Bella grabbed her jacket and her keys from inside then locked and shut the front door. Turning to walk off the porch, in a flash he was out of the red sports car wearing black slacks, red silk button down shirt and a black tie. He was on the porch so quickly, large hands grabbed pulling her against him then kissed her softly "You look so hot! I might not be able to keep my hands off of you tonight, especially with those curls in your hair. Wow!" licking his lips dipping down for another soft wet kiss. He pulled back, "I have something for you." Bella smiled. Both standing under the Christmas lights of the porch he got down on one knee pulling out a little black box, opening it in one swift move, looking up at her "I love you. Will you marry me Bella Swan?"

She gasped at the huge diamond princess cut ring "Emmett! Oh my God! I love you! Yes!" tears began trickling down her cheek, her arms reached down wrapping around his neck before he could stand. He picked her arm turning in a circle then kissed her rougher, her tongue danced with his until he leaned back wiping her tears with his finger "you need to put this one then." taking her hand in his, sliding the ring on her slim finger. Perfect fit. "Emmett, it is beautiful! More than words can describe." He smiled pulling her to him, holding her tightly "now we have to go tell the family. I didn't tell them what I was doing. So it will be a surprise for everyone." Bella giggled. Emmett walked her to the car and opened the door for her before he got in and they drove away.

At the Cullen House: Emmett and Bella walked in the house together. Bella looked around at the sight, the whole house was decorated like Christmas. The Cullens were standing by a huge 12ft Christmas Tree decorated in red and gold ornaments with red and gold ribbons running throughout the branches in the middle of the living room "now that is the prettiest tree Ihave ever seen."

"Thank you! Us ladies worked really hard on it" Emse said walking over giving Bella a hug, her eyes caught the sparkle of something on her hand "what is that?" Emmett chuckled watching Esme's hands take Bella's left hand "You guys..."

"Are getting married!" Bella said sweetly. Esme hugged her tight "congrats! I'm so proud of you two!" Carlisle sped to them hugging Bella then Emmett "Congrats! You guys!"

"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Alice jumped up and down! "Emmett, you didn't tell me you were proposing! I didn't get to help pick out a ring." running over to look at the ring on Bella's hand "you did a good job. That is beautiful!" Emmett laughed, "I do have good taste! It was suppose to be a surprise!" Edward, Rosalie and Jasper made their way to check out the ring and hug them, saying congrats too. Everyone was shocked and very happy for them.

Carlisle called everyone to attention. "I have gotten something really special I need to say." Rosalie giggled knowing what was coming. "As you know, every member of the family gets that special vehicle to drive." He smiled at Bella holding keys in his hand "since you are always so easy to buy for, Rosalie picked out a new vehicle for you. She said you mentioned something about wanting a really big dog like a English Mastiff, so hopefully what she got you something big enough to carry that monster dog in." Bella's eyes widened "what do you mean?"

Rosalie grabbed the keys from Carlisle "it's out back!"

"what? You didn't? You guys have one so much for me. This is way too much." Bella followed Rosalie.

Alice giggled as everyone followed Rosalie and Bella out the back kitchen door to the back yard. They just loved buying things for other people. Especially when that person was really sweet and never took advantage of anyone. Bella always thought of others before herself. The Cullens couldn't wait to spoil her rotten, just like Rosalie and Alice already were.

Carlisle came up behind Bella quickly, hands over her eyes pushing her to walk on. Her hands latched on top of his.

Rosalie laughed "no peeking dear Bella."

Emmett chuckled now at her side walking "you'll love it but not sure which you will like better."

"huh?" Bella said still blinded by Carlisle's hands hearing Emmett right beside her.

Esme giggled "Dear Bella, don't worry."

Jasper grabbed Drake, the white English Mastiff puppy, from the back bed room and hurried him out the back door quietly hoping the huge monster puppy wouldn't bark yet. Jasper whispered to the dog petting him gently until they got to the backyard. Edward was now sitting in the brand new 2011 black Land Rover Range Rover that had a huge Red and Gold Bow on the hood of it.

Carlisle moved his hands, Jasper made the dog bark, Bella turned seeing the huge white puppy and the Land Rover "You Didn't!"

Jasper laughed and Edward moved from the vehicle "I would say your in shock!" Bella just stood there silent. No one had ever went out of there way for her. So much was going through her head. Jasper began walking toward her with the dog, her eyes looking down at her ring, the dog the new suv. She turned to say something to Carlisle, blood rushed to her head and she fainted. Emmett caught her "Carlisle I guess it was too much." Carlisle chuckled, lay her on her couch. I'm sure. After everything she's been through, I guess this could be a little overwhelming, not to mention your surprise proposal." Emmett smiled then carried her inside and layed her on the couch.

Jasper brought Drake inside. Alice and Jasper had fun giving him a really nice bath. Alice put some of her good smelling bathwash on him. Poor Drake smelt like a girl, Jasper thought to himself with a smile. Drake went to Bella and began licking her face until she woke up "huh?" Eyes twitched open seeing the dog, hands went straight to him petting him "hey there boy." Jasper helped pull him off of Bella so Carlisle could sit her up, kneeling in front of her "how you feel?" hands checking her out like a good doctor.

"Okay. I think I was a little overly shocked."

"I'd say." Esme smiled with a chuckle "it feels good to do something for someone else. We got a little overly excited as you can tell."

Bella smiled. Emmett sat down by her, arm wrapping around her waist. Her eyes found his and she smiled. Edward spoke walking up, "I named your dog Drake, Jasper picked him out, Alice bathed him in her girly stuff, Rosalie brushed him and Emmett picked out his bedding and food. So you're set. He is really sweet."

Jasper sat down on the other side of Bella, "and Carlisle and Esme picked out your Land Rover."

Bella giggled "you guys! Thank you all for everything. I'm still in shock" leaning over she hugged Emmett " I love you" then kissed him softly, then hugged Jasper "thank you" who was on the other side of her. Pushing herself from the couch, she hugged each of them, a few tears escaping down her cheek. "I'm really thankful. I mean it. I don't deserve any of this."

Carlisle kissed her forehead "Merry Christmas my daughter."

Bella hugged Carlisle then let go making her way to Emmetter, wrapping her arms around him, holding his tightly, he leaned down whispered "Merry Christmas, MY Bella."