Elsi: Guyyyyyyyysssss! Last chapter! Last chapter YAY!
Trek: I really like how you deal with Ivypool. Favorite of yours?
Elsi: UM, ABSOLUTELY. And I know that Briarlight is supposed to be Doveheart's StarClan connection. But Ivypool really doesn't have any friends. So Briarlight can deal with both of them. It was going to be Briarpaw (Windfeather's sister), but I decided that she'd be better off helping the Five.
Trek: Speaking of the Five...here is Chapter 21: StarClan's Enemy! Which refers to...two parties?
Elsi: Three. I wonder if you'll be able to pick up on them. Two are fairly obvious. The other is kind of subtle.
Trek: Happy reading! And THIS is a disclaimer! That. Right over there.
Elsi: Quality disclaimer right ^ there.
Chapter 21: StarClan's Enemy
Ivypool's whiskers twitched, and she forced herself to think. She had to find a way to determine if Mountainpaw was in the Dark Forest. She had to find a way to determine if the Dark Forest even existed anymore. And she had to do both of them quickly.
Thankfully, it was a task she could devote almost all of her energy to. Jayfeather and Birdpaw had finally found a cure – although Jayfeather promised that it had been all Birdpaw, along with some help from the RiverClan medicine cat apprentice. Hope finally bloomed in ThunderClan, and in all the Clans, she believed. There was really only one mystery to patch up, and that was WindClan's continued hostility. Were they worried about something? What else could have been wrong, if not the sickness?
She shook her head – that was somebody else's task. Ivypool was very goal-oriented, and she knew that she could only focus on one thing at a time. Thankfully, Ivypool had finally been accepted by Lionblaze and Jayfeather. The two toms had never really trusted her, and for good reason. She understood that it would be strange to trust the same cat who had betrayed ThunderClan in the first place. Their concern was totally grounded, but she was relieved to have their confidence now.
"Brooding again," purred Bumblestripe fondly. Ivypool blinked awake, smiling over at her mate. They were sharing tongues on a nice, somewhat-warm afternoon. Having her mate so close was relaxing to Ivypool; he was a constant for her, and he understood everything that she was going through. "Cheer up, Ivypool!"
"I may be going back into the Dark Forest soon," Ivypool admitted. Bumblestripe gave her a puzzled glance, and she went on. "We don't know if Tigerstar is actually dead."
"How can he not be?" asked Bumblestripe harshly. "I watched him vanish."
"I killed Hawkfrost again, with my own claws," Ivypool answered, shaking her head. "But I just…I don't think he's gone. I have to make sure."
"You're going to dream yourself back there?" Bumblestripe fretted.
"I'm going to try," agreed Ivypool. She thought again of Mountainpaw, and of the lust for power he displayed. She was worried about him – he was a strange young cat. She knew that he had a huge destiny ahead of him, but he could probably be swayed to the darkness with ease. There was very little doubt in her mind that Tigerstar and Hawkfrost wouldn't at least try to find Mountainpaw. She prayed that they hadn't already infiltrated his mind with their lies.
"Be careful, please?" Bumblestripe murmured. He nudged her when she hesitated, and Ivypool laughed. "Ivypool, you know how dangerous this is."
"I'll be fine," Ivypool promised him. "I'm going in for a peek. I'll come right back out." Her heart warmed. It was still so amazing to know that he was there for her, no matter what happened. Even now that she'd had kits, she couldn't quite believe that Bumblestripe really did love her. Her!
"That's what I wanted to hear," agreed Bumblestripe. "I really hope you're wrong."
"So do I," Ivypool said – but she knew that she wasn't. The Dark Forest was the only major threat she could imagine, and there had to be something there.
"The Clans have had too much bad news lately," Bumblestripe muttered. "The battle with the foxes, and the move here. Now the disease. We lost Runningpaw from this."
