The Path To Destiny

Rated: M for possible adult themes, strong coarse language and violence

Characters: Need I explain? Jeez. It's obviously the cast of the anime show (Ash, Dawn, Brock, May etc.).

Outside Characters: Jack, Kate, Sophia, Connor, Maria and many other major/minor OCs.

OC Shipping(s): PromiseShipping (JackxKate), AdoptShipping (JackxSophia), InjureShipping (AshxMaria) and others that will be either one-sided, major or minor.

Shipping(s): Pearlshipping (AshxDawn) and others that will be either one-sided or minor.

Note #1: Jack is me, who will be taking care of Sophia. Ash will be taking care of Maria. Both girls are aged six. Other OCs will be introduced within the course of the story. Also, characters will age in this story.

Note #2: This story has chapter(s) or idea(s) that is based (heavily or loosely) on Johan07's story: Ash's Precious Little Girl (which was awesome!). After reading Johan07's story, it inspired me to write a similar story after liking the plot.

Note #3: Unlike Johan07's story, who has several OCs in it, I will not, under any circumstances, accept any requests asking me to add your OCs into my story. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I have too many OCs, that I added myself, to deal with.

Summary: When Jack adopted the young girl, Sophia, he tumbles across Ash, Dawn and Brock along with Sophia's friend, Maria, who was adopted by Ash. He decided to travel with them for the sake of his daughter's happiness. During the journey, Jack will come across many obstacles concerning his life.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of its characters. I, however, own all of my OCs.

'...' - This represents someone thinking to themselves, the usage of Aura or when something is being quoted (e.g. You said it before: 'this is what I'm talking about'.).

"..." - This represents someone talking.

"..." (w/ dashes) - This represents a Pokemon talking or shouting its name in battle (e.g. Pi-ka-chu!). However, there are a few exceptions (e.g. Lucario)

Chapter 1 - A Horrible Discovery!

Ash Ketchem of Pallet Town and future Pokemon Master was currently travelling with Dawn, a rookie Coordinator who is now on her way to earning her fifth ribbon, and Brock, a Pokemon Breeder who was originally a Gym Leader during Ash's journey in Kanto. They were heading towards Daybreak Town for the contest.

"Hey Brock," Ash said. "How long till we reached Daybreak Town?"

"Well..." Brock said as he calculated the time it will take to reach the town. "If we continue travelling like this, I say that we'll be there in three days."

"Three days! You have to be joking me!"

"Sorry Ash, but that's the way it is."

"Aww man." Ash moaned.

"Relax Ash, it's not like we're in a hurry or anything." Dawn said.

"But Dawn, what about your contest?" Dawn blushed slightly due to Ash being worried about her not getting to the contest on time but quickly shook it off.

"The contest starts next week so there's no need to worry."


"How about we stop for lunch?" Brock suggested.

"Alright!" Ash threw his arms up.

"Pi-ka pi-ka!" Pikachu joined in with Ash.

"Alright, let's stop over there at that area." Brock pointed to the nearby area.

As the group was getting everything ready for lunch, with Ash and Dawn setting the plates on the table while Brock was cooking, there was something happening near where the group are...

(Somewhere west from the group...)

"Come back here you little brats!" A man shouted.

"Run Maria!" The little girl said. The two little girls were running away from the man and from the well-developed and hidden cave.

"If this keeps up, he'll catch us!" Maria said. Maria had brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a knee-length yellow dress and white shoes.

"What should we do Sophia?"

"We should split up." Sophia said. Sophia had pink hair and grayish blue eyes. She was wearing the same knee-length dress that Maria is wearing except it's pink and white shoes.

"Good idea." Maria agreed with Sophia and they ran in different directions. Sophia ran to the east, while Maria ran to the west... Towards the group.

'If I'm correct, he should be chasing me. This will give Maria enough time to escape from the other people. However... If she somehow manages to injure herself, she better hope luck is on her side. As for me, I'll be caught...' Sophia's predictions were right. The man had called back-up to catch Maria, while himself was chasing her.

"There's no way you can outrun me!" The man shouted.

'Dang it. If this keeps u-' She couldn't finish her thought as the man lunged at her, knocking her down. The man quickly pinned her arms down to the ground with his hands.

"You thought that you can run away from us?" The man asked. Sophia ignored him. "Wait till I get you back to the cave, the other guys can't wait to get inside you." (A/N: If any of you don't understand that, he means that they want to have sex with her, or in other words, rape her. That's right, the cave itself is a sex chamber.)

'Get inside me? What the hell is he talking about?' She thought. (A/N: Sophia and Maria was not raped yet. This will not be mentioned in the story.)

"Come on!" He shouted as he dragged her by the arms back towards the cave.

"Let go of me!" Sophia shouted, probably hoping that someone will hear him. "Help! Help!"

"Shut up you bitch!" He slapped her face.


"That's what you get. Now, if you don't shut the fuck up, I'll have to make sure that I will make your life a living hell." The man threatened.

Sophia was scared. She had no choice but to do whatever he say. 'Arceus... Please send someone to rescue me. I'm begging you.'

"Seriously? Are you sure about that?" A person said. They turned around.

"Who the hell are you?" The man questioned.

"Smashing to make your acquaintance, I'm Jack Willows." Jack cheekily said. Jack had brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a black tight t-shirt and blue baggy trousers and light-blue shoes. "What do you think you're doing?"

(With Maria...)

"Come back here!" A man shouted.

"You'll never catch me!" Maria shouted back.

"You little brat!"

