Hi there! How are you?
I'll just write a brief introduction about why I felt inspired to write this fic, which you can skip if you like. I used to be a big Corrie fan, then I just sort of stopped watching it and when I returned I couldn't get back into any of the stories. This one has reeled me back in though. I think CS is being brave with this storyline, and it's a story that needs to be told. I hope it is the start of a new era of television that doesn't invent implausible plot gimmicks to get ratings and doesn't specifically showcase gay characters as out of the ordinary. So that's that.
Here's the first chapter of my version of Sophie and Sian's immediate future. It assumes Sian is now living at the Websters' after being effectively disowned by her family. Enjoy! Reviews would be greatly appreciated :)
It was the dreams again. They came and went. Strange flashes of light and dark fuzzy sounds. Something smooth and pliable beneath her hands, something soft against her face, and lips, and chest. All around her in fact, like she was drowning. Drowning so hard and so fast that she didn't care if she ever resurfaced. Her breathing was heavy as she allowed herself to be entirely consumed by the sensations all over her, surrendering completely. But then, with a crackling sound and a bolt of light, a new feeling crept across her skin. Something cold and painful, and she sat bolt upright, sweating and panting, with wide, scared eyes in the dark.
'Soph?' the question rang out in the dark room.
Sophie cleared her throat and took in a shaky breath. 'Yeah?' she whispered back.
'Are you okay?' Sian struggled up into a sitting position, blinking rapidly as she tried to focus in the dark.
'Just had a bad dream,' Sophie answered, looking down at her girlfriend. Sian was still fully clothed, lying on top of the bed covers. They must have fallen asleep listening to music again.
'Aw come 'ere you,' Sian said reaching out towards Sophie, pressing her palms against her bare shoulders.
Sophie flinched at the sensation on her heated skin, and roughly jerked her body out of Sian's grasp.
'What's wrong?' Sian asked, confusion settling on her face.
Sophie tucked her legs up to her chest. 'Nothin'. I just ...' she struggled to remember the exact details of her dream. 'I just get scared sometimes.'
'Bout what people'll think?' Sian asked, reaching out a tentative hand and brushing her fingers softly through Sophie's hair.
'Yeah ...' Sophie answered quietly. 'People ... Him.'
'We're not doing anything wrong, Soph,' Sian assured her. 'You know that.'
Sophie sighed heavily, looking back at her girlfriend and quirking her lips into a smile. 'Yeah I know. Just my overactive imagination,' she said, swallowing down the sense of dread her dream had instilled in her.
Sian smiled back. 'Scary place, your brain is Soph. I wouldn't go digging round in there,' she said affectionately.
'Oi!' Sophie countered. 'Watch it you. You'll be sorry when I become an extensive psychological study in some big university one day.'
'Those are some big words for two in the morning Soph,' Sian pointed out, glancing at the alarm clock next to the bed as she stifled a yawn.
'Yeah,' she agreed. 'You'd better get to bed.'
Sian looked momentarily crestfallen. She had been sleeping on the sofa ever since she had moved in with the Websters. Even though her relationship with Sophie had not taken even the smallest step towards something sexual, Sally and Kevin had both suggested it would be for the best. Sophie, she discovered, was inclined to agree.
'I could just stay here Soph,' she suggested hopefully. 'I mean ... I could go back downstairs dead early. Your parents would never know.'
Sophie pulled her exasperated face. 'Sian, please. You know we can't.'
Sian rolled her eyes and grabbed Sophie's hands from her lap. 'Why not? We can just sleep. I just wanna be near ya. I promise I won't even touch ya.'
Sophie looked sadly back at her. 'I can't promise you the same,' she admitted quietly.
Sian had no come-back. So she just leant forward, pressing a soft kiss to Sophie's forehead. She trailed her lips down her nose towards her mouth, capturing Sophie's lips for a brief second. She felt Sophie's grip tighten around her hands as her eyes fluttered closed. Sian drew back and leant forward again, pressing a more forceful kiss against Sophie's waiting mouth, lingering there for a few moments, before drawing away again to look into Sophie's eyes. She loved the way Sophie looked after she kissed her. Loved up and needy and waiting for more.
Sophie closed her eyes, trying to shake away the fluttering feeling in her stomach.
When she opened them again, Sian noticed the look was gone, replaced with stubborn resolve and a quirked eyebrow.
'Alright alright,' Sian said, holding her hands up. 'I'm going.' She carefully slid off the bed and stood up. She padded quietly across the room to the door, trying not to alert anyone in the house to her presence. Before she reached the door she turned back to Sophie, who was watching her every move. 'I love you,' Sian said. 'Even if you are kicking me out of your bed,' she added with a cheeky grin.
Sophie smiled in return. 'Well I like to stretch out,' Sophie answered. 'And you hog the covers.'
'I do not!' Sian argued.
'I love you too,' Sophie said, stunting the argument before it escalated. 'Now clear off,' she added with a grin.
Sian did as she was told, clicking the door shut softly behind her.
Sophie lay back down against the pillows, staring up at the blankness of the ceiling. She tried not to think about Sian downstairs, pulling off her clothes and slipping into her sleeping bag. She tried not to think about her soft skin and her warm lips, or the way her blue eyes would gaze at her questioningly before and after every kiss, assessing whether it was okay to continue, or maybe even to go further.
Sophie focused on the ceiling, running through choir songs in her head, lying awake quietly with her God.