Chapter 1
Well, I decided to rewrite this story because it is taking way to long for the person who adopted to update and even then the chapters are to short….And I finally have a why to get Naruto to the titan's world. It has to do with Pein.
Many strange things have been happening to Naruto ever since his team left Konoha. First came the visions. That was just plain weird because when he was on the road with his team, everything would distort and he would be walking in a hallway, following a guy that was dressed as a traffic light or floating in a large village were the building were sky high! Then there was the feeling of burning up throughout the mission, not that he told anyone. The finally, smal blue flames appeared in his hands, but he quickly shooking it off, getting odd looks from his team and Tazuna's family, but right now, none of that mattered at the moment.
Too many emotions where going through Naruto's mind at the moment. Why? Well, Zabuza's apprentice just 'killled' Sasuke. One emotion though, wanted to protect the others the best he could and that was enough for a hidden seal on Naruto to be completely broken! The Fourth had sealed away his true power and now it was coming out all at once! He was losing control and his anger was controlling him and his power. His body started to change, his skin became orange, and his hair grew to his shoulder and turned red with yellow streaks here and there, and his hands and eyes where covered in ghostly blue fire! The fire was burning off his sleeves to reveal that he also gotten some good muscles.
At the same time in another universe, the Teen Titans were doing there own thing. Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing some racing game, Raven was reading a book, but was sitting near the island counter in their kitchen, Robin was listening to some music while watching BB and Cy play, and Starfire was trying to cook something. Suddenly, Starfire felt dizzy and she dropped some plates alerting the others since she never dropped anything. She stumbled into the living room behind the couches and fell to her hands and knees She had feeling weird all day, it felt like she was with her twin brother again, but it faded in and out. The others quickly rushed over to her to see what was up but they had to jump back a bit as her power went crazy and formed a ring of fire around her, it turned into the ghostly blue that Naruto was using! Her eyes were a mix of the usual green with ocean blue, but if they saw it, it was only for a few second because Starfire started screaming in pain a bit.
While that was happening to her, her mind was watching the events through Naruto's eyes! She saw many mirrors and through them she saw Naruto and gasped in recognition. To her it seemed that Naruto had never used his powers before and was releasing that all in one moment! She then heard what he said next.
"YOU KILLED SASUKE! NOW I AM GOINGTO KILL YOU!" He then rushed at a mask wearing ninja and they began to fight for a bit, but thanks to Naruto's new strength, the enemy was tiring. Naruto was just pissed as the ninja went back into his mirrors, so Naruto did the next thing that came to mind, he put his hands in front of him and a huge built up wave of blue energy shot out of them and through a few mirrors. Luckily, the ninja got out to a different mirror, but unluckily for Kakashi and Zabuza, who had stopped their battle because they had felt Naruto's new power, were almost incinerated by a wave of blue fire like energy that went between them.
"What in the HELL!" asked/yelled Zabuza.
"Not sure but….Naruto may have a hidden bloodline limit….and one that I have never heard of before." said Kakashi. I do know that is not the Kyuubi's power…...thank GOD!
Naruto then rushed up to the mirror that had the ninja in it and literally punch the mirror and the ninja as well after he came out. The ninja got back up but his mask cracked and fell off to reveal the boy who he had met a few days ago! Naruto's anger quickly disappeared, the fires disappeared and said, "HAKU!" Said ninja then told naruto to kill him because he was a failure as a tool but Naruto did not and Haku went and took the Raikari to the chest for Zabuza. Naruto then gave him the lecture from the anime and he asked for a kunai.
"Kid….thank you….when this is over….you can have my sword….I'll be dead anyway." The Ex-mist nin then charged into attack and kill as many as the hired help from Gatuo that he could and Gatuo himself. Sure he got stabbed in the back a few hundred times but he thought it was a good thing….he would be seeing Haku again. Gatuo pissed his pants when Zabuza was near but that didn't last long because as he was killed he was thrown off the bridge.
