A/N~ Yayz! My first fan-fic! Don't kill me if it's not good though...
( This ())~%~~ is a rose)

When A Weasel and A Cat Kiss…

Chapter 1
Sweet Dreams

Everyone knows Killer Bee. The hachibi, the fail of a rapper, overall a creepy guy.

But not everyone knows that there was another host for the eight-tails before that.

A young girl named Yumiko.

Always shy, but could easily snap Killer Bee's neck with just a punch. Came from an extinct clan that could control all aspects of nature, without any use for chakra. The rarest Kekkei Genkai in the world.

And not everyone knows that before an octopus, the hachibi was a jaguar. Yes, the chakra monster was forced to change forms, because of Uchiha Madara.

There's a reason why Yumiko's not the current jinchuuriki anymore, though.

She fell in love with a criminal.

Nobody ever brings it up, however, because it is a sore topic around Uchiha Itachi.

But that aside, everybody already knows that Hoshigake Kisame is a horrible person…


Uchiha Itachi smiled a bit in his sleep. He was having a wonderful dream. A blonde with piercing green eyes had him in a deep kiss, her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist.

She was beautiful; she wore a green tank, and a short black skirt over her black leggings.

He ran his fingers through her shoulder-length hair, so intoxicated by her that the Uchiha almost didn't notice the shadowy figure behind her.

It looked too familiar-the dark silhouette; a cloaked, towering shape with messy spiked hair, and a grin that reached from ear to ear.

The shape held something on its shoulder.

The girl just gazed at Itachi, her green eyes confused. She wanted to keep kissing him.

She didn't seem to notice the doom that was awaiting them.

As the smaller, jagged-like shadow that sat on the shape's shoulder slowly detached itself from the former, Itachi's onyx eyes widened and his heart was suddenly in his throat.

He wanted to scream. Pull the girl out of the path of the shadow, but his heart choked him, and he couldn't make use of his voice anymore.

The young Uchiha was paralyzed in fear, for the first time in his life.

The sword brought itself down on the blonde's shoulder.

…as soon as a pillow was brought down on Itachi's head.


"Heh. Direct hit. The hell were you dreaming about?"

Kisame had thrown a pillow at his sleeping teammate. Itachi looked like he was about to die from hyperventilating in his sleep.

"…nothing." He answered breathlessly, sitting up in his bed, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Itachi wished Kisame would drop it right there, forget about the whole thing, but he knew better.

The damned shark would keep pushing until he got every detail out of him.

"Didn't look like nothing. Itachi-san, you were gasping for air and clenching your fists when I walked in. I threw that pillow at you 'cause you looked like you were going to start screaming-"

"I said it was nothing, Kisame." The 21-year-old rolled out of bed and grabbed his Akatsuki cloak.

The shark watched in silence as Itachi pulled his left arm into the cloak and hastily headed for the door. Grinning his shark-toothed grin, Kisame broke the silence.


The name stopped Itachi dead in his tracks. He turned to face his partner, but snapped his head back forward when he felt his face get hot.

The Uchiha pulled his other arm through the cape and continued through the door. Much to his demise, Kisame followed.

In the small kitchen stood that annoying terrorist, Deidara, and his idiot of a partner, Tobi. They were screaming at each other, as usual.

Apparently, Tobi burnt Deidara's breakfast by accidentally typing '10:00' instead of '01:00' on the microwave.

Itachi pushed passed them and got some leftover onigiri out of the fridge. He looked annoyed as all hell as he went to sit down at the table.

Deidara noticed that, and he took his attention away from the masked idiot to turn and face the Uchiha.

"Sheesh, what got you down besides the whole world, yeah!"

"Itachi-san had a dream," Kisame teased, "about his soul mate."

"Eh? Itachi-san has a girlfriend? TELL TOBI!" Itachi suddenly found an orange mask in his face, which only made him angrier. He glared at Tobi, and the orange was gone as soon as it came.

"Un, how come I never met her?" Deidara protested with a smirk. Itachi's face turned blood red again, this time from aggravation.

"You weren't in Akatsuki at the time, Deidara. You weren't either, Tobi." Kisame explained, "It was just the eight of us. Actually, it was kind of nice…"

"Shut up." Itachi finally spoke up, rather hostile. He seemed reluctant to discuss the topic.

Of course, that wouldn't stop the two new members from finding out. "Just tell the story, Kisame-san! Yeah!"

And so begins our flashback…

Chapter 1~End

A/N~ D: sorry, short! The next chapter will be longer :D This chapter is like... an opening to the flashback. NOT A PREVIEW! It's considered part of the story... =_='

Things you might not know:

Onigiri is Itachi's favorite food. It's like rice cake.