up, I've watched episodes of Gx and MMP! Sorry folk's my bad! ''^_^
Hey there! This is my first Tokyo Mew Mew fic so be nice!
I know about Tokyo Mew Mew A La Mode but this is just my version of a sorta sequel to the show!
Disclaimer: If I owned Tokyo Mew Mew I would have made sure the anime-ending was satisfactory!
Who's Baby Sakura?
Chapter 1 - Gx Intro. What's Wrong Jaden!
Duel Academy.
The day started in Crowler's lesson -which meant sleep. Most of the students, apart from a few Ra's and Obelisk's were noting thing's down here and there when all of a sudden Chancellor Sheppard's voice was heard across the academy.
The classroom turned there head's looking at the surprisingly not-sleeping Slifer. He sighed, nodded to Crowler who had paused his lecture for the announcement, and walked slowly towards the exit. Anyone who was still watching him would notice that he was slouching his shoulders, as a sign of depression.
It was rather lucky then, as a certain female Obelisk was watching him walk out of the door. Alexis Rhodes had been spying on Jaden long before the announcement. (A/N: Hint, hint! ^_~)
Alexis Pov:
I sighed as I watched my Slifer friend walk out of the door. Near the front I saw Syrus shifting uncomfortably in his seat, the air felt gloomy and tense, especially around Jaden's now empty seat.
"Oh Jay..."
Suddenly the air felt lighter again...a little too light for my liking! I readied up a heated glare.
"Awww Lexi's missing her lickle Jadey now is we?" Came an annoying high-pitched voice, boy was he lucky he was keeping his voice quiet! I turned my head around slowly and looked up. I could literally see pinky purple glitter sparkles as an aura around him when he spoke! -Yup the air's defiantly lighter! I sighed. How on earth can we be related! Wait what did he say about Jaden!
"At...ti...cus" I could tell with how wide his eyes were that there were flames coming from my eyes.
"Aww come on Lex! I know that were all worried about Jay-man but you don't have to be so depressed!"
I sighed. It was true, were all worried for Jay, your probably wondering why he didn't cheer for the chance of getting out of Crowler's lesson (Which he should have been sleeping for!) and running outside the classroom!...truth be told so were we!
Jaden's saved me countless times and we all owe him our lives!
I'm gonna find out what's wrong with Jaden!
I'll stop there since this is only meant to be an intro!
But remember this is a Tokyo Mew Mew fic too!