The man then walked slowly to Haku after that and fell next to him. "I am sorry…Haku. I just hope I can go to the same place as you." He said as he weakly put his hand on Haku's cheek. It then started to snow. "Why…why are you crying? Is it for me?" Zabuza chuckled and then died. The hired help was about to attack them but saw that the villagers were armed to the teeth and so they just left…it was not worth it.
Naruto then took Zabuza's sword like it was nothing and said, "Come on…let's go dig their graves."
"NARUTO YOU IDIOT! WHAT ABOUT SASUKE?" screamed the banshee.
"The blow was obviously not a killing blow….he must have gotten back up in the middle of the fight." Naruto said, pointing to the emo king.
"SASUKE!" screeched Sakura but the Uchiha ignored it.
"Uh…Naruto…why do u look older now?" Sasuke asked
Naruto looked in a nearby puddle, he looked to be about 14 now. He shrugged. It was Kakashi who said something. "It must be the effect of his bloodline awakening." Sasuke was confused but when Naruto showed him the blue fire he just shrugged as well, the bloodline trait could also explain why his hair and skin had changed as well.
"Come on guys…they at least deserve a burial." said Naruto as they as they took the bodies with the help of the villagers and left the bridge and with that, the connection broke.
The blue fire around Starfire died down and she slumped to the ground. She had watched everything and now knew that was her brother. He acted just like him too but he seemed that he had forgotten who and what he is.
Her friends had gotten her to the couch where she regained consciousness. "What happened?" asked Robin worriedly.
She looked up at them all with a sad smile and tears in her eyes and said, "My brother is alive!" She was just met with shocked faces.
That night in Naruto's world, they had just finished giving Zabuza and Haku a burial. It was hard work but Naruto was determined to give them a good one. They were currently in Tazuna's living room when Naruto, without warning, fell on the floor….asleep. He also started to glow a greenish blue color.
"Kakashi….what is happening?" asked Sasuke.
"I am not sure….this is a completely new bloodline limit to me….I just don't know." Kakashi said, so all they could do was wait and see.
The connection was back again but this time, Naruto was seeing things through Starfire's eyes.
Currently, Starfire was walking to the living room, because the earlier event that had happened in the morning for them and now it was in the afternoon. She didn't even notice anything was happening to her at the moment.
She got to the living room and she saw Raven meditating. She walked up to her but did not say anything; instead she looked out the window.
Raven opened an eye said, "Can I help you?"
"I don't understand it Friend Raven….all these years we have looked for him and now I get a connection and I have no idea where my brother even is. I would have thought Blackfire would have seen him and told me because she was just here but…." Starfire said.
Raven just nodded. She had lost her family too. "What was he even like?"
"We were only three when he was taken somehow. He was a brave boy, and father said he was the most honest kid in the universe next to me, that was because we were twins." She said.
Raven's eyebrow rose. "What must have happened before was probably twin telepathy….but in alien form."
"You maybe right but….I wish I could see him. What I saw through his eye today was very different. There was this Haku person who thought all he was, was a tool and wanted to die because he failed something. It seemed he had some Ice powers. Then there was this one eyed man, he was going to use lightening to punch some scary looking guy but this Haku took the blow for him and died…he must have been cry in death because there was white things floating from the sky. That is what the scary man said. But even if they caused my brother pain, he still wanted to give them a good burial…he is so kind still. The only problem is that he has no idea what he is."
Raven just sat there listening and said while looking in her eyes. "It seems he was a very good person, but I have to ask….what color is his eyes?"
"Um blue, like your oceans."
"Well, it seems that he will be happy and so will you because the connection is back up….your eyes are blue green now." At this, Naruto now knew this was not a dream. This is real…
Starfire's eyes widened and said, "I heard him talk!"
Raven just smiled a bit before saying, "that is good….talk to him."
Starfire nodded. Brother, can you here me?
Yeah, I can…could you please tell me what we are and what happened.
Yes…but I think I should tell the others about you….they are now in the room…it is too bad you are not over here.
