Been playing kingdom hearts for 10 hours straight and this story suddenly popped into my head. Orginization XIII is a major pain in the ass. Seriously.=w=

Her fist collided into her sensei's gut so hard that he went flying into another student. Both he and the student groaned in pain. "Well done Ashlee, I'd have to say that you almost surpass my fighting abilities." Ashlee wiped the sweat beads off her forehead, her black belt swinging back and forth as she got into another fighting stance. "Thank you sensei, now shall we continue more?" She said. "No, lets continue next week. I've got other classes as well you know." Ashlee nodded and bowed before her teacher. She headed into the womens locker room and changed into her more comfortable clothes; an old white tank top, a black sweatshirt, grey shorts that went right above her knee, and some nice comfortable black boots.

The walk back home through the streets of London was chilly, people hung out in the alleyways, making her skin crawl as they looked at her pass by with her duffel bag. A moment later, a leg stuck out in front of her, it swept her feet from under her and she landed on the pavement with a thud. Her elbows got scraped and her knee felt sore. "Whoops, my bad." Said the punk that tripped her. His smile was yellow and gross. "Your teeth are disgusting, two words: mouth wash." Ashlee said, pinching her nose.

"Oh really girlie? That's pretty childish of you. Why don't we clean up that act of yours?" It was true, she was pretty immature for a fourteen year old. The gross mouth dude reached out for her. She kneed him hard in the balls and sprinted he rest of the way home.

London has gotten much more rough after the years, especially in the neighborhood she lived in. Her, Nana three, her mother, grandmum, and father lived there. Their entire block was being planned to be flattened and made into a new factory. People said it would be good, but she highly doubted it. It was said the factory was going to produce tobacco.

As Ashlee made it to her house, she could hear yelling inside. "-look Jane, I'm just trying to do what's best for our child here!" Her father yelled. "The councilor will be here tommorrow and he will decide to whom she is the most best suited with." Ashlee opened the front door. They were in the kitchen. "By sending her to that mean sister of yours? No! Our daughter is going to stay with me whether you like it or not." As they argued more, Ashlee opened the kitchen door a crack. Smack. A slapping noise could be heard all over the household.

"This is why I should have never married you... you..." Her mother said, tears coming out fast. "What? What am I to you?" Her father yelled back. A bright red mark was planted onto her father's cheek. Before Jane could speak, Ashlee ran upstairs, tears coming out of her eyes as well.

Later that night

Ashlee cried into her pillow. The bedroom she stayed in used to be a nursery, or so her Grandmum says. Her eyes were red and puffy. The door opened and the grandmum walked inside. She sat on a chair next to the bed and stroked her back. "It's all right dear, just let it out." Her grandmum cooed. When she was finally finished crying, she climbed into her bed, not caring if she wasn't in her pajamas. "Can you tell me another one of those Neverland stories like you did when I was little?" Ashlee asked, still sniffling.

Her grandmum nodded and begun to ponder. "You still remember them?" Ashlee nodded. "Now which one would you like to hear?" "About the Pirates." Her grandmum smiled, her granddaughter loved tales of action and adventure like she did when she was Ashlee's age.

Hours passed, she told stories about Peter pan and the lost boys, their adventures and the time they had together. "The crocodile swallowed the clock and the constant ticking sounds still haunt the captian to this very day." Ashlee was almost asleep before she asked, "Grandmum, is Neverland real?" She answered, "Yes, very real indeed." "Do you think I'll ever get to go like you and mother?" Her grandmum smiled, her wrinkles stretched out. "Positive. Now why don't you go to bed now? You have a big day tommorrow." Ashlee looked away for a bit.

"Do you think mother and father will ever stop fighting?" Her big brown eyes felt watery again, but she tried to hold it in. "They will, once they come to an agreement on something." Slowly, she stood and made for the door. "Good night Ashlee, I love you." Seeing her head turned and breathing evenly finally, her grandmum shut the door to the nursery, trying not to cry as well. I wish that I could find somewhere that you will be safe...

