This is just pure sap. I have no excuse for it. It just is. I disclaim! This took a lot longer than it should have. First, I got distracted by Mikita, then I had a midterm, then life just kept happening. This chapter was kind of hard to write. Endings and I have issues.


There was a moment when he realized that he was an idiot. Simply, an idiot.

He could have been kinder, or harsher, but he'd decided not to. He was, after all, himself. He wanted to be fair. And he was an idiot.

Evan had, however, decided to rectify that idiocy.

He loved Divya.

It was simple, and true.

He had a long list of things to do before he could tell her that.


"Hey," Evan said nervously. "Paige, we need to talk."

The smile that had been forming on her face disappeared at the seriousness in his voice. "About what?"


At that Paige knew that it was over and that she'd lost Evan to Divya. She'd known it as soon as Evan had mentioned Divya to her. She'd known it when she'd met Divya and seen the way they bickered. She knew it when she looked at the special smile Evan reserved just for Divya.

It had only been a matter of time.

There had been a part of her that hoped she'd be able to win him over before they'd realized that they were in love with one another . . . but apparently that part of her had been wrong.

"You're breaking up with me," she stated, knowing it was true.

Evan could only nod, "I'm sorry."

"No, you're not. You're sorry you're hurting me, but you're not sorry for ending things. Don't lie to me."


Paige smiled, a rueful sort of smile, "Just go, Evan."

"I hope you find someone worthy of you."

"So do I."


Divya chopped the vegetables for the soup she was making. She sighed.

She felt lonely. Just really, really lonely. After Evan's rejection she hadn't been able to face him. It had been a few days, but she still couldn't do anything except ignore him.

She couldn't even insult him, but it didn't seem to bother him.

He kept smiling some secretive smile, as if he knew something she didn't. Bastard.

But that was irrelevant, so she kept chopping the celery. A doorbell ringing interrupted her thoughts. She wiped off her hands quickly and headed over to the door, opening it up before checking to see who it was.

"Mother? I—"

"Don't be rude, Divya. Let me in." Her mother pushed her way in.

"Why are you here?" Divya knew she should have been a little more polite, but her parents hadn't spoken to her in months, except to say that they were disappointed in her and no longer considered her their daughter.

Divya's mother suddenly looked slightly uncomfortable. "Because you are family."

Divya tried not to get her hopes up, instead choosing to lift an eyebrow, "Really? Because you've refused to speak to me for months, and essentially informed me that I am, indeed, not family."

Divya's mother stepped forward and hugged her awkwardly, "That is not true."

Divya stood in her mother's arms until she realized that she really was trying to hug her, then suddenly her arms came up and she hugged back. "Have you forgiven me?"

Her mother snorted derisively, "Of course not. But . . . someone assured us that there are more important things in this world then letting you go forever because you won't marry Raj."


Her mother straightened herself up, "That silly friend of yours. He came to speak to us and although I hate to admit it, I believe he was right about some things."

"Evan?" Divya practically whispered.

"I don't know. Anyway, if you truly didn't like Raj, I suppose we could have found you someone else."

"I liked Raj, I just didn't love him."

Her mother snorted. "Love."

"Yes, love."

"We still don't approve, Divya."

Divya's face fell. "But—"

"But we suppose that we can help you find another appropriate match."

"I don't—"

Her mother interrupted, "Maybe we can discuss a compromise later. At dinner."

Divya smiled softly, "I'd like that."


Ring. Ring. Ring.

Divya opened the door, almost expecting her mother to have returned with a new suitor.

Divya didn't want anyone else though, she just wanted . . . "Evan."

He smiled, "Yup."

"Thank you," was the first thing that popped into her head. "For my mother, for doing that. She came by yesterday. I can't believe that she'd actually listen to you."

"She took some convincing," Evan smiled at Divya's obvious happiness. "But I won her over."

"Thank you," Divya said again, smiling slightly.

"No problem."

Divya realized they were awkwardly standing at the door so she stepped back and motioned him in.

As he walked in he stopped right in front of her."I'm sorry." Evan was quite obviously nervous.


"I wasn't fair to you before. I—" Evan nervously fidgeted with his hair.

"Just say it," Divya said, hope apparent in her eyes.

Evan almost seemed to sigh with relief. "I love you. I'm in love with you. And I—"

Divya felt her heart swell, almost as if it would explode with joy.

"—I just love you," he continued. "And—"

Divya interrupted him with a kiss.

For a moment, the world seemed to cease its spinning, as if it were frozen in time.

For a moment, they were home, and they were the center of the universe.

Just the two of them, together.

Evan pulled away first. "I thought that would be harder, that you might make me grovel because I . . . "

"Rejected me? I would, but that would hurt me as much as it would hurt you."

Evan smiled nervously, holding his hand out to Divya.

She looked at it, and without hesitating placed her own hand in his.

"Where do we go from here?"

"I was thinking dinner. I'm rather hungry and my mother monopolized most of my day with phone calls concerning the multitude of ways I have to make up for my absence from her life."

Evan hesitated, "Speaking of your mother . . . I think she hates me."

Divya smiled, lifting her hand to his cheek. "But I don't. What do you think matters more?"

Evan smiled and leaned in to kiss her softly on the lips. "You, always."

"Oh, Evan. I love you."

"I love you too. Always, Divya. Always."


"If your mother didn't already hate me, I think this would kind of make her see red. She could kill me for this."

Divya smirked. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

"I don't think anyone can protect me from her wrath."

"Why? Because we're getting married? Or because I asked you?"

"Both. Because I'm not good enough for you, and because I forced you to awkwardly inform me that we were getting married."

"You were going to ask, I should have waited."

"You should have. I was waiting until I got up the courage to ask your parents if they were going to kill me for marrying you, but you kind of cut that off. So now I still don't know if they're going to come sneaking over here before the ceremony and whack me."

Divya smiled and leaned in to pat him on the head—much like a child playing duck-duck-goose. "You'll be fine. We've already paid for the wedding."

"This is really complicated, Div."

"The complicated cross-cultural ceremonies, or us?"

Evan smiled slightly, "We're not complicated. But life is."

"But we'll get through it together." Divya assured him.

"You know what? You're right."

"Good." Divya said, smiling. "I do believe that you should always acknowledge that fact. Now, can we go seal the deal now?"

"We've already done that though—" Evan was interrupted by Divya smacking him. "Ow!"

"Don't ever say something like that again, or you won't have to worry about my family killing you, because I'll do it first." Divya warned sternly, trying not to ruin her seriousness with a smile.

Evan smiled. "Are you ready?"



After the words were said, and after the ceremonial parts of the wedding were complete, Evan and Divya took a few minutes alone to walk along the beach at which they'd had their wedding—quite contrary to what everyone else had wanted.

But that, Divya assured her parents, was where she first felt a change in the winds.

That, Evan assured Hank, was where he almost let the best thing in his life slip away.

And so, they stood, looking out over the ocean.

As the breeze picked up Divya leaned into Evan for warmth. "I think we're going to be okay."

Evan looked around and then back down at Divya, "I know we will. Because we have each other. And even though that sounds entirely too clichéd, it's also true. And just a little bit more awesome than perfect."

"You're right. That was entirely too clichéd." Divya smiled in a ridiculously happy sort of way. "But you're right."

Divya leaned up to kiss Evan on the cheek, then rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thanks for reading!