Hmm….walk over to them and tell them I am here….then put you hands into a cross seal and focus your energy into it saying Shadow Clone Jutsu. I think I might be able to talk to all them that way/
Ok brother. Raven, who had heard the conversation with her powers, turned to the others along with Starfire. "FRIENDS! I have had another connection with my brother!"
At this, the three boys rushed over to the two and Robin said, "WHAT! How?"
"Friend Raven thinks it has something to do with the Twin Telepathy we have because we are twins. He is here …he also found a way to talk to us as well. Here!" Starfire said excitedly as he did the hand sign that Naruto showed her in her mind and used her star energy. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" The energy on her hands jumped from her hands and formed Naruto!
"Uh…hey." He said as he waved to them….he was still wearing the burnt orange jumpsuit. "Uh…my name is Naruto Uzumaki!"
At this Starfire rushed up and gave him one of her hugs but since he was the same thing as her, it did not hurt. "Brother I am happy to see you!"
"Same here… what are we and what is my name?"
"Brother, we are Tameranians. We are an alien race from outer space and our home planet is called Tameran. The name you were given was Foxfire, because of your blue fire." After that, Naruto/Foxfire talked with the others to get to know them and the world where they lived in. It was then that Beast Boy said something.
"Dude, you need some new threads." BB, Cyborg, and Raven then left the room for a few minutes before they came back with new clothes. Naruto put them on.
He now had black shoes, blue jeans, a black shirt, and a black trench coat with blue flames at the bottom of it and on the sleeves. Raven had used her powers to imprint the kanji for Foxfire on the back in blue as well. "Wow thanks guys."
"No problem dude….besides we are going to try and get you over to this world were you belong." said BB while Raven and Cyborg nodded.
Raven, for some reason, felt that she was like the red head. "What things can you tell us about you and your world?"
Naruto thought about but he went to his knees because of the shortage of chakra. "I got to go soon….I'll give you a few worlds though. Elemental Countries, 5 great villages of the main elements, Shiki Fuin, 9 Bijuu, Kyuubi no Kitsune, Jinchuriki,Konoha….those are all connected….to me." And with that he disappeared, clothes and all.
"I will look in my book those names…..Kyuubi and Bijuu sounds familiar." Raven said as she disappeared.
"Right…me and Robin will be running those Japanese names through the translator." said Cyborg. Starfire and BB felt so useless at the moment.
Back with the other in Naruto's world. They had watched him all night and it was now morning. They saw him glow once more and he had new clothes on and he had also woken up.
He looked at them all and said, "I know what and who I am!"
"Ok…tell us." said Kakashi, he really wanted to know.
"I am a Tameranian!"
"What the hell is that?" asked Sasuke.
"A very rare clan in the elemental countries, mostly because they are from another world!" said Naruto.
"Well that would explain a lot of things…Ok….we are to finishing this bridge today and tomorrow we are heading home….maybe the Hokage would know about some of this." To this they just nodded and went to work.
The titans, however, found out that the Shiki Fuin was the death reaper seal, and Jinurriki was Power of Human Sacrifice. They were still confused until Raven rushed in and told them about the Kyuubi. They pieced it together and figured out someone had to use this Shiki Fuin to seal the Kyuubi into Naruto, making him a Demon Container. What they wanted to know was why and how. Beast Boy was just confused and Raven now knew that they were connected….a demon and a demon container.
The next day…
On their way back to Konoha, Naruto's body was on auto pilot because he was currently in his mind and it was a freaking sewer! "Man….i know this is my mind but come on! Heh, since I got my bloodline, I think I become smarter."
"No shit Dick-Tracy….now hurry up and get to the cage!" yelled a voice.
Naruto knew who it was. He would have to meet him one of these days. So he walked the numerous hallways to the cage that held the beast. "So you're the kyuubi…"
"That I am kit. Now I am even surprised that you're an alien! Who would have thought that." The kyuubi broadly said.