"What I wouldn't give to get away from all of this..." The child said in her room. Suddenly, the window banged open and wind blew inside, making the room very chilly. She grumbled to herself, brown locks of hair blown everywhere as she struggled to close the window. Finally shutting, she layed back down on her bed and closed her eyes, imagining being in Neverland, flying carefree and not having to worry about anything. Her blue orbs opened, seeing a redhead boy about her age by the looks of it, leaning down reeeeally close to her face. His eyes piercing through hers. Looking doen at her feet, she could see him floating. He wore some sort of green hat with a small red feather and a green elf like costume, his ears were pointy too.

Her eyes got really wide for a second then she sat up without warning. "Whooaaa!" The boy stumbled out of the way so their heads didn't collide. For a second, both were speechless. Then Ashlee put two and two together. Flying, redhead, pointy ears and elf costume. "Peter... Pan?" "Yep! Don't tell me you forgot this handsome guy." He said with a grin. "So how ya been Jane? Still as adulty as ever or..." Then he got a good look at her. Hair was longer than the usual short style Jane kept it, this girls bangs were more wild and this girl had a stronger and more outgoing posture than Jane's more 'proper' one.

"Jane? I'm not Jane, she's my mother." The word 'mother' hit Peter harder than a cannon ball. He couldn't believe it, Jane grew up, just like she wanted to. Peter sighed. Wait, then if Jane is an adult, what happened to Wendy? As if on cue, an old woman stepped into the room. "I thought I heard someone else in here. I've missed you Peter." Wendy said. Peter's eyes widened, then he floated over to Wendy. "'ve...I mean..." "Gotten old? Yes. You have been gone for a long time Peter."

"And what about Jane?" Wendy sighed and looked at Ashlee behind Peter. She had a confused look on her face. "Peter, I want you to do something for me." Wendy said, emotional stress easily seen on her face. Peter couldn't say no to her. "Anything, just name it. We are friends still right?" Wendy nodded sadly and spoke in a soft tone so Ashlee couldn't hear her. "I want you to take my granddaughter out of here and take her to Neverland like you did with me."

Peter looked at Ashlee again. "Alright, I can do that. Anything else?" Wendy nodded. "Just... make sure she's safe, she is strong but sometimes she needs some guidence." Wendy hugged Peter, he could still smell how she was when she was younger. "Thank you Peter." Then Wendy walked over to Ashlee and told her everything. Peter watched the growing smile on her face. She looks a lot like Jane and Wendy, same solor hair, eyes, skin, beaut-. Peter mentally slapped himself. Don't think like that! She's probably going to leave Neverland once she gets homesick or something.

"Have a safe trip you two." Wendy said. She kissed Ashlee on the forehead. "We all love you Ashlee, and we will all miss you." The aged woman had tears flowing down her cheeks. After she left the room, Peter took Ashlee's hand. "Well now that that's settled, lets get going to Neverland!" He pulled out a small satchel. "Oh, I almost forgot, what's your name?" "Ashlee." "cool name." "Really?" She pulled on her boots. "Mhmm." He dumped the contents of the satchel into his hands.

"To get to Neverland you need to fly. So to make that happen is just a bit of faith, trust, and-." "Pixie dust." She said smiling. Remembering what her mother had once told her. He threw it onto Ashlee. She felt her feet start to rise. "Think positive thoughts." She thought of her and grandmum and nana 3 out on a picnic. Peter held out his hand to her. "Want to see Neverland?" Ashlee nodded and took his hand. He noticed how small and soft her hand was. Then he pulled her out the window and they rose. They passed big ben, Ashlee marveled at how high they were. Peter pointed at the two shiniest stars in the night sky.

"See those stars Ashlee? We fly to-" Ashlee finished his sentence. "The second star to the right and straight on til morning." Peter grinned at her. "Let's go then if you know the way!" They flew higher and higher, hands still clasped together, Ashlee was marveling at the beauty of London in the night up so high. Then she felt something jer her arm and they flew really fast, colors and lights flashed all around them. Then the lights settled and far off, they could see it; Neverland. From the indians camp to skull rock, she could see it all.

