Here are just a bunch of snippets of romance from the Percy Jackson series so sit back for some R&R!


"Annabeth you have something on you face" Percy Jackson said to his new girlfriend Annabeth Chase. They were sitting on the beach near sunset. They were sitting close to the water's edge holding hands sitting very close together. All of that was still a bit weird for them but they both loved being a couple.

"Oh um… where," asked Annabeth then turned bright red at the comment and turned away.

"No worries" Percy whisper, "I've got it." Percy took Annabeth's chin with his pointer finger and thumb. Then caught her eyes and leaned forward slowly and met Annabeth's lips. She caught on quickly and depended the kiss.

While they kissed Percy though that had to be the smoothest thing he's ever done.


Percy and Annabeth was fighting, not just their usual bickering either this was full on shouting.

At the same time they were having this fight Silena and 'Charlie' where taking a walk when they hear then saw Percy and Annabeth.

"Oh" Charlie said seeing them with a worried look on his face, "Sometimes the two them really worry me."

"I know it really scares me about how ignore they can be, anybody for that matter," Silena sighed.

"They have no idea how much everything depends on them getting along and focusing on leading well everything," Charlie said.

"Yeah if only would just kiss and get together already… wait what are you talking about?" Silena stopped and turned to face her boyfriend.

"I just said that it scares me that our fait is depending on two 15 year olds who can't seem to get along for two seconds" Charles explained, "What did you mean?"

"I mean that there obvious that there made for each other so they should really just get together" Silena explain with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Charles just smiled at his girlfriend and took her hand, sometimes she amazed him but she is a daughter off Aphrodite after all.


Annabeth was hard at work on her archery. She lined up her arrow, eased her muscle and… ping right in the middle of the target. She leaned over to get another arrow; she stood back up started putting it in place. Then all of a sudden two toned arms wrapped around her waist. All in one monition Annabeth elbowed the person; (this was followed with a grunt from behind her) and swiftly turned and kicked him in the shin.

Annabeth gasped when she saw the face of her victim, doubled over , it was Percy, her boyfriend.

"Percy" Annabeth cried and ran to his side, "Oh I'm so sorry you should really never sneak up on me."

"Yeah I get that now" Percy groaned.

"Are you ok?" Annabeth asked.

"No" Percy said forcing back a smirk.

"Oh should I go get Chiron" Annabeth said getting ready to run.

"I don't think Chiron could help me with this problem" Percy smiled, Annabeth looked confused for a moment then caught on and leaned in. Chiron defiantly couldn't have helped him with this. ;-)


"Kaite" Travis started, "How about I offer to… well what do you want me to do?"

"Travis anything I would want someone to do you couldn't do" Katie shot and giving Travis an annoyed expression.

This all started 2 days ago when The Stoll bothers decided that putting ester eggs on the Demeter cabin would be the funniest thing ever. So yeah Katie along with the rest of the Demeter cabin woke up there grass roof collapsed in when some satyrs' wanted some chocolate. Let's just say everyone in the camp woke to Katie screaming.

"How about I make you an offer" Travis said with a charming smile.

"What did you have in mind?" Katie played along and batted her eyelashes.

"I'll give you a kiss you'll never forget" Travis offered.

"Really?" Katie said leaning in their lips were almost touching when… "TRAVIS STOLL WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU AND YOUR BROTHER ARE GOING TO CLEAN THE CABIN FOR A MONTH." She screamed in his face, then walked away

"Love you too Katie flower" Travis called after her.

So what do you think? Got any suggestions, there's a pretty big good chance if you give me sn idea it's gonna end up here! PLEASE REVIEW REIVEW REIVEW!