"Yeah…I guess it would explain a lot. So what do you want?"
"Oh right, it would seem that there was a seal on your bloodline, keeping it at bay. When it broke, your bloodline came out in full force but… is bad for me. It is speeding up the process of the seal and absorbing me faster!"
"Wow…didn't even know it did that."
"How the hell do you think you have so much Chakra? Anyway, when you awakened, it took two of my tails giving you a hell of a lot more chakra. Since then it has taken another. By the time you get to Konoha…I will be gone, but know this…you will take my place."
"Oh? As what?"
"My Heir. You will be the next king of demons! Now….I will not have a weak Heir. You will train when you get back. Now…..I have a question for you. What ninja art do you like the most?"
"Uh…sealing." Silence…
"What the hell is with you humans…rrr…aliens with Seals! My one weakness! Fine…I will give you my knowledge of seals! It is just a bit less than the 4th hokage's." He sent the info to Naruto's brain who got a real bad headache, but it went away as quickly as it came.
"Uh….thanks. So, do you know what me elemental affinties are?"
"Fire and wind…..odd combination but it makes sense because wind is your natural element and Fire is because of your bloodline. Now…get out…..when I die, there will be a scroll that will appear before you… holds my knowledge, jutsu, and things you will have to know about demons." And with that Naruto was pushed out of his mind and found himself being stared at by Kakashi.
"Did it talk to you?" it was more a statement than a question.
Naruto nodded and said, "Yes, and my bloodline is killing it." That statement made his eye widen and the others to just be confused as hell! Naruto shrugged it off and continued to walk.
That night they rested and Naruto took the first watch, which was the longest. During that time, he took his new knowledge of seals and created a bunch of seals on his coat and clothes. The ones on his clothes were to repair them if they got scrapped up from battle. The seals in his coat where for the same thing, along with gravity seals to which he put it up to 100 times gravity, and storage seals. He put a storage seal collar of his coat to put his sword in but he would keep the hilt out for easy release, but his hair would hide it from view. He also put a few seals on the sword as well. It did not change it much except that the seals formed a picture on each side of the sword. One was a dragon and the other was a fox and if one would look closely, they would see a phoenix on the hilt. These seals were to protect the sword from the weather, battle, and other things. They also were a form of security so only he could use the sword. If some were to try and use it they would get spiked in the hands, then shocked by 1000 vaults of electricity, and then burnt with super-heated blue fire.
"I see you used your time wisely…." said Kakashi as he walked up to him. "So what do you mean that your bloodline is killing the Kyuubi.
"*sigh* it is making the seal that holds the Kyuubi to work in overdrive to absorb it faster. It takes the Kyuubi's chakra and turns it into my chakra."
"Uh…wow….so how much of the kyuubi's chakra do u have?"
"3 tails or more right now…..and the Kyuubi said that it would not live to ever see Konoha ever again…"
"THAT IS GREAT!" said Kakashi.
"Yep….now I am going to sleep." said Naruto as he walked off to his tent.
Heh….the Hokage will have a heart attack when he hears this… let's see the next chapter of Icha icha!
The next day at the gates…
Sasuke was the first one to say anything to Naruto. "Hey…..what the hell! Your wisker marks just sizzled off of you! What happened!" The gaurds who saw this wanted to know as well since they were good to the blond.
Naruto then said in a cryptic tone to his teammates but not to the old people, "My burden has been lifted."
"Yes well, we should get going to the Hokage then." said Kakashi as they left two gob smacked guard in their wake.
When they got there the hokage what to know where Naruto was. "Uh…old man…I am Naruto…"
The Hokage blinked and said, "WHAT HAPPENED?"
"I awakened my bloodline." Naruto said as he flashed a smile.
The Hokage gawked for a few second before saying to himself, "this is happening to soon…"
"Would do you mean Lord Hokage?" asked the one eyed man.
"I thought that bloodline was dead….with his Aunt and Uncle….It is your choice Naruto, do you want your teammates here for this….because I am sure you already know."
