Notes: Based on the 6x07 preview. It appears that Sam attacks Christian who had been fighting with Dean. And the no soul thing? Totally called that. The beat down at the end? Kay, I'm a Sam-girl through and through, but maybe that's just what Sam needed and Dean needed to take out some frustration. It made me think of the beating Lucifer gave Dean.

Summary: Post 06x06. Sam can't feel, so why did he do this?

Take What You Can Get

Dean holds his wounded shoulder and stares at the body of Christian at his feet. A panting and bloody Sam stands over the prone form before turning to Dean. The older Winchester notices Sam's eyes assessing him, if he's injured and how badly. There's a bitter taste in Dean's mouth as he thinks his brother is probably trying to decide if Dean can still hunt, if he's still useful.

He doubts there's any true concern for his well being. Just a calm process to figure out if he's still an asset or a liability.

"Why?" Sam shoots him a confused look.

"He was going to kill you."

"Yea, but he's one of your new buddies, right? Family? And he's been useful on this gig, so why'd you take him out?"

Sam looks taken aback, but that's it. Dean supposes surprise isn't really a feeling so it could be genuine.

Sam looks at him squarely a minute, seems to be deciding something. He finally averts his eyes.

"Just because I can't feel…doesn't mean I don't know what I should feel."

Sam, this half-Sam, saved him even though it wasn't the best, most effective way to continue the hunt. Dean thinks it's not nearly enough, not really.

But it's something.