Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this fic below.


"How may I help you, shinshou?" A pink haired, wide forehead girl asked respectfully.

Tsunade, a blond haired beauty with her big boobs and sharp jade eyes, replied. "How long have you been under my instruction, Sakura?"

The said girl frowned in confused, wondered why her question had inspired her mentor into such an answer, another unrelated question. However, didn't want to be insolent, for Sakura Haruno was anything but that, she answered dutifully. "Nearly 3 years, from what I remembered."

"Tell me how do you feel right now, compared to 3 years earlier."

"Er, different?" Sakura bit her lips to not let out a loud 'Duh!' What's wrong with her teacher? It's just simply not Tsunade's style to be harmonica and this dignified! Peering at the grave face Hokage, Sakura lid out the choice of Sake because she couldn't smell any alcohol from the other or did the person showed any sign of being drunk.

"More specifically, Sakura." Ok. Tsunade was totally out of her character. Sakura had been this woman's aprecientice since she was twelve for nothing. At the earlier point, where her answer was obviously dump, the hot headed Hokage supposed to jump up and yelling her head off for being a brainless, pea- sized dummy for the blond of course knew Sakura had changed.

May be her mentor had eaten something weird? Liked unfridged bread or out of date sake? From the odd patience Tsunade suddenly acquired out of no where, Sakura didn't doubt this from happen.

Still, the kunochi decided that though, her teacher was sicked and possibly need health checked- up, the woman still had the same look when you did something stupid that practically screamed to your face that 'You're sucked and very hard at it, too.' So, being a dignified and skilled Jonin she was, Sakura re-asset with more appropriate language, plus terminologies that required.

"From what I've recorded myself, my genjutsu is the best out of my techniques, following closely by taijutsu and ninjutsu. I was practsing my stamina but in general, my skills are less or more Shizune neechan level. My medical skills I believe you knew better than me for we work together every day."

"Very well. I'm proud that I've obtained such potential student." Tsunade, for the first time of their conversation, allowed a glowing smile adorned her stern expression.

"Thank you, Shinshou. I wouldn't accomplish all of my skills without you being my teacher." Sakura bowed and smiled back at Tsunade. "And are you feeling ill or not ok anywhere? You sound, er, abnormal today, shinshou."

"No. I'm certainly very fine today." Tsunade exhaled, leaning against her seat while scanning Sakura up and down. The younger girl withdrew a little at how intense and concentrated her teacher was, when she was eyeing her… breasts!

Crossing her arms and forcing down a grimace, Sakura asked nauseously. "Um, Tsunade shinshou… Are you feeling real well, today? May be I should call Shizune Nee san or-

"What size are your boobs, Sakura?"

"SHIZUNE SAN!" The paling girl cried, quickly scurried to the door but her teacher would have none of it, for she slammed her fists on the table loudly, sounding very serious.

"Sakura Haruno! We're in business here, damned it! Answer me!"

Sending a longing look at the door just behind her, Sakura slowly drifted back to her earlier spot while muttering. "C, madam."

"Sakura." Tsunade warned.

"Ok, ok. Small A." Sakura admitted finally but fired up defensively at the unreadable gaze, which she interpreted as pity look, from her mentor. "But it's getting better and-"

"Your height? And weight?" the Hokage cut in again.

"I'm growing but from the last check up, which was a week ago, I'm 1m70 and 50 kg." Sakura shifted uncomfortably between her legs. It's never been a thing that she liked to talk about, much less informing her mentor that she was a degenerated person with a height oddly tall for a teenager and a chest that painfully small, to the point of almost invisible when she wore baggy suit.

And blame it's on none other than the hag in front of her! She thought grumpily while mentally sending resentful glare to her teacher. As Sakura had too much of vanity and pride to ask for tips from Ino or Hinata, she had resolved in depending on Tsunade (after all, she had a pair of hugest boobs in the whole Five Nations, if that's not a bit too exagarrated) for intelligent advices.

Milk. Yes, milk. That's what her teacher had advised her to drink and even replaced her meal if she wanted a faster effect. Innocent Sakura. Naïve Sakura. Dump Sakura didn't know that her mentor just had a dozen of Sake's bottles and her judgement was affected by the god damning alcohol! She had actually followed the woman's advice, and unfortunately for her, even if her first and third size scarely be affected, her height and bones, however, were completely different cases.

