The Safe Place - The Final Chapter

Here In Your Arms

Aelita opened her eyes as the world finished being engulfed by the strange blinding white light that followed every return to the past sequence. Her irises focused, and their pupils dilated to normal size. She heard the sound of the trees before she saw them. Bright colored leaves littered the floor and few hung by threads on the dying trees. A breeze wrapped itself welcomingly around her like a friend giving a warm embrace. She grinned. Then something pale passed in front of her field of vision. 'Odd,' she thought.

"Aelita? What's up with you, you've been acting strange lately," a condescending tone- a knowing, smug tone met her ears. The glimmer in her eyes died down a little. Business had to be taken care of first.

"Jeremie," she turned to look at him, sitting on the stone bench by himself. He had an amused look on his face but his posture said he was bored. Tired even, of talking? No, of playing.

"Look if it's because of the dance, I brought you out here to ask you-"

"No, Jeremie. That isn't it." The wicked smile from the Aelita on Lyoko surfaced a final time. Her usually emerald eyes darkened. "I've really let you control me." Jeremie stayed silent. "I just made it so easy for you. Listen, I'm not going to waste my breath on you. I know what's been going on behind my back, and I know you already asked Alora to the dance. I know what you've been planning and hiding. I may be blind at times, but I'm not stupid." Jeremie stood and reached out to grasp her arm.

"Where would you-" She yanked her arm away.

"Still you try to deny it?" She bit out, teeth clenched. "It's not there anymore Jeremie! It's not oh- fucking- kay anymore!" Jeremie flinched. "You stopped loving me a long-," her voice broke and she bit back tears," a long time ago." Her eyes glimmered but she didn't let one tear fall. The anger and frustration was made clear. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain. "Well, I hope you understand, I'm not who I used to be. I'm not that same weak little princess you used to know. Jeremie, there are so many other guys out there that would appreciate me. Appreciate a girl like me. Guys who won't put me down and tell me I don't amount to anything." Jeremie stayed silent for a moment and it seemed he had nothing to say. At this Aelita was truly surprised. No last word on the subject, no pleading for a second chance, nothing. Aelita sighed. He still wouldn't fight for her. She turned to leave but lingered. She wasn't done, the conversation seemed far from over.

"Like who, Aelita? Tell me." And with that one sentence, the woods around them seemed to get colder and larger. "Who would give up their life for you like I have? No one. You think those people care about you?" He chuckled, that same dark chuckle that gave away his true intentions. "Go on, leave then. If you think you can find someone better, go ahead. Actually, I should be thanking you. I no longer have to burden myself with thoughts of you." His lips curled up into a smile.

"As far as you're concerned, I am no longer your worry." Aelita's tone was sharp and spiteful. "The thing is you can't hurt me anymore. You say what you mean and let the truth spill. I'll let your own words haunt you. You want me to leave, fine. Deal. Just remember what you said and how you said it... You caused me so much pain, but for some reason, I don't hate you. I feel sorry for you." His face dropped. His eyebrows knit together.

"Sorry, for me? I should feel sorry for you."

Aelita shook her head. She turned on her heels, having spoke her peace, and walked away. She held her head high and proud. When she was sure she was out of his sight, she broke out into a full sprint.

Jeremie stood silently. And just as Aelita had realized, he realized for the first time. He was all alone.

XxXxXxXCode LyokoXxXxXxX

Aelita panted heavily in the entrance of the school. Her friends would most likely be in the cafeteria but she still had loose ends. She gazed at the glass doors for a minute and could actually picture herself running out of them. How must she have looked? She put her hand on the door handle and pushed gently. There was no longer a sense of urgency to get through them like she would have felt later that night. Goosebumps prickled her skin.

There was the ever present sense of fear ticking quietly in the back of her mind. (Tick, Tick, TICK, TICK!) She supposed it was a traumatizing event. One that would surely haunt her. But she wouldn't know until later, long after being pronounced Mrs. Della Robbia. When she would lay in her shared bed with her husband, she would rarely slip into that nightmare. On those nights, he would kiss her fingertips to soothe her and pull her body into his own. But it was a rare occurence. Aelita wasn't one to linger in the past too long.

She pulled on the ends of her hair softly as she often did when she was in thought. It was longer now. It made her think of the new Aelita. The one who didn't dwell on the past, and let people control her. She smiled at the thought.

The hallways were filled with students and the usual din of gossip between them. Aelita waved to people she knew who were obviously shocked by the action. She hadn't interacted with her other friends since she and Jeremie had started dating. The gossip line instantly replenished. 'Let them talk,' she thought,'talk is cheap.' And with a nod of her head she continued down the hall.

