Hey guys! Updating again! Sorry its short but I wanted to get something up tonight seeing as I updated my other story and it's nearly 11 on a school night!


It's just another boring day at school. I had sleepily dragged myself and Fang out of bed and we had both gotten dressed in a haze, completely forgetting about breakfast since we were going to be late. We both sat next to each other in class, slumped onto the desk, dead tired from the night before. I kept admiring my diamond ring and a thrill ran through me every time I remembered that I was engaged to Fang. We had both agreed last night to wait until we were 18 (next year) until we had a wedding to make it official. But we both knew in our hearts that we were already married to each other. We made each other complete. Like ying and yang. He was the dark to my light, Romeo to my Juliet. Without the other, we weren't complete. During our first class, he had unknowingly (at least I don't think he knew he did it, he didn't look like he knew) put his hand on my thigh, stroking softly. It was nice, comfortable, so I decided to return the favour, in a way. The teacher had given up on us and left, so the whole class was in a mess and me and Fang were just slumped on our desk. I stroked his face lightly with one hand, the other holding up my head. He closed his eyes and leant into my touch slightly, hardly noticeable. He sighed softly and a grin flitted across is face, quickly disappearing. I glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention to us. One girl was. A certain slutty red head called Lissa. She glared at me when she saw that I was watching her watch us. I glared back at her and flashed my ring at her, abandoning Fang's face for a moment. She glanced at it, then to me, then to Fang who looked like he was sleeping (except for the fact that he was still stroking my thigh). She mouthed "b***h" at me and I tensed, scowling. Nobody called me that and got away with it, especially when there wasn't a teacher around. I stood, barely noticing Fang's hand tightening on my thigh and his eyes snapping open. I was too focused on Lissa. I stalked over to her and towered over her. She shrank back slightly at my intimidating height and death glare that I was giving her. I leant forward so that my mouth was right next to her ear. "Now listen here, slut. Fang is mine. He always has been and he always will be. We are getting married and there is now you can do about it, got it?" I hissed.
Her face paled under all her make up. "Got it?" I hissed venomously again.
"Yes!" She squeaked, nodding her head frantically.
"Good." I spat, leaning away from her and walking away.
I sat back down next to Fang, exhausted again. His hand came back to my thigh and rubbed soothing circles. I turned my head and faced him, my hand stroking his face once again. His eyes locked with mine, the sliver specs in his obsidian eyes inviting. I leant forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips before resting my head on my arm and closing my eyes.


Lunch Time
I quickly got a packet of mixed sushi flavours before sitting down at a random bench. Nudge sat down on my right next, grinning. "You look like you're dead," she said happily, "can I take it that you and Fang didn't sleep last night?"
She winked at me and I grinned. "You could say that. Or you could say that I was too excited," I winked at her suggestively," too sleep and Fang found a way to help me get some rest - well, it didn't work so we had to keep on going and goi-"
She cut me off by slapping her hand to my mouth. "Too much info! That was such a bad, bad mental picture; thanks Max." She gave me a disgusted face before eating her lunch.
I laughed at her. As I started eating, Fang sat down next to me, looking upset. He leant in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I frowned when he pulled away. He grabbed his lunch but before he could eat, I grabbed his chin. His lips had tasted like cherry lip gloss. I turned his head to face me and studied his lips closely. Yup, he had lip gloss on his lips. "What's this?" I question, cocking one eyebrow and swiping my finger against his lips then held it up to show him.
"Lissa cornered me again," he muttered, avoiding my eyes guiltily.
"And?" I pressed, sure he was hiding something.
He turned his face away, "nothing new. She just told me that you were just using me and that she was so much better. Then she kissed me."
"That's not what's bothering you," I whispered gently.
He turned and looked at me, his eyes sad. "Samantha said that she hated me and that I was a b*****d for choosing you over me."
I pressed my hand against his cheek, feeling his pain. I couldn't make him split with his sister over me. I had no family, so I didn't know what it was like. But he did have a family and I couldn't take that away from him. "Then go after her. She's your sister she'll understand. You just have to explain it right. I can't force you to choose between your family and me." I told him softly.
It broke my heart to see him like this, so sad and torn. His eyes widened. "Are you sure? I mean, she was so mean to you and-" he stammered, shocked, before I cut him off.
"Yes, I'm sure. She was just trying to protect you. Now go before I have to kick your butt!"
He kissed me again, this time a deeper kiss, his tongue gently stroking my tongue before he pulled away. "I love you!" He shouted as he walked away.
"You better, coz you're not getting rid of me anytime soon!" I shouted back, amused.
I turned and started eating my lunch, ignoring Nudge's rambles of how "cute and absolutely perfect" me and Fang are together. Just another boring school day…


Ok, so I may not be updating every night since it's not a weekend anymore *sad* but please comment and tell me what you think! :D I love your comments so please keep them going! Oh, and please read my other story! It's not as long as this one, but it's got more FAX. It's called "The Change in Max" it's link is on my profile~