"Yeah….there going to find out anyway."
"Find out what?" asked Sakura but she was ignored like usual.
"Naruto, you are not from this world….and neither were your Aunt and Uncle. Your Aunt was Kushina Uzumaki…not sure what her real name was."
"THE RED HOT-BLOODED HABANERO!" Kakashi practically yelled.
"Yes… the reason for that was because she had red energy when she got to this world….Starfire said she was a great warrior before she got sucked into a black hole with her husband." said Naruto surprising even the old man at how much he knew.
"Yes…and your uncle and her lover was Minato Namikaze." The old man said getting shocked looks from everyone except Naruto.
"Yeah….from what it would seem, when they were sucked into that black hole they were separated, turned into kids, and the color of their fires changed. Kushina was picked up by the Uzumaki clan and her fire had turned blood red. Minato was prolly picked up here in Konoha and his was yellow. Am I right?" asked Naruto.
The Hokage could only nod.
"Now me…..I was taken from my home at three, but it must have gone wrong I was also sucked into the same black hole but the only thing that happened to me was that I revert back to a baby and I lost my memories, which I am getting back. That is when the 4th hokage found me and sealed the Kyuubi in me but also for some reason seal away my bloodline. Now it is back and it killed the Kyuubi."
The Hokage could only nod once more. "Uh…who is Starfire?"
"She is my twin sister from the world I was born in….I will find a way to get back…just so you know."
"I knew that would happen….so anything else I should know…"
"Oh yeah…from the memories I get when I sleep, I also have another sister called Blackfire. My true name is Foxfire, and oh yeah….I am a prince." There was nothing but silence for a few seconds after that before everyone in the village heard;
"Ow…and here I thought I was loud…." chuckled Naruto
"WHAT SEC! You are an Alien Prince, your related to the 4th Hokage, and the 2nd Uzukage…..WHAT THE HELL!" screech Sakura.
"Heh…cool." said Sasuke, not even phased by the banshee's screaming. "You are really not useless anymore."
"Yeah well, thanks, I guess." said Naruto with an annoyed look.
"Now, I was supposed to give you this stuff either with you reached Chunnin or gained your bloodline, which you have." said the old man as he tossed a few scrolls at Naruto. "Two of them are letters from them and the last one is the deed to your new house….located in the forest above the Hokage's faces." When he was done talking noticed that Naruto had already read the two letters.
"Heh, I guess I was right about what happened, but it would seem they regained their memories once they met me…." said the red head.
"Oh…so what else did they give you?" asked Sasuke.
"The forbidden scroll is mine, some scroll that holds two of the great Jutsu the 4th ever created, and a scroll from my aunt about sword skills." The alien prince replied.
Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura all gawked at that. After that, the hokage dismissed them. Kakashi left them to read one of his books and Sasuke went to do his own thing. That left Sakura and Naruto. Unfortunately, Konohamaru and his friend s decided to show up in square rock form.
"Oh come on man….rocks are not square!" Naruto deadpanned.
"I knew it was you boss! Clever as always!" it said as it exploded in a poof of smoke to reveal him and his friends. "We are The Konohamaru Corps.!" They said as they made a weird pose.
"OK….so what do you want?"
"Play ninja with us boss!" Konohamaru said not really caring about Naruto's new looks.
"HA! A ninja playing ninja….how stupid." Sakaru put her two cents in.
The Hokage's grandkid looked between the two and smirked. "Nice going boss….but is that really your girlfriend?"
The two face vaulted before Sakura screeched "NO!" and Naruto said, "Nope, besides….she is not my type." making Sakura gawk at him.
"Oh yeah? Then what was that crap in the academy, HUH?"
"Oh I was just trying to annoy you…worked out pretty well too." smirked Naruto making Sakura have an angry blush.
"OH GOOD ONE BOSS!" laughed Konohamaru, "Besides, her forehead is just waaaay to big!"
