Hi there, this is the first time I am writing a Yaoi fanfic and english is not my first language, in fact it's my third, so please bear with all of the mistakes and typo here and there...

This is a YAOI, boys on boys Naruto fanfiction, those that don't like it please do leave. As for those Yaoi fangirls or boys, please enjoy...

Pride of an Uke

Chapter 01

"Uchiha Sasuke!" A blond shouted on top of his lungs as he stood in front of a king size bed, which is the central attraction of the simple black and white bed room. Instead of admiring the silky blood red bedspread where a certain raven purposely have it imported from London nor the supple and look oh-so-fluffy pillows with their oh-so-high class black silk pillow case on them, the blazing azure orbs landed on a pair of pink laced panties that landed innocently on the edge of the bed.

Growling angrily, Naruto dashed towards that offensive piece of garments and throw it onto the floor.

"Fuck you Uchiha! Don't think that you can get away from anything just because you are fucking RICH and GORGEOUS at the same time! I am having enough of this you fucking two-timer! CHEATER!Gahhh!" Naruto roared as he stumped on the oh-so-innocent undergarments, tears threatening to row down from the used to be bright azure orbs.

After a good ten minutes of stomping and lashing out his anger aka going on rampage, the blond let out a long sigh as he walked towards the drawer and took out a crystal ball. This is the first thing that he has given to Sasuke as a Valentine present, in order to purchase this limited edition 'The Must Have Japanese Valentine Present', Naruto had worked his ass off for two whole months just to land his paws on it.

"Fuck, why am I such a moron, no matter how hard I try, I can't get hold on what doesn't belonged to me… why torture myself just for that bastard with a ten inch pole in his ass…" While rolling the crystal ball on his left hand, the blond took out his phone and dialed the oh-so-familiar number. 'Have to remind myself to delete his number after this…'

"Yes, Uchiha Sasuke speaking." A sad smile framed on the tan face, such dark, smooth voice that used to make him trembled with glee and his heart pounding wild. Yet now it sounds so freaking ANNOYING.

'God, I must be blind and deaf during that time.'

"Hello? Who's speaking?" Shaking his head to clear up his mind a little, the blond give out a mischievous smirk and used the sweetest voice he can mastered, "Sasu-chan, I am Naruto~~"

"Naru? Didn't I have already told you that I will be very busy right now? I will call you when I wanted to find you."

"Bu-but, I missed you so much~~ and then there's one thing that I need to tell you, right now or else I can't eat my ramen peacefully later~~"

"Can't you just wait till we are on bed if you are going to tell me that kind of lovely-dovley stuff?" A vein popped on the tan forehead as the Uchiha growled impatiently. Damn you Uchiha.

"Fine~~ I am going to tell you now, so PLEASE make sure you phone is glued to your ear right now~~" Taking in a deep breath, and " Damn you, you son of a bitch Uchiha Sasuke! Don't you know that that thing hanging between your legs is so DAMN small and you techniques are even worse; only a pig would climb onto your bed and have sex with you! Tell you what, I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU, YOU TWO-TIMER! I am so going to find a dude who is 100 times more handsome than you and 200 times richer than you with a HUGE penis! That's all, happy fucking with those pigs in heat!" Without waiting for the raven's reply, the blond swiftly end the call, switched off the phone, took out the sim card and lastly throw the phone into the dustbin with a nice aim.

'Wah, haven't been so satisfied for god knows how long.' While the blond was humming and packing his stuff happily, the raven on the other hand was trembling in rage, a black aura was emitted and caused the surrounding temperature to drop by a few good degrees.

The blond hair beauty sitting beside the infamous Uchiha trembled from the sudden change of temperature as she drily smiled. Leaning against the larger male, she pouts, "Sasuke-sama, what's wrong? Who's the moron that dared to anger you?"

"Ino, I will ask one of my body guards to send you home first, there's something that I have to settle."

"Wha-But Sasuke-sama, I thought today we are going to-"

"Go, now, Ino, before I lost my patience." A simple glare and the annoying woman is gone. Grabbing the limited edition phone from the floor where he angrily smashed it just now, Sasuke dialled a series of numbers, " Yes, Sasuke-sama?"

"Negi, go to Naruto's house and bring him to me. If he is not there, go search his work place." Sasuke hissed.

"Yes, Sasuke-sama."

"Uzumaki Naruto, I will make you regret on every single word that you have said. It seems that I have been too gentle on you that you have already forgotten who's your master."

And then, a week has passed and Uzumaki Naruto is still nowhere to be found, just as if he never existed in this world. He changed his phone, his moved out from his old apartment and he even quitted his job.

Sasuke rested comfortably on the white leather sofa, still trying to solve the mystery of why Naruto will transformed from a cute, sweet kitsune into a fierce tiger. Among all of his 'lovers', Naru was the one that he likes the most and he was the one that he kept for the longest period of time as well. Why can't he get bored of the blond is another mystery to solve but the raven do know that whenever he is with the blond, he feels relaxed and comfortable. As for the 'fun activities on bed', Naruto here has a tight as hell ass which he just can't get enough of it. Whenever Naruto smiles or grinned, two cute dimples will formed which makes him looks innocent and almost angelic. Though Naruto can be considered as a 'top class tree', Sasuke, the infamous playboy won't give up a whole forest just for a tree.

Three years ago, that was the first time for Uzumaki Naruto, a college student to encounter with Uchiha Sasuke, vice president of the Uchiha Corp. The twenty five years old genius was invited by the school to give a brief talk about current marketing and business management. The blond will never forget the elegant aura given when the raven was giving the speech on the stage, how smoothly he spoke to the audience, how he gently he smiled when he received praises and how he could make a simple 30 minute talk into something so interesting. He is a born leader with charisma, that's the first thing that came to the blond's mind.

Naruto still remember the first time he was embraced by Sasuke, he was so happy and satisfied that he can die happily. Sasuke is-was his whole world and Naruto has given up all to love this man. Sasuke was a good lover, he took care of everything for the blond, yet at the same time, he is taking good care of his other lovers. No reassurance, not even a single explanation, as if what he has done so far was as expected.

Naruto was hurt beyond words, but he just can't bare himself to let go of Sasuke, he felt safe in the raven's embracement. He, Uzumaki Naruto, a total klutz who don't even has a single strong point or skills to be proud of is-was loved by a genius. Just from this the blond knew that he don't have the right to argue with the raven, to force Sasuke to only look at him. Being together with Sasuke, he has countless joyful moment and yet he has shed countless tears.

Not long ago, a friend of his, Lee invited him to join a talk about youthful and joyous love life and Naruto agreed to it half-heartedly. Thanks to the speaker, Jiraya who self-claimed as the love expert who never fail and also his youthful friend, Lee, Naruto has come to a conclusion.

So what if he is not half as good as the Uchiha, love is equal without considering status or fame! So why should he, Uzumaki Naruto being tortured and suffered from a never-will-bloom love relationship? For himself, for what he had been through for the past three years (which is like hell) the blond finally made up his mind to free himself from the infamous playboy, Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke, you better watch your back carefully, I won't be your freaking pet anymore, even ukes have their own pride!


Hope that you guys like it and please do comment and tell me what do you think about this fic~~