"I'm glad we didn't lose more," Ivypool mewed. Bumblestripe nodded, taking this into account. She did feel sorry for Runningpaw – Brackenheart had been her apprentice, after all. He was devastated over his sister's death, as was Dustfur. Surprisingly, Rustfur seemed to be taking Runningpaw's death better than any of his friends. He really was a warrior at heart. Ivypool knew that losing his daughter was hard on Bramblestar, but their leader barely showed the grief. He was a good leader, she reflected, and Lionblaze would make a good leader after him. She was beyond glad that Tigerstar's plan hadn't worked.
Ivypool's fur stood on end, but she forced herself to keep going. She hated this place, with its creepy fungus and its ghostly trees. But this was important. She had to be in the Dark Forest, as much as she hated its existence. Carefully, Ivypool moved through the trees. The familiar path formed under her paws, and Ivypool treaded along the side of it, hoping that she wouldn't be found. Maybe there was no one to find her? No, she knew that that wasn't true. If the Dark Forest was still here, there had to be at least a few residents. She could already guess two of them, and where they were, no doubt there were the others.
Ivypool approached the training clearing, and she peered through the thin layer of bushes. There seemed to be no sign of life, and she let out a small sigh of relief. No one was here. No one was training. Cautiously, she crept out into the clearing, her claws unsheathed. Her sapphire eyes glanced up at the giant tree, which they all used to climb. It was actually a very good training exercise, as much as she had hated the fights they all got into. A spark of daring flashed in Ivypool's heart, and she lunged for the tree, digging her claws into the bark and beginning to climb. Memories piled back at her, and Ivypool hated herself for once loving this training. She had always thought that she was doing good for her Clan.
No, that wasn't true. There had certainly come a point. Ivypool had recognized it, the truth. She had known, really, that they were being used. But the training was still fun, and it was still a great opportunity. Eventually, coming to the Dark Forest became about herself. It gave her a little bit of comfort to know that she had never really been fighting for Tigerstar. She had been looking out for herself, and eventually, for her kits and Bumblestripe. Never had she wanted to destroy the Clans, like some of the other cats.
As Ivypool leaped out of the tree, she rolled, taking in the impact. She stumbled when she stood up – clearly, she hadn't used that move in ages. She hadn't jumped out of a tree in at least six moons.
"I knew you'd come back eventually." Ivypool didn't jump or whirl around. She wasn't at all surprised, and she turned slowly, dread in her heart. Hawkfrost sat at the head of the path into the forest, watching her. "You're out of practice."
"I don't need any help, thanks," Ivypool snapped. "I'm here to check up on a few things." Hawkfrost smiled, and Ivypool let herself smile back. She didn't really mean it, of course. This was the cat she hated more than anything else in the world. "I already have one of my answers."
"Oh, Ivypool," sighed Hawkfrost, shaking his head. "I'm glad to see you. But you don't look glad to see me."
"I can't say I am," Ivypool admitted. "I thought I had killed you."
"Don't be silly, Ivypool," barked Hawkfrost, amused. "This is the Place of No Stars. We are eternal here." Ivypool stared at him, all of her fears confirmed. "Unlike the purity of your dear StarClan." He sneered. "Or the goodness in ThunderClan."
"What do you know about purity or goodness?" spat Ivypool, furious. "You know nothing." Hawkfrost tilted his head to the side, laughing.
"I know more than you think, silly little warrior," Hawkfrost explained. He paced forward, and Ivypool was frozen in his eyes. He had always captivated her – she had thought, for a long time, that he knew all that there was to know. Of course, she had been wrong. "StarClan is splitting in half. Something has taken their sweet little minds. Do you know what that thing is?" Ivypool didn't answer, only steadily meeting his eyes. His words put her on edge. "It's fear, Ivypool. Fear."
She took a step back, pulling away from his hypnotic stare.
"Your words are poison," she hissed. "I would never trust anything you say."
"Suit yourself," chortled Hawkfrost. "I am only trying to warn you of what's coming, Ivypool."
