WARNING: This chapter contains yaoi. So if you don't like it (then there must be something wrong with you, he-he), just skip to the next chapter and it will continue right where it left off. You have been warned! Don't comment if you were too stupid to continue against your own will :)

As soon as they crossed the bridge, something popped into Sheik's head. He yanked back on Link's collar with a flap of his wings. "Whoa there, boy!" Sheik practically yelled. Link made a slight choking sound then looked back at Sheik.

"What is your problem? That hurt." He exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes at the bird.

"Sorry, Link." Sheik said apologetically, although beaming a mischievous grin at the same time. "Something had just occurred to me though, and I wanted to check it out before we got too far away." He nodded his head in the direction of the portal. "Now that you can warp between portals, I thought we could stop by the house for a second and maybe, uh... get some supplies and freshen up." Link was about to argue, knowing full well they couldn't carry any supplies being like this, but wouldn't question Sheik's reasons. After a minute of thinking about it, he nodded, although still not knowing why, and headed back toward the portal.

"I'm not sure how this will work." Link said with a doubtful look. "I thought Midna indicated that you couldn't go with me the last time, that only I could go through the portal with the mask."

"Well you did send the bridge back through the portal, so I don't really see the difference." He gave link a questioning look, the blue eyes revealing that the little wheels were slowly turning in his head. Sheik then realized that he couldn't expect Link to understand how this worked, and continued when he saw no forthcoming response. "How about you just try it and we will see what happens. If anything, you will just end up there by yourself, and you can just come back."

Link looked up at the portal, picturing him and Sheik both rising up to it, and then pictured the portal at the Ordon Spring. He felt the familiar scattering sensation, then waited to be reassembled. When he could see again, everything was rather blurry and he couldn't breathe. Link was laying face down in the water with Sheik on top, straddling his neck. Sheik looked at himself, glad to be back in Hylian form, then noticed the Hero beneath him. He jumped up and grabbed Link's tunic, pulling him to his feet as he sputtered out some water. He knew he could put Link in that position again easily enough.

"Well, you really should change out of those wet clothes and let them dry, Link." That same grin appeared on Sheik's face, and before Link had a chance to react, Sheik was on his knees ripping Link's tights off.

"Hey, what the hell has gotten into you?" He looked down disapprovingly at his partner, then looked around the empty quiet spring. "At least let me undo the belt first." He started to unfasten it seeing where this was going.

"Fine, you do that. I'll get started on this." Before he knew it, Link's shorts were down too and Sheik was kissing the hollow of his hips. By then the belt was gone, along with the tunic. Sheik stood up fast, untied his bodysuit and pulled it down to his waist. Link was always mesmerized by Sheik's beautiful slender form. He was toned and fit with sleek muscles. The only hard lines were at the V, disappearing below his covered waist. Link also noticed something else that was quite hard as well. He was about to make a move for it when the Sheikah pushed him back with a shove. Link tripped on his still booted feet with his shorts around his ankles and splashed back into the water. Sheik gripped his arm so he wouldn't fall so hard.

The water was only a few inches deep, so what ever Sheik required was not covered in any way. Link leaned down and untied his boot, only having time to do so because Sheik was slowly slipping down his bodysuit. Link was barely able to focus on the boots, and barely got them off with the rest of his undergarments. Link laid there naked, the shallow water slowly lapping against his tanned skin. He was propped up on his elbows awaiting the Sheikah's next move. Sheik now stood there, looking down at Link with lust. Link was as hard as Sheik now and that was all the sign he was waiting for.

Sheik came down fast, covering the Hero's body with his own. Their lips met in a hard crush, but still so soft to the touch. Link quivered at the feel of the Sheikah's lips, so warm and supple. Their hips ground together as they could barely contain the feel of each others heat. Sheik slowly trailed his tongue along Link mouth until Link opened it, inviting him in. They caressed their tongues together, exploring the warmth of each others mouths. Back and forth gently, no dominance apparent yet. Then Link drew in Sheiks tongue with a sharp inhale and they wrestled each other for dominance. Link's grin could be felt against Sheiks lips as he proved who was the stronger, but Sheik would just have to prove to him who was the better.

Sheik slid his hands down Link firm body, feeling each chiseled muscle as he passed over it. His kisses slowed as he made his made down Link's jawline to the crook of his neck. He hesitated there for a moment, hearing the quiet moan from the Hero as he gently kissed his neck. He licked softly along the neck and the base of the ear, drawing only more sharp breaths from the Hero. He slid his lips down tenderly caressing the smooth skin. He nipped a little on the shoulder, teasing him, then a little harder. The bite caused the Hero to arch his back with pleasure, letting out a gasp this time followed by a murmur of praise. Sheik knew what he liked, and this would certainly drive him mad. He lingered there for a moment before making his way down further. Link ran his strong hands through his partners blond hair, encouraging him.

Sheik made his way down the tanned chest until he came to a nipple. He licked it gently with his tongue, circling around a little until he heard the appropriate reaction from his partner. He then bit down a little with his teeth, eliciting a more pleased sound. He licked a little more before continuing on, after all, Sheik was after something else in particular. He did not have to go far, although he took his time tracing a trail down the center of Link's rippled abs. He eventually came to his destination. He could feel the heat emanating from Link's hardened cock.

