Excerpt from 'Famous Witches and Wizards':


Morgan Le Fey is best known as Merlin's rival and half-sister of the muggle King Arthur Pendragon. Her exact date of birth is unknown, despite being Arthur's older sister. She was a known dark witch and had a known hatred for her younger brother. As an ally of Arthur, the great wizard Merlin was also known to be held in contempt by her.

Very little is known about Le Fay, and what is known comes from witness accounts of her. The reason for this is simple, Merlin personally hunted down and destroyed any and all relics, notes, books, and anything else connected to her. The reason for this is because it was his belief that her magics were too dangerous, and too tempting for any to practice safely. It is unknown whether or not he was successful, as Le Fay is believed to have taken at least two apprentices, known only by the names Arawn and Morrigan, who disappeared several years before her death, and may have been her own children (although there is no proof to these claims).

Morgan Le Fay is described in all accounts as a ruthless fighter, capable of unspeakable horror, with a cunning and intelligence that put Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, both would become apprentices of Merlin, to shame. Her physical appearance is, however, a source of debate among scholars, as nothing with her likeness remains. Some claim that her hair was black as night, echoing the darkness of her soul, others believe her hair was white, as the moon at night, with shimmering strands that reflected starlight. Some say that she was tall, towering above most men, while others say she was short, belaying her dangerous nature. Regardless of this debate, one thing is known about her appearance, she was beautiful and young. Despite being at least over a hundred years old at her time of death, it is said that she still appeared to be in her early twenties or late teens. And it is known that she did not die of old age.

Fifty-four years before Merlin's own death, he sent one of his apprentices, Godric Gryffindor, to assassinate Le Fay when it became apparent that the dark witch was not aging. It was a suicide mission, due to Le Fay's own age, knowledge, and experience, but Gryffindor accepted. Gryffindor never spoke, nor wrote about how he succeeded in his endeavor, but he returned several months later with Morgan Le Fay's head. Merlin ran many test on the head until finally verifying that Morgan Le Fay was dead. Godric was the youngest of Merlin's four apprentices, and the last. After releasing Gryffindor from his apprenticeship on the spot (Merlin believed that killing Le Fay proved that Gryffindor needed no further instruction), Merlin spent the rest of his life hunting down any and all things connected to Le Fay.

It is unknown what motivated Le Fay in her actions, just as it is unknown what dark magic she wielded. What is known are her actions.

She waged a personal war upon her brother Arthur for several years, harassing his knights, aiding his enemies, and finally assisting Arthur's bastard son Mordred (who contrary to popular belief was not Le Fay's own son) attempt to take his father's crown and throne. The war eventually ended with the death of both Arthur and Mordred. But Le Fay did show some respect towards her brother, carrying his body from the battlefield to Camelot so that he could be buried properly and with honor. She in fact carved his tombstone, etching upon it the words: Here Lies Arthur, King of the Britons, Master of Excalibur, and a Good, Righteous Man. May He Know Peace.

Le Fay was also an ally to the goblins, assisting them in two separate rebellions, and helping to unite the various tribes under one banner. She is credited with the formation of the Goblin Nation and is respected to this day by the race of goblins. Goblins to this day react violently and swiftly to any perceived slight against the witch. They were known to assist her on several occasions.

And of course one cannot forget the many numerous battles between her and Merlin and his apprentices. Merlin in fact founded a group known as The Order of the Phoenix to combat Le fay and her allies. After her death, the group became dedicated to preventing the rise of any other dark witches or wizards.

Finally, Morgan Le Fay built Azkaban Fortress, and used it as a base of operations long before it was turned into a prison. It is unknown why, despite visiting the island fortress after Le Fay's death, Merlin left the place standing. It sat abandoned until the formation of the Wizengamot, who then decided to turn the fortress into a prison.

The legacy of Morgan Le Fay has been forgotten thru the ages, dying along with her. But her legend has lived and thrived, passed down from parent to child. And while many of her feats have been exaggerated or forgotten, one thing is clear, she was one of the most dangerous women to ever live. Merlin, who is highly regarded as the most powerful wizard to ever live, was forced to assassinate the witch, as even he was unable to defeat her in open battle. If Merlin is the greatest light wizard to ever live, Morgan Le Fay is his opposite, the greatest dark witch to ever live.

And one must always wonder whether or not Merlin was actually successful in his endeavors to destroy her knowledge and legacy.


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