"And what's that?" snapped Ivypool. She almost didn't want to know. Hawkfrost was too confident. He seemed stronger than she had ever seen him. Maybe he was telling the truth about something being wrong with StarClan. Hawkfrost bared his teeth in a terrible grin, making Ivypool recoil backwards. She wasn't afraid, but she was nervous about his warning.
"Mountainpaw's training is just the beginning," announced Hawkfrost. "The Great Five have so much power, and so much darkness within them. They will kill many…and they will help my father to rise." His blue eyes sparked. "Death and destruction will follow them wherever they go. There is no hope for you, Ivypool. No hope at all for your little Clans. StarClan will fall, and chaos will take over. My father and I will regain our power, and we will have the forest. Just like we planned all along."
"You're lying," Ivypool whispered, but she trembled. His words were terrible, but there was no bluff in Hawkfrost's eyes. He believed every word he said. Hawkfrost tilted an eyebrow.
"Am I?" he asked. "After all, Ivypool…Great is greater than good. What does that say about your righteous quintet?" He laughed quietly, and Ivypool stepped backwards. She had to get out of this dreadful place, so she could at least think. He had to be lying. There was no way Mountainpaw and the others would help to make Tigerstar, and undoubtedly, the other Dark Forest cats, strong again. They were just apprentices, and all of them had pure hearts. Right?
She turned and fled down the path, hoping to find her way out of this entangling forest. Hawkfrost's laughter followed her, and Ivypool started to think again. She had all the answers she needed. Hawkfrost and Tigerstar, at least, existed, but Tigerstar was in poor shape. Ivypool understood that easily – Tigerstar had been killed by Lionblaze. Ivypool had killed Hawkfrost herself, but she had no special powers. They were training Mountainpaw, just as she'd suspected, and he was being tricked into helping Tigerstar. They probably planned on poisoning the Five through Mountainpaw, making them collapse the Clans. But what about StarClan falling apart? That didn't sound right to Ivypool. It was impossible! StarClan was always there for them.
The Five were good. She knew it in her heart, and Ivypool very occasionally let her heart lead her, when she was confident. It had let her in the right direction with Bumblestripe. It had guided her here, and she had learned so much. Mountainpaw was in danger, just as she'd suspected, but he could be saved. He was a good apprentice, and a strong young cat. Under her guidance, perhaps, he could take the darkness out of his life. He wouldn't have to become an agent of the Dark Forest, and he wouldn't have to kill anyone. If the four of them succeeded, the Five would help the Clans, not destroy them. There would be no death.
But wait. Ivypool hesitated as she ran, and despair blossomed in her chest for a moment or two. Willowpaw had already killed Brackenfur in an accident with her powers. What if more accidents like that happened? Birdpaw could easily kill a patient if she lost control – or worse, Jayfeather. Mountainpaw had the potential to kill any opponent he faced, even his father, which was a terrifying power to hold. Skypaw, and Littlepaw, could probably find a way to kill with their powers. Cats would probably get hurt because of them, and Ivypool knew that. Hawkfrost's warning just confirmed her fears. Is this the fear that he said was ripping StarClan apart? It was certainly valid.
"Ivypool!" hissed a voice. Ivypool blinked, and suddenly, the Dark Forest had shifted into StarClan's realm. Briarlight rushed towards her, her green eyes urgent. "What were you doing in there?"
"I had to find answers," Ivypool answered. She shook her head. "Hawkfrost said that the Great Five were going to plunge the forest into chaos. Is that true?"
Briarlight looked pained.
"There are some cats who believe that," she admitted. "They're afraid of what will happen if the Great Five get full control of their powers. They're afraid of what they might do."
"I know them," Ivypool said desperately. "They're just kits. They would never hurt the Clans – not purposefully."
"With all that power, who knows what a cat would do?" meowed Briarlight. She shook her head. "But I think you're right." She hesitated. "I shouldn't be speaking with you."
"Why not?" demanded Ivypool, stepping forward. Briarlight's words scared Ivypool. They suggested that there was a fear-inspired rift inside of StarClan, just like Hawkfrost had said.
