Percy's point of view. Please review, and thanks again to everyone who has. This is the last chapter for this FF. The continuation of this storyline is Skyborn.

Chapter 16-

Enrique was welcomed back with shock, awe, and relief.

"I saw them kill you, though!" Leo said, giving the guy a bro hug. Nico especially was stupefied.

"But-but..." He struggled to find words, until he finally gave up and welcomed Enrique back.

"I hope you told your camp," Rachel said calmly.

"First people I went to," Enrique answered. "No offense."

"I never got a chance to thank you," Jason said. Enrique nodded. Suddenly, he yawned.

"Is there anywhere I can crash?" He asked. "I'm more tired than you would believe."

Chiron, who was watching all of this nodded.

"There's a guest room upstairs in the Big House."

Enrique nodded.

"Catch you guys later."

…...Third Person narration...

Enrique dreamt of a dark room deep underground. He couldn't see anything.

"Is anyone there?" He called. A voice chuckled, a deep hoarse noise that grated on his soul.

"You know that answer, Enrique," The voice said. Suddenly, the lights went on. He was in the room where the weighing of the heart against the feather was done. He was standing in front of the altar. "Behind you, boy," The voice commanded, and Enrique turned around, slowly. He was facing a serpent, a gigantic serpent head with six red eyes glowing in triumph. It's mouth didn't move when it spoke, but Enrique knew the voice was coming from the snake, the demon snake Apophis.

"Welcome back, Enrique," It said. "Aren't you going to thank me?"


"Don't pretend that you haven't already guessed. I brought you back. We are one now, Enrique. Ever since you took my power, my essence, and unified it with yours. And what a smart move that was. Otherwise you'd never have been able to come back and serve Gaia."

"I will never serve the Earth Mother." Enrique retorted. Apophis chuckled.

"Never comes sooner than you might think," It said. "Take a look at the back of your hands."

Despite himself, Enrique did as he was told. There was a black circle etched into his skin on both hands.

"That is a reminder," Apophis snarled. "A reminder to be mindful of what you do, for the day will come when I will for favors. I know your soul, Enrique Leon, I held it and placed it back into your body when it was ready. And they are both mine now, child. Especially your heart. You wouldn't want that to be placed on the scale, would you? Not now that it is tainted."

"You let me take your power," Enrique said accusingly.

"Of course I did," The demon responded. "It is all part of the plan. Gaia's plan. But you don't need to know that right now. Off with you, boy. We will meet again."

Enrique's eyes narrowed.

"No matter what happens, I will not serve you. I won't betray my friends." The serpent's eyes twinkled.

"In time," It murmured. "In time you will do anything and everything. We put you back together, Enrique, and we're going to tear you back apart..."


Jason and Piper sat on top of Zeus' fist, watching the camp play a celebratory game of capture the flag.

"Things are going to be different now," She said. It was a statement of fact. "New kind of demigods to worry about."

"At least their on our side. And Enrique is back. That has to count for something."

"It just scared me how easily those monsters separated us. You almost got killed."

"Almost. We need to put the past behind us, start thinking about the future. We've got to make sure Gaia is defeated. And then-"

"And then what?" Piper asked. Jason took a deep breath, but before he could speak a camper stepped out of the woods. It was Percy.

"Jason, Piper. Theres a new half-blood." Percy said hurriedly.

"Where?" Jason asked.

"He just landed on our side of the hill. You coming?" He asked. Piper and Jason looked at each other.

"Let's go meet the new kid," Piper said.