"Do you like it?" Peter asked, his smile showed gleaming white teeth as she looked at the island. "It's amazing." Was all she could say. Obviously happy he could bring her this much joy, he said "Would you like a special tour then?" Ashlee nodded with excitement. "Where to first then?" She asked. "Hmm... how about... Mermaid lagoon?" Peter asked. "Sure sounds great!" She said, obviously excited to be meeting a mermaid.

At the lagoon

Both of them stood on the shores of the lagoon. The mermaids sat on their favorite rock sunbathing. "Hello ladies! Your flying hero is here!" Peter shouted to them. The mermaids saw Peter and swam towards him, obviously adoring him. Maybe this is where he gets the cockiness from... "Peter, exactly who is she?" One said. "Oh this? This here is Ashlee. She's a friend of mine so I expect you guys to be nice to her."

"Would she like to go for a swim?" One of the mermaids reached for her ankles. Ashlee stepped back a bit, somehow remembering what her mother and Grandmum had told her about them.


"The mermaids love Peter very much, so much that they will even try to pull down any female company into the lagoon to drown or harm them in someway. Do not let them take you under."


"Oh, NOW I remember." Ashlee said, avoiding another hand try to pull her in. "Well why not? It's fun to swim." Without warning, Peter pushed her in. The mermaids grabbed a hold of her ankles and started to drag her down. Peter laughed at her struggle with the mermaids. Ashlee was about waist deep now. "PETER! GET ME OUT NOW!" Ashlee cried out furiously. She kicked away one of the mermaids and stumbled on a fin, causing her to fall into the water.

"But why? You and the mermaids seem to be having fun." Peter said smiling. This guy is SERIOUSLY dense. She thought before she stumbled out her last sentence before being dragged down. "BECAUSE I CAN'T SWIM!" Peter's eyes opened wide and he shot down into the water, seeing her unconcious form being dragged down by the mermaids. Don't they know she can't swim? Peter snatched her away from the mermaids grasp and flew out of the water. He felt one of them tug on his ankles. "But Peter! We were just getting to the 'fun' part!" She whined. He didn't like the way she said fun.

He flew right to his and the lost boys' hideout. He threw her onto his bed, not caring that it got soaked from both her and him. He floated above her pale form and inspected her from top to bottom.

She wasn't breathing. Peter wondered if she still thought she was underwater. Then her skin started to turn blue. He panicked. He held her by the shoulders and shook her up. "WAKE UP! QUIT TRYING NOT TO BREATHE, WE AREN'T UNDERWATER YOU KNOW!" He threw her back on the bed, she still wasn't breathing. Taking drastic measures to make her breathe again, he put his hands on her chst and pushed air out. The indians showed him this after a man choked on some meat. Its... soft... like a pillow. Mental images of him laying on her chest started appearing in his mind. His face grew warm. With low resistance, he squeezed one of the globes of flesh on her chest.

All of a sudden, she coughed. Water that caught inside her sprayed out of her mouth as she coughed. She breathed deeply for a few seconds. "What...the...hell...Peter..." She panted. She saw his hands on her chest and hit him dead on with a pillow. He got angry. She shouldn't push something that was her fault onto him.

"Why did you hold your breath even though we were out of the water!" Peter shouted. "I wasn't holding my breath you moron! I couldn't hold my breath so I breathed in water. Those mermaids were trying to kill me!" Ashlee pointed out. Peter shook hid head. "They wouldn't ever do that!" He said, trying to defend the fish women. "To you maybe. But they tried to do it to me, my mother, even my Grandmum." "They did not try to kill any of you! They just wanted to play." "Then tell me this, oh 'defender of the mermaids'" She said mockingly as she sat up more straight on the bed, looking him right in the eye. This move kind of surprised him. No friend of his has ever looked at him so bravely before.

"Did one of them want me to go back in the water even though I couldn't move?" He thought back to when the mermaid grabbed his ankle. "Uhm... no." He said, her not believing it. Rumbling could be heard from outside the hangout. One by one, little boys dressed as animals popped out of passegeways and secret doors. "Looks like the boys are back."