"I'm not important," sighed Briarlight. "I'm just a cat who broke her back."
"You're more than that," protested Ivypool. Briarlight laughed, and Ivypool went back to processing everything. If there was a rift in StarClan, and if StarClan was going to try to cut of the Great Five, then shouldn't she do the same? She had to point Mountainpaw, at least, in the right direction. Maybe if she could prove that the apprentices would use their powers for good, StarClan would tell them the truth.
"Briarlight, I'll make them see the good in the Five," Ivypool vowed. She glanced over at her friend, who suddenly staggered. A pained look crossed her eyes, and Ivypool stopped short, frowning. What was going on?
A ghostly glow sparkled in Briarlight's eyes, and she smiled. It was one of Hawkfrost's smiles, and a shiver ran up Ivypool's spine. Hawkfrost didn't have any power here!
"Just remember the prophecy," Briarlight insisted. There was no Hawkfrost there, and Ivypool breathed out, relieved. But Briarlight's strange, demonic grin scared Ivypool. "Remember it, and you'll be alright."
Then, the world went starry, and Ivypool was surrounded by leagues of StarClan's warriors.
"Ivypool of ThunderClan, Fourth of the Four," chanted StarClan. "You are a guide. The stars rest in your paws, young one. Do not fail us."
Ivypool gulped back her intimidation.
"I won't let you down," she promised. And all in unison, they began to chant.
"The stars must shine through the darkness. A friend who seems an enemy will pave the way for the path makers. If they fail, so shall we all. If they fall, so shall the world." The waves of cats repeated it over and over again, each wave walking towards her and vanishing into misty darkness. League after league of them came, and Ivypool became amazed – there were this many StarClan cats? How amazing!
The words and the stars pounded in Ivypool's mind as she woke up, and she shook her head out. Bumblestripe snored softly next to her, and Ivypool pushed away, walking out of the warriors den. A few of her Clan-mates wandered around, just waking up. Dustfur and Brackheart held a quiet conversation; both still grieved for their sister. Runningpaw's death was unfortunate, and Ivypool wished that the newest ThunderClan warriors still had another littermate. But she had other things to think about.
Something stirred in the apprentice's den, and Mountainpaw emerged. Ivypool followed his journey towards the fresh-kill pile: breakfast. As if knowing he was being watched, Mountainpaw's eyes flashed up, and he focused in on Ivypool. A flicker of suspicion flitted over his face, and Ivypool's stomach knotted. He was immersed in darkness now. She had to help him, before it was too late.
Ivypool finally trotted towards Mountainpaw, muttering a casual good morning. Nothing could be taken from the exchange; neither the warrior nor the apprentice looked at each other again. But Ivypool's anger had ignited. She couldn't let Hawkfrost win.
"I'll get you, you stupid dead cat," she muttered, glancing up at the sky. "You'll pay for what you're doing with Mountainpaw."
Hawkfrost's laughter rang in her ears, and Ivypool dug her claws into the ground to escape it all. She had to stop the Five from killing cats. That wasn't their destiny. Their destiny was to repair everything, like Birdpaw had done with the cure for the sickness. That was what they needed to do – not this stupid death and destruction business.
But nothing is as it seems…when great is greater than good.
Trek: They are kind of destructive, now that I think about it. Minor details, right?
Elsi: Exactly. Anyways, I want to throw up the Allegiances and a prologue for Book Three right away. I MAY even through in Chapter 1. That's unlikely. But it MAY happen. MAYbe.
Trek: Which means it won't be up until MAY, will it?
Elsi: Now that's just unfair. Ignoring him, what did you guys think? Much better than the first book, right? I think my writing improved. I know the overall plot did, especially with the Four. Tell me what you thought of it! Especially these last few chapters! I'm glad to have you guys reading and reviewing, and thanks so much! See you all in Book Three!
Trek: Bye, everyone!
Elsi: Shhh, you. I'm the author, I get the final goodbye. BYE, EVERYONE!
Trek: Hmph. Authors.