Disclaimer: I own neither Stargate SG-1 nor Smallville.

Author's Note: This is technically a sequel to my Smallville/Dark Knight fic How to Save the World, but it was written to be easily understood on its own. This story goes off canon at some point around season 6/7 of Smallville (though I certainly borrow stuff from 8), and through Ark of Truth for SG-1. However, I have taken some liberties with SG-1 such as keep the Asgard alive. With all that said, I've been writing this fic for close to a year but kept getting distracted so keep in mind this was conceived before season 9 of Smallville. You'll get it - or not it really doesn't matter. Onto the story!

Chapter 1

General Landry stood in the gateroom tensely awaiting SG-1's return from P4X-227 where they had been babysitting some scientists on a tropical planet for the past three months. It was the only way he knew to force his leading team to take a vacation - which all of Stargate Command agreed they deserved after elminating the Ori as a threat to the galaxy. As Walter's voice blasted Incoming Wormhole, he reminded himself that he was doing the right thing in not pulling SG-1 when he first heard the news.

"So Landry," SG-1s fearless leader Colonel Mitchell began, "what have we missed in the last few months?" The question was meant to be small talk, a little something to break the ice after three months away from Stargate Command. However, Landry's face turned unexpectedly red upon hearing the question. SG-1 all noticed and immediately tensed.

"General, what did we miss?" Daniel Jackson asked with a look of concern.

"Let's just say, there's something you're all going to want to see." He told them and led the way to the conference room. Once inside, Landry took his seat at the head of the table and looked over the five members of SG-1. Teal'c, Sam, and Daniel had all been there from the beginning - Daniel was even on the first mission through the gate. There was a chemistry amongst the three that he had never seen before and he was proud to work beside them. On the opposite side of the table sat the newer members, Cam and Vala. While Cam was certainly no replacement for Jack, he fit in his own way and certainly added something to the group. The newest member, Vala, was the most unlike the rest of the group. She had an undeniable wild streak about her but when push comes to shove; she knew how to get the group out of a mess.

Landry took in a deep breath and passed around copies of the Daily Planet from a few months before. The group immediately immersed themselves in the paper, anxious to find out what happened. Daniel was the first to finish the article and slowly put the newspaper down and shut his jaw. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes as he patiently waited for the rest of his team to finish the article.

"Lex Luthor is in jail, who is that?" Vala asked. The rest of the team looked at her and then noticed she had been reading the article on the bottom of the fold. They started to chuckle at her expense and then Cam showed her the article the rest of them read. After a sentance or two, Vala uttered a simple "Oh!".

"As you all can tell, this is a big deal. I know, you're going to ask if this is a trick or some urban legend. Believe me, we all thought so too. But the testimonials and video footage show that at the very least his powers are real." Landry explained. To further prove his point, he turned on the television and played some of the aforementioned footage. Nearly all of SG-1 sat wide eyed as they watched the mysterious man in a red and blue suit fly around various cities and save people. Even Teal'c, renowned for his ability to maintain a straight face, raised his right eyebrow in curiosity.

After Landry shut off the video, Jackson was the first one to speak. "So, besides the fact that this is front page news, I'm assuming it's the whole 'alien' thing that's a big deal." Landry nodded in confirmation.

"That doesn't make sense. I mean of course I'm open to the idea of aliens, we have two sitting in this room but wouldn't you think the Goa'uld or the Asgard would have heard of such beings if they existed?" Samantha suggested. "We have seen from Niirti's expirements that through gentic manipulation a person can develop superhuman abilities. Whose to say that isn't a better explanation?"

"I'm going to have to go with Sam on this one. If these Kryptonians really existed, the Goa'uld would have sought them out long ago as hosts. Look at this laundry list of abilities: flight, super speed, super hearing, x ray vision...I mean, it's the jackpot!" Cam threw in.

Landry sighed. "Trust me, that is exactly what we all thought when it first came out. We've been talking to all the lead geneticists as well as going over all the data from Niirti's project. We even sent a team to Kelowna to talk to Jonas and get a DNA sample. It's just not adding up."

"What about the Asgard. I mean, I know they're our closest allies but they have done some weird stuff in the past. Isn't it possible that in their quest to secure their own future they accidently super powered some human and having realized what they had done altered his memory or...something?" Daniel suggested, knowingly grasping at strings.

"We have considered that this could have something to do with the Asgard. The day the article came out, we attempted to contact them. We figured at the very least if these Kryptonians did exist they would know something about it. So far, there has been no answer." Landry responded. The group simply nodded, having run out of logical explanations.

After a moment of silence, Daniel furrowed his eyes staring intently at the picture of the flying man. "I've seen this before," he informed the group. They each gave him a questioning glance so he turned his paper around and pointed to the symbol on the man's chest.

"Yeah, so have I Jackson, it looks like an S." Cam stated, somewhat confused.

"No I mean, yes it does but remember that graveyard planet?" Jackson asked and his team mate's look of boredom confirmed they did remember it, "A lot of those graves had symbols and languages that had no relation to anything I had ever seen. I remember one in particular stood out, like it was more important than the rest. I think this was on there." He stated and pointed at the symbol again.

