"Kyra!" don't say that." Said Lucy

"Say What?"

"That we hope it works."

"Sorry. I'm just a little on edge on how the school will respond to this."

"Don't worry Kyra it might turn out to be a success." Said Reba

"Yeah. Your right." Well I'm going to bed it's going to be a long day tomorrow." Walking upstairs to her room.

"Night Kyra." Said Ms. Hodge


Ms. Hodge started to cry as she thought of times she was bullied by Cheyenne an Van.

"You ok?" Asked Reba

"Yeah. I"m sorry I was thinking about that one time when Cheyenne helped this girl Kim write this cruel article about me in the school paper."

"What did they say?"

"Some of it I can't repeat but they wrote that my mom should have never had me cause I came out ugly an fat, and my kids would turn out the same way."

"I know. She told me when she got home from school crying her eyes out about that."


"I never told you this, but now I guess is a good time. " Cheyenne did't help Kim write that she made someone forge Cheyenne's name in the paper.

"I don't understand."

"Cheyenne never thought you were mean she just got in the wrong crowd." If you don't believe me ask her."

"I believe you." Thanks for telling me." wipping her tears away

Hours passed as morning came. The Sun was shinning through the curtains in Reba's bedroom. Reba wiped the sleep from her eyes as she got up out of bed putting on her robe an heading out her room.

"Morning mom." Said Kyra walking out of her room

"Morning. Where's Ms. Hodge?" about to walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"She's taking a shower." following Reba down the stairs.

"Ok. " Both walking in the kitchen in opposite directions.

"Ow!" Reba screamed holding a cup of hot coffee.

"You ok mom?"

"Yeah." Just burned my mouth." sitting down at the table next to Kyra drinking a glass of milk.

Lucy, Heather, and Ms. Hodge all came in the kitchen at once. "Morning. " Said Lucy with a smile

"Morning." Said Kyra

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge." Said Reba smiling

"Thanks Ms. Hart." Lucy an Heather both said in unsion

"Do we have to go back to school today?" asked Ms. Hodge

"Now you know how we feel." Said Kyra laughing

"Why don't we stay home for one more day an work on our project." Said Heather

"I would love to but I need to see what's going on at school." You two can stay home I won't be gone all day, but I'll keep you two updated." Said Ms. Hodge

"Ok sure." Have a nice day." Said Kyra

"You too." leaving the kitchen

"So mom I have some ideas for our project."

"Really what are they?"

"Well I was thinking we could make some wrist bands, an t shirts. "

"Sounds great Kyra." Anymore ideas?"

"Yeah. I think we should also make banners to put outside the school so parents can see what we are doing." Said Lucy

"Yeah. I agree with you." Said Heather

"Hey Reba!" said Barbra Jean walking through the back door.

"What do you want?"


"Then get out of my house." We have a lot of work to get done."

"Like what?" sitting at the island

"We're doing a stop bullying project for Kyra's school."

"Cool can I help?"

"No. Last time you helped with a school project you nearly blew up the school with your stupid baton trick."

"Oh come on." This is different I won't set anything on fire." Giving Reba the puppy face.

"Fine." Anything to make you stop making that stupid puppy face. " I'm not Brock."

"Lucy, Heather." why don't we go up to my room an pick out a design for the t shirts." " Said Kyra gathering up her notebooks an pens.

"Okay." Heather said following Lucy an Kyra out of the kitchen.

"I'll be up there in a mintute Kyra."

"Ok mom."

"You guys making T shirts!"

"Yes. An keep your gem gun to yourself." Getting up to get a drink from the fridge.

"Why do you take all the fun out of everything?"

"Cause you took all the fun out of my marraige." Taking a sip of water from her water bottle.

"I Have said I'm sorry." Isn't that enough without rubbing this in my face."


"Your evil."

"Oh tell me something I don't know." Rolling her eyes.

"I was bullied in school for being the tallest kid in my class."

"I Know. Blondzilla."

"Hey. That really hurt me when they said that an exceptally coming from you!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

"Hey Reba, Barbra Jean." said Ms. Hodge walking through the back door.

"What's wrong?" asked Reba

"Nothing." I'm going to go gather up my things an go home." I Have a lot of work to do for school." leaving the kitchen

"I'll be right back." Ms. Hodge what happend today?"