Now, she had surpassed Naruto one or two inches and nearly as tall as any shinobi her ages while pathetically being at the bottom of the pyramid when it came to breasts' size. Hers were even smaller that little brat named Hanabi!

"Brilliant… Simply fantastic." Came the mutters of a thoughtful Hokage and Sakura raised an eyebrow in confusion.

She, being, a huge, muscular, ugly girl is… Perfect? Tsunade must totally lose it.


She jumped and frantically waved her hands. "I didn't just think you've gone insane, shinshou! Seriously!"

Tsunade frowned at her fluttering, sheepish smile and seemed to want to snap at her but restrained her self in time. The impulse woman took a deep breath before staring at her with the strange look from before. "I have a solo A-ranked mission for you. This is a dangerous and possibly leading to death task. It's required not only your skills in combat but also your flexibility in dealing with various types of people and new environments."

"What's it about, the mission I mean?" Sakura asked cautiously, having a blurry connection to what her teacher had asked her before,

"Have you ever heard of Mafia? Underground world?"

"A bit, Shinshou." Tsunade seemed surprised that she knew those terminologies so Sakura quickly explained. "I have been having some interests in rare cases of operation and in one of the books I read, there was a patient who have a gun shot at her side stomach. So, not really understand how the 'gun', in here, work, I have done some research on the weapon which led to my knowledge on Mafia, military and different organizations that required this particular weapons in the New world."

"I'm impressed, Sakura." Her mentor smiled proudly at her, which made Sakura felt very boosted up. Sometimes, her curiosity and the starvation for new knowledge sure had their advantages.

"Then, do you know the Vongola of Italy?"

"Er, An Italian food?"

"The first part is right but not the later." The Hokage said. "Vongula is a powerful mafia family with its short history for under 100 years yet has covered nearly the whole world territory. In each generation, there is a boss, who owns the Sky ring and his six guardians, who each has their own elementary rings. Currently, in Japan, there are an in training the tenth boss of this very same family, which will be your next costumer."

"They required a body guard?" Sakura asked.

"No." Tsunade replied, fingering up a shinny silvery ring she had been rotated during their talk. "You are hired as the holder of the seventh ring for this family, the Moon Guardian."

"Eh." Sakura squinted as the oval object. "But didn't you just tell me there are only 6 guardians and 1 boss? Why am I the seventh? And how long will this mission last?"

"I have only been informed that the Vongula needs one of our skilled shinobi for their seventh guardian and the rest, I don't know." Tsunade admitted, scanning a roll on her desk once again. " They said the guardian will only be temporarily, and the hired person will stay there until the tenth Vogula Boss officially accept his throne."

"Which is how long? 6 moths? A year?" The kunochi asked impatiently because the hokage just wouldn't go straight to the point. She wasn't that worried, though, as she knew Tsunade wouldn't send her too long away. After all, she was still in training and only a Chuuin level, which she had to admit, too weak to risk being away from Konoha too long.

"At least 3 years."

Woa. Longer than she had expected… but she wasn't going to complain. After all, this was her A ranked mission and the first solo nonetheless! She was feeling very excited! Her eyes and face must have shown her eagerness because Tsunade smiled sympathetically at her and continued. " But they need a male."



"Yes, they required a young, 15 years old boy, therefore," The Hokage smiled at her student's confused facial. "You will distinguish as what they want and started your mission at the end of today."

"B-but I'm a girl and m-my hair-" Sakuar sputtered while pointing to her bright pink head, not noticing two certain blonds were sneaking up on her.

"Don't worry, Sakura." Tsunade said sadly, though her eyes were glinting with mischief. "I've prepared everything."


"Tsunade Sama. Is this right?" Shizune whispered beside the desk.

"We can't do anything." The Hokage replied quietly. "They want her."

A/N: A cliché ending and I will explain the construct of how Sakura will stay at Tsuna's house in the later chapters. Any confusion or questions, e-mail me, yeah? Pairing? Saku x? Vote now because I'm still undecided.

Well, then, thank you for reading my chapter and see you in the next release.