Yeah, some crazy crap going on here ;)

You can bet I was a little shocked when I got home to find the front door of my house open and two angry assassins clambering all over the roof.

"Is that..." I squinted and recognised the ponytail. "Ezio?"

Even though I was sure he couldn't hear me from all the way up there, as soon as my lips started to form his name he snapped his head round to glare down at me.

Then he pointed at me and started yelling some serious incomprehensible crap in Italian. Whoah. "Ecco! Doveva essere la strega che ci Brough qui!"

I could just about make out Altair hanging from my very own bedroom window ledge. He rotated so that he was holding the ledge with one hand and facing me to see what Ezio was pointing at, even if they couldn't understand each other. His eyes narrowed at me, but he didn't randomly start shouting stuff like Ezio did.

So there I was, stuck with an Arabic medieval assassin at my bedroom window and a crazy Italian Renaissance one yelling crap about me that I couldn't even understand – talk about rude!

Okay. What on earth was I going to do with them?