Disclaimer: Nope. Despite my crying and moaning, Eyeshield 21 still doesn't belong to me. Please excuse me while I lock myself in my room for the next week mourning this fact.

A/N: I am sorely disappointed in the lack of HiruMamo fanfiction. Seriously, guys? The writers aren't even subtle about their relationship! Thus: my solution. One-shot collection, loosely related. I may feel to urge to write an AU or two, but we'll see how that goes.

Dedicated to: My roommates, Pili and Caroline, for being so strange and so great. Seriously, you guys have made college great for me.


You and Me

Chapter 1

Good Morning

Hiruma awoke to the distinct sensation of happy tiredness. Despite the heaviness of his limbs, the dull, throbbing ache of his muscles, his protesting back and the late-morning sun glaring into his eyes, he felt content. He groggily reasoned that it was not a new feeling; in fact, he had awoken much the same way for the past several months. Either way, however, he enjoyed it.

The blonde glanced down to the figure on his chest. Her soft breaths ghosted over his skin, and her legs tangled not uncomfortably with his own. He briefly noted how long her hair was; after all, she had no reason to cut it. Hiruma wondered if she knew he liked it better that way. She probably did – she had an uncanny ability to understand his silent musings.

She stirred.

He closed his eyes.

He could feel her awake and the fingers that breezed over his angular cheekbone. He could feel her gently attempt to unravel herself from him, and, after several tries, succeeded. He could feel the light kiss she pressed to his lips.

Her footsteps retreated from the room amid the wispy rustle of clothing. After allowing her a proper head start, he, too, left the bed, pulling on a pair of cotton pajama pants as he went. He leaned in the doorway, watching as the woman, clad only in his high school football jersey, began to shift through the mountains of documents and videotapes on the living room coffee table.

He grinned. "Kekeke, fucking girlfriend hasn't even made coffee, yet? Falling down on her job, isn't she?"

She gave him an amused look. "You know that's not my name, Yoichi-kun."

His grin widened. "Fucking manager."

"Nope," she stood from her seat, walking over to the devil, "still wrong."

"Kekeke," his voice deepened as she looped her arms around his neck. "Fucking Mamori."

"That's better," she smiled, reaching up to press her lips against his. She pulled back shortly. "Your reward," Mamori smirked teasingly. "I'll start breakfast in a second."

As she turned to enter the kitchen, Hiruma spun her to face him again, a devilish grin stretching across his lips. His arms looped tightly around her waist as he leaned closer to whisper in her ear. "I'm hungry for something a little different right now… fucking Mamori."

And, as the sun peeked through the blinds, it could see that it was a good morning.

Review for prompts and input! Can't do it on my own!