Prompt: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 drabbles x 100 words with an element of time between them.

Title: Build Down

Disclaimer: All the characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I´m just playing and enjoying with them.

A/N: Thanks for the ride, gorgeous beta of mine ;)

Build Down

It hits her hard.

The blissful release.

And my toes curl at the impeding wave of heat because her explosion is shattering, and her hands clutch my thighs with unreserved ecstasy, and she brings me to the edge with each shudder.

And I thrust deeper, and deeper, losing all sense of time and space, feeling like the luckiest bastard in the entire world just for having the privilege of witnessing her splendor.

Just for having the privilege of having her.

The right thing for her to do was to spend the night in my bed, indeed.

Because she is glowing.

We are approaching the moment of no return.

The slightest touch of his skillful fingers over that spot and I will lose all control, consciousness, and inhibition. And I will achieve another mind blowing orgasm in my short but stellar sex life.

The wizard above me, below me, behind me, is the one who makes the magic every time.

And that magic is complete only when we accomplish our very private ritual.

There was a time when we restrained ourselves. Now we repeat our mantra over and over again.

"I love you."

There are two voices. There is one feeling.

Skin sliding to skin.

This is the point where my male ego really fights to appear… and linger.

If human nature would allow it, I would shag her for hours before arriving to the moment of climax. This thrusting inside her is the most powerful feeling I have ever experienced. Never in my teenager fantasies had it felt like this.

Even though knowing the horny lovers we are and that we are going to start all over again as soon as we recover our breath, I don't wanna finish.

I don't wanna finish because alongside her skin, goes my heart.

Every time he enters me, I whimper in relief.

It works like a mathematical certainty: Earth rotates over its axis; Arthimancy studies the magical properties of numbers; and when Ron fucks me, I kick my fears out.

Our coupling always brings the best of us together. When we join, dark moments faint and happy memories shine more vividly than ever.

When we join, he never has sinister visions and I was never hurt closely to death.

When we fuck, we make love, we create a future, and we block all remaining stings.

Every time he enters me, we become stronger.

My brothers would make fun of me to death if I ever acknowledge the truth publicly.

But I just love fooling around with her.

As sappy as it sounds, I must admit that the heavy touching is almost as good as the sex itself. Snogging, squishing, tasting, and discarding some of the sexy wicked undergarments she usually wears for me. Only some of them at first.

It is extremely erotic when there is some kind of barrier between our frenzied bodies. It is like being there… but not yet.

Fooling around is the moment when our world starts to spin.

And while he does what he knows best (tear my clothes off while pinning me against the wooden door of his room), my mind flies to those first encounters.

The first brushes of lips. The first words of love. The first time his hands so boldly followed every curve of my body making me squirm.

Lots of months and shags later, I still get off to the memory of the first time his thumbs brushed my breasts.

Lots of months and shags later, I still burst with adoration at the thought of this man wanting to make love to me.

I sense how my grandparents gape at us from their frames hanging on the hallway.

Nibble. Nibble. Kiss.

The way my fingers clutch to her underwear hovering over her secret places of mine is… scandalous.

Nibble. Nibble. Lick.

"I think the right thing for you would be to spend the night in your bed."

"I think the right thing for you would be to spend the night in my bed."

Nibble. Nibble. Moan.

"But your parents are up; lights are still glowing down there."

Nibble. Nibble. Smirk.

I- wanna- fuck- you- now sort of smirk.

"I will make you glow."