Naruto paled at Sakura's KI and told them to all run, to which they all agreed. "KONOHAMARU! YOU NUTS FOR SAYING THAT!"
They ran for a bit until Konohamaru ran into a guy who was dressed like a cat and had make up on. "Ow….your gunna pay for that you brat."
"Kankuro, just put him down…" said the blond girl with 4 pig tails that came up behind him.
"But he hurt me Temari…now I am going to hurt him."
"Whatever, but I want no part of it." She said.
"You won't be hurting anyone!" said Naruto as he came up to them.
Oh? Wow, local hottie!
He doesn't look so tough "And what are you going to do." Mr. Cat replied.
"This…" Naruto said as he disappeared and reappeared with the kid back with his friends and Sakura, and Naruto had his blade at his neck while he was behind him, shocking everyone. "Besides, I don't think your raccoon friend up in the tree would like you hurting the Hokage's grandson."
Again, everyone was shocked and Gaara sand shushined to where the blond was and said, "Please release my brother….Kankuro, you are a disgrace the sand village, next time I will kill you." Gaara said. "Who are you?" he said to Naruto.
"Name's Naruto Uzumaki…..or Foxfire." He said as he showed off some fire to which Gaara had an insane smirk.
"Ah…the savior of Wave Country….I will enjoy killing you."
"Heh, said the insane Raccon." Naruto replied making the three sand nin widen their eyes. "Yeah I know you are a Jinchuriki….for I was one myself." And with that he and the rest of the Konoha nin walked off, leaving confused sand nin in their wake.
That night in Naruto's new home…
It had taken the rest of the day to get his stuff packed and moved to his new home and he thought it was great! He had a living room, a kitchen, a dojo and a game room on one floor and a common room and bedrooms on the second floor. He had a thrird floor for the master bed room, which he took. He also had an outdoor dojo and hotsprings to cool off. Yeah this was great.
"I should go check on the titans…" He as he started meditating in his room.
He found that he was staring at his sister and was about to say something when everything was explained. It seemed the Puppet King had come and took the three boys' body's as puppets and Starfire and Raven had switched bodies.
"Starfire, you have to calm down. My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel the more energy you unleash!" said Raven in Starfire's body.
"But what if they find us, what if our friends are doomed, what if I am stuck looking like this forever!" Starfire said as she was in Raven's body as she smacked herself.
"We'll fix it, I don't know how, but we will rescue the boys and we will get our bodies back." said Raven. "What's wrong with the way I look?"
"NOTHING!" Starfire squeaked out as a traffic light exploded. "I will try to calm down. Peace, Quite, Tranqillity." The last one blew up a car.
"We are so doomed." Said Raven and then they heard Beast Boy in bird form.
"Beast Boy!" yelled Starfire.
"You mean Zombie Beast Boy. RUN!" said Raven.
I think I came at a bad time….anything I can do to help? asked Naruto, but surprisingly they both heard him.
"NARUTO!" they both said.
Yeah….Uh…since I am in both of your minds just say T Clone…..i think I can help with my new clone jutsu.
They nodded and both yelled out, "T CLONE!" and Naruto appeared before them.
They were currently in an alley. "I do not wish to fight them again!"
"We might have to! So we need to be ready." said Naruto.
Raven then asked Starfire how to use her power, but they were powered by emotion and Raven was screwed. Then they were attacked by BB and Robin but the two missed and attacked each other. Then they had a run in with Cyborg and Raven told Starfire how to use her powers. That could have been better because they went zooming into the air and out of control. Naruto sighed and flew after them. They landed in some garbage and Starfire said something weird, to which Naruto will ask about later. They hid for a bit, waiting for the others to go, but they heard the Puppet King talking about a ceremony to destroy the titans once and for all and left.
They decided to get to know each other more so the two of them could use their powers. Naruto just listened and was forming a plan.
I hope you all like my rewrite and I am also changing the pairing. There are too many Naruto/Raven stories, so this will be probably be a Naruto/Terra pairing.