Aelita raised her knuckles to the dopr in front of her and rapped lightly. She stood back and listened to the movement behind it. The door opened just a crack and an eye peered out. The eyebrow above it raised in obvious surprise. The door opened wider.

"Aelita? What are you doing here?" Sissi's high pitched voice asked. She stepped out into the hallway with her. Aelita moved forward and hugged the other girl tightly.

"Thank you," was all she said. Sissi blushed.

"Don't mention it." Aelita pulled away. Sissi stared at Aelita for a moment then said,"What are friends for?" Aelita smiled lightheartedly. She was ready to leave but Sissi caught her by surprise in a sisterly embrace. "You deserve so much better," she whispered and let go. Aelita stood in the hallway long after Sissi had entered her room staring dazedly at where the other girl had been. A small lump caught in her throat.

"Thanks," she whispered to no one.

XxXxXxX The Safe Place XxXxXxX

Aelita ran up the stairs happily, taking the steps two at a time. Her heart was overflowing with emotions. She passed the infirmary without a second glance. Sub conciously she assured herself that night and the few after never happened. If she were to walk back and open the door to the infirmary the glass medicine cabinets would not be shattered, her blood would not be on the floor, and the chart with the list of injuries a mile long would not be there. Only a smiling Nurse Yolanda.

When she came to the door, her heart beat faster than when she was running up the stairs. She could hear it in her ears but not the dangerous way like before. This time she wasn't hyperventilating.

She placed her fingers on the knob and pushed it gently. The door swung open slowly. Odd stared up at her from his position on the bed and her heart fluttered. He sat up.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for-" Aelita took one long stride and dropped to her knees in front of him. "Aelita?" he chuckled. She pulled his hands from his side and placed them on her face. A small blush spread over his cheeks. "Umm..." His face looked disbelieving. As if someone were about to tell him this was all a joke. Aelita stood up long enough to push him back and then laid on top of him. Her hair fell around his face and shadowed her own. She stradled him easy enough in their position and moved his hands from her face to her hips. Odd looked at her questioningly but waited for her to speak.

Aelita relished the silence a bit longer. She stared into Odd's eyes before finally speaking. "Why didn't you tell me I was the one who hurt you and the others?" A small flash of hurt glimmered in her eyes.

"Because, it wasn't you. That's why Ulrich and Yumi saw a Scyphozoa. I saw the dark Aelita."

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. Odd wiped a few tears that had fallen, suddenly, from her face. She laughed. "I've finally figured it out." Aelita leaned down and worried Odd's lips. They kept their eyes open until she couldn't tease any longer and kissed him passionately. Odd's hands slipped under her shirt and pulled it over. They stopped kissing. She sat straight up on him. He admired the pink and white laced bra. Normally, Aelita was very sure thinking back on it, she would have felt very self concious. Odd's gaze just made her feel perfect.

He ran his hands up the sides of her body. He placed his hand over her smooth tummy. Aelita thought it felt like that one song. A teenage dream for sure. No regrets. He sat up with Aelita straddling him all the while and kissed her softly, innocently. He moved down her neck and kissed the spot between her breasts. Aelita ran her hands through his hair. He grabbed his purple half hoodie from the edge of the bed and pulled it over her.

"Wanna' play in the rain?" He asked softly, smiling. Aelita looked out the window and sure enough, it was pouring out.

"I'll race you." She jumped up and took off. Odd followed close behind. These were the moments she wanted to live for. Not the lust, but the romance, the little touches that meant everything. She pushed the door open and ran out into the rain. Within a few seconds she was drenched. Her hair clung to her face like her clothes clung to her body. Odd watched in the doorway as she closed her eyes and raised her head to the sky. He was startled when she suddenly yelled out furiously. The thunder echoed her cry. Odd walked to her. Aelita looked at him.

"Hi," she whispered.

"I love you Aelita."

In that moment, Aelita had a revelation. Her Safe Place was not the school with its tall, proud black gates, it was not the gym that she had wished to reach so badly that fateful night, nor was it the infirmary. It wasn't Lyoko, or even the towers. The Safe Place, her Safe Place, was here. Right here, in Odd's arms.

He held her in the rain and gave her a chaste kiss. She tasted of cherries, he tasted sweet. In that very moment, Aelita felt the safest she had ever been.

"I love you, too, Odd."


A/N: It is finally over. I'm actually very sad. This is the very first story I published on here and I never thought I would finish it. I am very happy with the way it turned out and I'm also very happy I had so many kind reviews and fans following this. We made it. Thanks to everyone who supported The Safe Place and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is my absolute favorite chapter. Thanks again!

Much Love,


Disclaimer: I do not own Code Lyoko, just The Safe Place. 3