"You know that mean girl Jenny I have been telling you about." Well after school she walked up to me an told me to my face that the reason I don't look like my mom is because I was raised by wolfs." sobbing as her tears rolled down her face wipping her make-up off.

"That girl was raised by trolls if you ask me." She had no right telling you that."

"I just want to go home an hide from that beast." Look I'll be ok it's not my first insult."

"It's going to be your last when we get this project running." You sit on the couch I'll go get your things." Heading to the guest room upstairs.

Kyra could see her mom gathering up cloths an putting them in a suitcase. " Hey mom." You leaving?" walking into the guest room.

"No. Ms. Hodge is going home."

"Why?" what happend at school?"

"She ran into Jenny after school an she said some cruel things to her that really hurt her."

"What did the little witch say?"

"That I was raised by wolfs an thats why I don't look anything like my mom." walking up behind her


"Kyra calm down there is no need to get all upset." said Reba

"Your mom is right an look it's not my first time being insulted." Look I'm going to get going." See you at school." Grabbing her bags an heading downstairs.

"That little brat is going to pay." Walking out of the room

"Kyra! wait a mintute." Walking behind her in her room."

"This has to stop mom an if she won't cut this out then I'm going to let her have it."

"Ms. Hart can you give us a mintute alone with Kyra." said Lucy

"Sure." I'll be downstairs if you need me." walking out of the room closing the door behind her.

"Fighting will not solve anything trust me I tried that once." I know it makes you angry it makes us mad too." That little brat had no right telling Ms. Hodge that, but all we can do right now is finish up this project an make a stand. "

Kyra finally calmed down an they began their project.

"We need a logo." What could it be?" asked Heather

"I know. How about Tears: Warning caused By Bullying." said Lucy. " Oh an the design can be a teardrop."

"Great idea." I like it." said Kyra as she started typing up the logo on the computer.

Five mintutes pasted when a email popped up on the screen that read Lucy Check This Out.. "I'm afraid to look." You open it." said lucy covering her eyes "Alright." said Kyra as she opened the email as it was a website called WE HATE LUCY! with pictures of her going into the hospital. "THAT LITTLE B...! Screamed Heather "Girls is everything ok?" Reba asked walking into Kyra's room "Not really mom." showing her the computer screen

"Who sent this?"


"Print it out so we can show this to Ms. Hodge." Jenny is not getting away with this."

"That selfish BRAT!" Lucy cried as she started throwing her pens an paper on the floor.

"It's ok." Said Kyra as she went to comfort her with a hug.

"No it's not ok." I should have never moved here." I'm going to go home."

"Ok. Let me drive you home."

"Thanks, but I'll walk home." gathering up her things.

"No you won't." It's nearly fourty degrees outside I'm not letting you walk home in the cold."

"Yes mother." putting her back pack over her shoulder.

"I better get home too." said Heather grabbing her bag

"Ok come on I"ll drive you two home." Be back later mom." Walking out of the room heading downstairs.

"Ok be careful."

"We will."

Reba goes downstairs to the kitchen to get her some hot tea when a certain annoying blonde comes walking through her front door." Hey Reba." I can't sleep." Said Barbra Jean as she followed her into the kitchen.

"Why?" Brock snoring to much." Just stuff a sock in his mouth."

"I tried that it doesn't work." sitting down at the kitchen table

"Want some tea?"

"Sure. Thanks."

Reba pours another cup an brings it over to the kitchen table an puts it infront of Barbra Jean as she sits down beside her as tears start streaming down her face.

"What's wrong?"

"That girl Jenny is an awful person." She put up a website that says We Hate Lucy an put pictures of her going into the hospital. "

"What!" I'll be right back." getting up from the table heading towards the back door.

"Where you think your going?"

"I'm going to Kyra's school to teach that girl a lesson."

"Barbra Jean! No! you can't do that." It will only make things worse please let me an the girls take care of this." Besides school doesn't start till eight in the morning."

"Fine." I'll let her have it tommorow morning at school."

"Barbra Jean!" Please!"

"Alright I won't go." sitting back down at the kitchen table

"Thank you."

"Welcome." I still want to give her a piece of my mind." saying through gritted teeth

"I know you do an so do I."

"Well I'm going to head home an get some sleep." Bye." Walking out the back door.


The End... Chapter Two Coming Soon...