Summary: Bella Swan's twin, Ian returns home from boarding school. Ian is really different and insisted on transferring. Bella couldn't do anything so he went away. The next day, his suicide attempt failed. Ian was sent to a mental hospital and Bella was packed and sent to the boarding school to live her life as Ian because no one should find out about Ian's suicide attempt. See how Bella unravels the secret that made Ian change and commit suicide. Is it just a simple case of bullying? Will the truth shock Bella and leave her not knowing whose side to stand? Read and give the story a chance :D

A/N: I may or may not update very soon. I have been controlling myself, but I posted this anyway… Ugh. Though I do have around 7 more drafted chapters XD

Disclaimer: I don't not not not not not not do own anything… Scratch that. I own nothing.



I braced for the impact as my father's rough and calloused palm connected with my face. I gritted my teeth and remained emotionless, simply refusing to cry or show signs of pain.

"I'm sorry, father." I said in a soft voice, trying to keep the rebellious tone down. I looked at my feet and avoided his eyes. Looking at him would give him another excuse to hit me.

"Dad, please don't! Don't hit Bella! It wasn't her fault!" My twin brother, Ian cried as he tugged on my father's arm. Tears were streaked down his face as his eyes looked apologetically at me.

My father turned to Ian and squatted down to his height. He placed both his hands on Ian's shoulder and spoke in a soft and caring voice. The voice he never used for me.

"Ian, Bella fought with the neighbor's son. Yesterday, she pushed a girl down. What is she going to do tomorrow? Daddy has to teach her a lesson before she commits more heinous crimes. What if she stole tomorrow?" He gave Ian a warm smile and wiped his tears away.

He stood up again, his tall frame towering over mine.

"Go back to your room; I do not want to see your face. No dinner for you tonight." Father addressed me in a cold voice.

I bowed my head and replied, "Yes, father. I shall think about my wrong-doings in my room. I give my promise to never do that again."

With that, I scurried off to my room.

I went to my private bathroom to examine the damage. There was a red and swollen hand print on my face. I touched it tenderly and winced. That's going to take some time to heal.

I was quite used to this. It wasn't exactly my fault though. I pushed that girl because she snatched Ian's ice-cream and made him cry. I fought with the neighbor's son because he was bullying Ian and made him cry. Whoever made Ian cried, I would not let them go.

Ian was my twin brother. He had brown hair and brown eyes just like me. Both of us were of the same height and had the same sickly pale complexion. Unlike me, Ian was weak and a crybaby. I was his protector. I made sure that he got his justice.

My father hated me. It wasn't my fault that I looked exactly like mum. My mother loved Ian and I equally. But she left my father for another man, my father never quite gotten over that and thus he hated me. Just because I was a sore reminder of my mum. Life wasn't fair.

I was interrupted by the soft knock on the door. I smiled. It could only be Ian.

I rushed to the door to see Ian. He glanced sideways furtively and quickly pushed me into my room.

He took a piece of cake wrapped in a napkin out of his pocket and pushed it to me.

"Here. It was my fault that daddy punished you. Why? Why didn't you tell him the truth? It wasn't your fault! It's not fair for you!" Ian burst into tears.

I took the cake from him and laid it on the table gently.

I wiped his tears away with my thumb and sighed softly, "Why is it that you always cry?"

Still teary-eyed, he replied, "Because you never cry. So I'm crying your share too!"

I laughed a little and pulled him in for a hug. Ian was the most precious kin I had. We understood each other more than anyone else.

I let a tear slide down my eye.

"I'll be stronger for both of us then. So you won't have to cry so much. I'll protect you."

A/N: Ahh, just a short snippet of their loving relationship. Next Chapter would be when they are older, see how they have changed ;)

I love this story and I will not give up on it. But, do review to give me some encouragement because my ego has been deflated recently due to an action my teacher did.

Reviewers will get a preview of next chapter :X