'I hope Sophia's alright. If she gets caught, I swear to Arceus that I will kill them!'

"Quick! She's getting away!"

'Dang it! They just won't give up! Either way, I'll have t-' She couldn't finish her thought as she tripped over something and fell to the ground.

"What the? Where did she go?" Maria was lucky enough to fall behind a bush.

"Damn it! We lost her!" A man shouted.

"Well, go find her, NOW!" Another man, who is apparently the leader of the group, roared. They split up to find her, not realizing that she was behind the bush. She sighed in relief.

'That was close. Thank Arceus that they didn't found me. Otherwise, I would have to run with a injured leg.' She tried to move her leg, but to no avail. 'Man! Could this get any worser?' She got up, but fell down. She got up once again, this time with success, and started to walk slowly.

(With Sophia...)

"I ask you again, what do you think you're doing?" Jack repeated his question.

"It's none of your business. Now, crawl back to wherever you came from." The man replied coldly.

"You might want to watch your mouth or else." Jack threatened.

"Or else what?"

"Or else my Pokemon will have the pleasure in dismantling you." Jack pulled out a Pokeball.

"Ha! Don't make me laugh! You think a Pokemon can hurt me? Or, a better question would be. Do you have the guts to do it?"

"Do you want to push your luck?" Jack threatened again, his eyes piecing the man's eyes.

The man gulped silently. "B-bring it on. I t-take on anything."

"Ha! You're scared! You're not worth my time. You're just another pathetic scum."

"What! How dare you! You'll pay for that!" The man furiously yelled.

"Really? How are you going to make me pay? Are you going to go back to that cave for yours and call for back-up?"

"As a mat-" The man stopped immediately. "How did you know?"

"You think that I was only a innocent person passing by in this forest?"


"You see, my team are currently there." The man's eyes widen. "They're tearing the place up and arresting everyone there."

"You little..."

"Face it. You lost. Just release the girl."

"Never! You'll never see me giving up that easily!"

"Suit yourself. Go, Garchomp!"

"Gar-chomp!" Garchomp roared.

"Let's teach this loser a lesson. Draco Meteor!"

"Garrrrrrr..." Garchomp's body started to glow orange and a orange ball of light appeared inside his chest. The glow fades and a ball of orange energy appeared in front of his mouth. "Chomp!" He fires the ball into the air and it explodes into many orbs. Sophia quickly kicked him in the leg and ran to Jack.



The man was blown away, possibly, over seventy-five metres after the impact.

(With Maria...)

'Dang it! This leg is torturing me! I hope that I'll be able to at least find someone to deal with this.' Maria thought. She fell to the ground. 'Damn... Where is my hero when you need it?'

"Huh? Little girl, are you okay?" It was Ash. He ran up to her and dropped to his knees.

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine to me. Tell me what's wrong."

"I hurt my leg." Ash looked at her leg. It was clearly bruised.

"Ouch. Ummm..." Ash was thinking of what should he do next. "I carry you back to the campsite."

"Really? You don't have to."

"No, I insist. Besides, I can't leave a cute young girl on her own."

Maria blushed at the compliment. "Okay..." She got on Ash's back and he took her to Brock.

"By the way, what's your name?"


"Nice name. Fits you." Maria blushed again.

(With Sophia...)

"Are you alright?" Jack asked Sophia.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Sophia said.

"That's good. Now, onto serious matters. Where's your parents?"

Sophia's eyes started to immediately tear up. "I... I..." Jack smiled at her attempted to speak, although he felt guilty for asking.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"I-it's alright. You didn't know."

"No. I shouldn't have asked in the first place." Jack dropped down on one knee and embraced her, causing her to blush.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry." Jack pulled away. "You're in a similar situation like me."


"You see... My parents... They died when I was eight years old."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It was a freak accident, I think. I don't exactly remember what happened."

"Well, what can you remember?"

"I'll tell you that later. Anyway, what about yours?"

"Well... They died when I was born after a few days."

"Ouch. Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah. I miss them even though I've never seen them."

"Same here. Except for the never seen part." Jack realized his mistake and quickly corrected him. "I mean..."

"Relax, I know what you mean."

"Thank Arceus. Anyway, do you have anywhere to go?"


"I see... Well, you are technically a orphan, aren't you?"

"Yeah..." Sophia didn't exactly understand Jack's statement nor did she figure out where this is going.

"How about this," Jack stood up. "I adopt you and you come with me."

Sophia's eyes widen, probably because nobody has ever volunteered like this, or it came as a shock to her. "Would you do that?"

"Of course! There's no way I'm going to leave you out in the wild, am I right?" Jack said.

Sophia giggled. "Okay then... Daddy."

Jack smiled. "Looks like you happily accepted my offer. Anyways, what should I call you?"


"Sophia, huh? Beautiful name. It's the right one for you." Sophia blushed.

"Do you always compliment people?"

"You can say that, I guess. I usually do compliment people." Jack grinned. Sophia giggled. "Come on. Let's go."

(With Maria...)

"Here Brock, could you take a look at her leg?" Ash asked.

"Sure thing Ash." Brock said.

"What happened to you?" Dawn asked Maria.

"I tripped and fell." Maria said.


'Damn it... Sophia... I hope you're alright.'


Author's final notes: What do you think of the story so far? Do you think it has potential to be a good story? Please review, and no flames. Anything but that. You're only wasting my time and yours. So don't do it. And please be nice when reviewing, as this is my first multi-chapter story and my first story on this site. Also, sorry for a short chapter. I promise that I will improve during the course of the story.