He kissed around the base, licking here and there. Then, with an even pressure, he moved the flat of his tongue up to the head. This certainly had the anticipated reaction, for Link writhed around little, arching his back again, his cock pressing back hard as it throbbed into his tongue. He passed his tongue over the head, lapping at it gently, small whimpers ensuing. Then he took it into his mouth and slowly slid down to the base. He actually quite enjoyed pleasing Link, and who wouldn't, what with all the little noises he made.

He continued to stroke up and down, with his lips firmly wrapped around his partner. Link was pretty easy though so he didn't want to try too hard. But he would slow down and speed up to the confirmations of the noises, Link bucking his hips up when he was getting close.

Sheik stopped, slowly withdrawing his mouth, looking up at Link, a slight glimmer behind his lustful crimson eyes. Link looked up at Sheik with glazed eyes, recognizing that knowing look. His blue eyes glanced around, not sure about doing that right here in the spring. Yes, we could just go back to the house since it is right there, but where would be the fun in that? Sheik's eyes responded to Link's unsaid thought. Usually Link was the more adventurous one, but today, Sheik would see if he could push the Hero's limits. Maybe he had been feeling held back and under-appreciated in his bird form or, perhaps, he may have been turned on by Link's new-found grace and agility but, most likely, the collar had a lot to do with it. It stood out against Link's skin tone, being the only thing that wasn't ripped off. The gate was closed, and no one would come in since Epona wasn't here? Oh right, I forgot about... damn Link is hot right now. His body glistened a little, the sweat starting to bead as it cascaded down his chest. Perhaps the forgotten rays of the sun shining on his golden skin made his beautiful features stand out that much more.

Sheik pressed up against him, feeling the heat from their bodies. He just couldn't seem to get any closer. He needed more contact, more of Link. He kissed Link hard, reaching behind him to draw him up. Their bodies separated slightly as they both stood, the warm air feeling suddenly cooler without the other pressed against them. Sheik backed Link up to the little patch of grass on the shore next to the gate, just out of view. He laid Link back on the grass, planting more kisses up his neck. He gently brought Link's knee up to his chest, straddling his other. He drew himself up Link's leg, his hardness caressing his soft inner thigh. The moisture and sweat making it slide easily toward it destination.

Link arched slightly, letting out a gasp as he felt the pressure trying to move in. He relaxed a little with his partner's heated kisses, the tension lessening a little with each panting breath. Sheik's intense arousal provided a smooth entrance, the precum being particularly slippery. He could feel the warmth entering, wanting to go in further. He pushed down on him, inviting him further. His partner was gentle, but the lust was building. Both of their chests rising and falling together, the slickness between them fueling the need for friction.

Sheik pushed his hips forward, deep and slow. The Hero's eyes fluttered slightly, then his head sank back into the grass, an unmistakable sensation rising within him as he bit his lower lip to suppress the contented moan. As Sheik started to move faster, the murmurs became louder, the building friction intensifying with each thrust. Sheik brought Link's other leg up to his chest, pressing in for a better angle. There was no doubt when he hit the spot, Link's back arching high off the ground. Link's toes curled as Sheik continued to pound the spot.

Link's hand inevitably made its way to his cock, the need to jack-off being unbearable. Sheik slowed a little, not quite done, and certainly wanting to make it last. He didn't want to push Link over the edge, because he wanted the better orgasm for himself. When he thought Link couldn't hold out any longer, he slowly withdrew himself, grabbing Link's hand to stop him before it was too late. The surprised look of disappointment quickly changed to that of hunger as he knew what Sheik wanted.

Sheik laid Link's legs flat on the grass. His body swayed seductively as he brought himself over the Hero. He knelt down, straddling Link's hips. He teasingly caressed Link's firmness with his buttocks, rubbing it slowly between them. The sweet fluid seeping from Link's cock provided ample lubricant. Sheik sat up slightly until he was in position, then slowly lowered himself down when it was in just the right spot. Link reacted to the enveloping sensation, uncontrollably bucking his hips. This elicited a small yelp from his partner, his eyes squeezing shut until the sting faded. He slowly moved up and down, until Link could see that he was ready. Then Link started to thrust, increasing the speed and pressure.

Sheik looked down at Link, his hair slightly cascading over his face. Their eyes locked as they felt the tingle rising up from below. The electricity jolted through them as they were wracked with pleasure. Sheik was tugging at his throbbing cock in anticipation of the imminent moment. Link started to shudder, trying to hold it back. This caused Sheik to go over, the most intense of orgasms. His cum shot across Link's chest, the white fluid contrasting against Link's tanned skin. This was already too much for Link, the squeezing of Sheik's orgasm forcing Link's own. Sheik could feel the pulsing throb as the warm fluid filled him. They both panted in heat, Sheik's nails digging into Link's side. He slowly withdrew the warmth as he leaned down to his lover, kissing him deeply. He lay down next to him, his arm draped across his chest and legs intertwining. The sun was warm and the grass soft. The slight breeze whispered through the trees, taking all cares with it. It was just the two of them, the peace, and the quiet.

They laid there for some time, until the world seeped back in. They would eventually stop by their house, not really needing anything, but just to freshen up. With the portal so close, they would soon be on their way again, and could easily come back... whenever the need should arise.