Landry looked elated that they might be able to figure out what was going on. "Well, that's a starting place! I'll resurrect all of the data you need from that planet and if need be you all can go back there." He told them. Three members of SG-1 gave a small whimper at the suggestion while Daniel looked excited at the prospect. Teal'c merely nodded his head. "While Daniel is doing research, how about you four do a little investigating. Look into these saves. I know the FBI has their own investigation going on but let's make sure this is all as fluffy as it looks. And see if you can learn anything new. Hell, if you could talk to him and ask him something about this Krypton that would be great!" And with that, SG-1 exited the conference room and began their quest to figure out who this Superman really was.

Chloe couldn't stop smiling. She stood on the balcony of her and Lois' new two bedroom apartment and basked in the beauty and wonder of Metropolis. Having been in Gotham for what felt like a lifetime, it felt good to be home. Her musing was interrupted by a strong gust of wind that she assumed was Clark.

"That's the last of them." He said while placing the boxes in their respective rooms.

Chloe smile, "I knew you were good for something. Who would've thought it would be moving stuff?" She thought about that for a moment. "Actually, come to think of it, that makes sense."

"Well, I still feel it's partly my fault you had to leave in the first place so now that you're back, I had to do something nice for you." He told her with a smirk. The two continued to joke around and unpack Lois and Chloe's boxes.

"Remind me why I'm unpacking Lois' stuff for her?" Clark asked his best friend and loyal sidekick.

"Other than the fact that you're hopelessly in love with her? She's been overrun by Superman drama being his own personal publicist and what not and therefore doesn't have time. And I want this place to look good and it won't if half the place is covered in boxes." Chloe responded. Clark grumbled something along the lines of 'good point' and continued unpacking. Suddenly his face became brooding and thoughtful. "What is it?" Chloe, though afraid of the answer, nevertheless asked.

"Oh no, it's...not that," He told her, realizing she thought someone was in trouble, "it's just...I know with Superman and Batman being in the public eye the FBI has backed off of superheroes and by proxy you but just...you havn't been asked who Superman was by anyone have you?" He asked, his eyes ablaze with concern.

Chloe smiled, "Actually, I've been wondering that myself lately but no. Either they don't think there's any connection to you and the Green Arrow or they realize that if I do know who you are by doing, well, anything to me they risk getting on your bad side." Clark nodded, apparently satisfied at the result. He nevertheless quickly scanned the apartment for bugs or any other evidence of people meddling with Chloe's life and breathed a sigh of relief when the place came up clean.

His best friend noticed this and laughed, "Do you really think Oliver didn't have this place stripped before I moved in, he not only checked for bugs but claims he made it bug proof. No idea how he did it but hey, this is Oliver we're talking about. He does have a computer for a best friend."

Clark laughed, "Hey, you know Victor likes being called a Cyborg." The two friends carried on a light hearted conversatioon until around six when they decided to order in some chinese. Clark ordered extra knowing Lois would come home and be pissed if she smelt Chinese and couldn't eat any.

Sure enough, their food arrived and not five minutes later Lois stomped in through the door. Between the moaning about pompous reporters and others who were constantly after her for her connection with Superman, she managed to chomp down half an order of beef fried rice. Clark and Chloe simply smiled at her and knew, whether she said it or not, she loved her life right now.

"Oh! And I got the weirdest call today from some air force general. I guess he knows a guy who knows my dad so he managed to get my real cell phone number. He was asking me if I embellished what Superman said. If maybe I made up some of his back story. Can you believe that?" She paused and shook her head as Chloe and Clark both looked at her in disbelief. "I mean, I get that people are trying to get who he is but its like, this guy is after something else. Or he's an idiot. I mean, what else could Superman be?"

As Lois continued to rant and eat unhealthy amounts of Chinese food, Clark stole a glance from Chloe. They both shrugged, implying that neither had any clue why an air force general would accuse Lois of lying about Superman. Clark wasn't too concerned; if they question his heritage then they obviously had no idea who he was.

After finishing dinner, the trio spent about twenty minutes unpacking the remaining boxes and then spent the night watching Return of the Jedi. Eventually, Clark said good night to the girls and headed out to patrol the streets of Metropolis. Chloe was about to go to bed when she heard her phone ring.

"Hey there! I figured you'd call back soon!" She told him.

"Well, let's just say I agree to your terms. I'm willing to meet the Green Arrow and figure out how this working together thing will work." Bruce Wayne told her, not even attempting to hide his reluctance.

"Good. You won't regret this. Now while he's happy to tell you who he is being a good sport and all not to mention having already investigated you enough to know your not full of it, he would still like you both to meet fully in costume. Let's just say, if anyone in anyway sees you two meeting, we wouldn't want the world to get confused." Bruce agreed, figuring as much anyways. "Now, I'm going to have someone run you the address first thing tomorrow. Would you be able to be in Metropolis by Thursday?

Bruce thought for a moment. "Today is Tuesday, right?" Chloe confirmed this. "Well then, I guess I'll see you Thursday."

A smile lit up her face. "Can't wait!" She couldn't believe it. After months of convincing Oliver that Bruce would come around without really believing it herself, he finally had. She could feel it in her guts, this meeting was big. Sure, Clark was an ally of the Justice League but Batman joining just seemed monumental in her mind.

She connected her phone to the charger and lay down in bed, remotely turning her light off. Life was good, she thought to herself.