A/N: This is a one shot, containing poems. Very light and fluffy, takes place after VA, but not yet in Frostbite.

Disclaimer: The usual, because you all honestly know that I'm not Richelle Mead. She's a much better writer than me.

I was just getting back to my dorm room from Lissa's room. We had a movie night, and the movie we watched was Scream 2. It was hilarious to see Sparky practically piss himself. I laughed at the movie, while he was practically crying.

I was just outside my door when I noticed a folded piece of paper on the floor that had my name on it. I picked it up, and recognised Dimitri's neat printing.

With the note in my hand, I went inside and turned the light on. I flopped down on my bed and opened the note. It read:

Dear Roza,

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Though I try to deny it,
I've fallen for you.

Whenever you laugh
Your eyes sparkle and shine.
Everytime I see you
I can't help but wish you were mine.

The first time we met,
I noticed your wit and your charm.
Just to be with you,
I swear I'd give my right arm.

I know that it's wrong,
But I swear that it's true,
I have something to tell you:
Roza, I love you.

Love, Dimitri.

No. Way. No way! OMGOMGOMGOMG!

He is officially the sweetest man on the planet! I have to write him a poem too! I grabbed a pen and paper and began.

Dear Comrade,

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
You're just the sweetest,
And I love you too.

Your eyes are like pools
Of chocolate brown.
Whenever I look into them,
I swear I could drown.

You're handsome, loving,
Strong and fun,
You're everything I could ever want
All rolled into one.

Some call me young,
Stupid, and naive,
I hope you don't see that
And you'll never leave.

Love, Your Roza.

I folded the poem and wrote Dimitri on the front in elegant cursive.

It was past curfew, but that didn't stop me. I climbed out the window, as lithe and stealthy as a cat. I ran to the guardian dorms, which wasn't too far away. I knew that Dimitri was on duty for a few more hours, so I would be able to slip the note under his door.

Dimitri POV

At the last minute, Alberta told me to take the night off. In my spare time, I wrote a poem for my Roza. I left it at her door, where I knew she would see it.

I was laying on my bed when I looked to the bottom of my door, seeing a folded piece of paper being slipped under it. Slightly confused, I went to retrieve it.

My name was on the front in beautiful cursive writing. I realized that it was Rose's writing.

I unfolded the piece of paper and read it.

Dear Comrade,

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
You're just the sweetest,
And I love you too.

Your eyes are like pools
Of chocolate brown.
Whenever I look into them,
I swear I could drown.

You're handsome, loving,
Strong and fun,
You're everything I could ever want
All rolled into one.

Some call me young,
Stupid, and naive,
I hope you don't see that
And you'll never leave.

Love, Your Roza.

Wow. I never knew that Rose was good at writing poetry. It made me happy to know that she loves me as much as I love her. I had to go catch up with her.

Preferring the front door instead of the window, I silently walked over to the dhampir dorms.

Careful so that no one would see me, I snuck up to her room.

Raising my hand, I knocked on the door. I faintly heard Rose grumble "Who the hell would be here after curfew?"

She opened the door, and the look of shock on her face was priceless.

"Dimitri! I thought you had the night shift . . ."

"I did, but Alberta told me to take tonight off. Can I come in?"

"What? Oh! Of course!"

It was funny to see her so flustered. This wasn't the normal, confident Rose, but it made me love her even more to see this side of her. She ushered me in, and poked her head out into the hall, looking both ways. I chuckled; always so worried.

I went and sat on her bed, where her iPod and notebook sat. She quickly joined me, sitting across from me so that she was facing me.

"So, what brings you here?" she asked, a look of confusion on her face.

I fished the poem out of my pocket. "I read this, and I had to come and see you. I never knew that you were in to poetry."

"It's just kind of a hobby . . . something to do in my spare time."

"Well, you're really good. You have talent, Rose. You should try to get some published."

Se blushed. "No, I couldn't. Then everyone would know that THE badass Rose Hathaway is actually a softie."

My expression turned amused. "Oh no, we couldn't have that, could we?"

She shook her head vigorously. "Nope. You're the only person that's ever actually read one of my poems. Lissa bugs me about them, but I haven't let her read them. So you better feel special, Comrade."

"Wow. So you showed me, your 'sort-of' boyfriend, but you haven't even shown Lissa, who has been your best friend since you were five?" She nodded. "Well then I guess I do feel special."

"Yep. Do . . . Do you wanna see more?" She asked, looking vulnerable for the first time that I've ever seen.

"Sure, Roza. I'd love to."

She got up off the bed and walked over to her computer desk. She opened a drawer and pulled out a big purple binder. She set it down in front of me.

"It's all in sections: Love, Sorrow, Happy, and Random."

"Hmmm . . . I think I'll go with random. See what this crazy head of yours comes up with."

She smacked my head, and it actually hurt. "Ummm . . . OW!"

"Sorry Comrade, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles."

I mouthed 'WOW' and and opened the binder. The 'Random' section was in the back, so I flipped to it.

I picked one called, "Sunshine and Lollipops".

Sunshine and lollipops,
My favorite things,
But hmm . . . what about gumdrops?

Gumdrops are yummy,
Tasty and good.
I like them to go in my tummy.

But hey,
You know what's better than gumdrops?

I slowly lifted my eyes from the page to look at Rose.

"Uh, Roza? Were you like, on crack when you wrote this?" I joked.

"No, but I was drunk."

"Rose . . ." I said in a disapproving tone.

She raised her hands in surrender. "I was bored a few years ago, and Liss wanted to go to a party. So . . . We did. And that poem was the product of too many Smirnoffs."

I shook my head playfully. "Oh Roza, what am I ever going to do with you?"

"Hmm . . . I could think of a few things." She said, before leaning down to kiss me.

Did you like it? Tell me in a review. This could be more, it all depends on what you guys think. So, let me know :D