Movies and close Encounters

'ok so what do you feel like watching?' beck asked me as he handed me my fried rice and sorted through a stack of movies. 'Comedy, drama, action or horror?'

I couldn't help but laugh at the evil grin he gave me as he held up wolf creek in front of his face covering everything up to his eyes, peering at me over the DVD case.

'Horror I guess it is then, but I must warn you, where as I do love a good horror, they scare the absolute shit out of me!' I chuckled at him as I drew the blanket covering the couch up over me as far as I could whilst still being able to eat my Chinese.

'yeh well that's ok, if you start screaming like a little bitch I'll just cover your face with a cushion so I can still hear the movie' beck grinned at me over his shoulder as he placed the disk into the DVD player then headed back over to the couch.

'beck! I do not scream like a little bitch!'s more of a childish whimper' I replied grinning up at him and smacking him on the arm for good measure.

After that we went quiet for most of the movie. Eating and quietly freaking out in silence. I managed to get right up to the part where he has the girl tied up in the shed before completely loosing it and freaking out.

'No….no….no.. .no. ahhh!' I yelled as the image on screen got a little to gruesome and horrific for me to take. I just about threw what was left of my food over my shoulder and jumped into becks lap I was so scared.

I was so preoccupied on my own terror that I barely notice as beck slid over so he was sitting right next to me and wrapped his arms around my torso.
'sshhh Tori, it's just a movie. You're ok. Everything's ok. I've got you'. He whispered as he rubbed little circles on my back with hand and stoked my hair with the other.

And just like that it was if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I wasn't scared anymore. My mind went blank and all I could think was holy shit. Becks holding me. My own Greek god is actually holding me against him..! words could not describe the warm and fuzzies I got in that moment.

I decided to take full advantage of the situation I had found myself in, so I lent my head against his chest and rested into him for the rest of the evening.

That night's sleep was undeniably the best sleep I'd had in my entire life! Beck and I stayed up so late watching movies and talking that we'd fallen asleep together on the couch! He was lying along the back of the couch and I was pressed up against him with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around me so that I wouldn't fall off.

How on earth did this happen? I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything, but the last thing I remember was sitting through an array of horror movies. Not that I really noticed which ones because after that first incident in wolf creek where I just about completely shit myself, beck never once let me go. Maybe it was just me but it was like I was comforting him as well.

Anyway, so here I am, barely daring to breathe in case I wake him up. Oh My God! What would jade do if she barged in and saw us like this? I mean I had to admit it did look really suspicious. But as longs as I was wrapped in becks arms I was definitely not going to complain.

I'd been laying here on the couch enjoying the warmth radiating off beck for the better part of 15 minutes before I felt him start to stir next to me.

Oh Shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell am I going to do when he finally fully wakes up and finds me hear laying on his chest and him having his arms around me. I mean seriously, if someone walked in now we would look mighty suspicious to say the least.

'Ok be calm Tori' I think to myself. You can either pretend to still be asleep or you can man up and face however it is he is going to react. I mean seriously what could he possibly do? He could either get up and push me away. Or he could stay exactly as we are and wait for me to wake up. The latter being what I hoped for but definitely expecting the first.

I felt him arch his torso slightly in a stretch as he began to really wake up and I decided to do the first thing I could really think of. Play possum. Yep here I am, snuggling on a couch with my personal roommate Adonis himself and I, Tori Vega am pretending to still be asleep just out of the hopes he won't completely reject me and I will get to spend a little more time in this guys wonderful arms.

Becks arm shifted from around my waist and I literally stopped breathing. This was it. The moment of truth.. He was going to push me away and things are going to be awkward with is for the rest of the school year! I could feel my chest aching with the thought of never being able to do this again.

But he didn't push me away. Instead of getting up like I thought he would do. He instead used the hand that had been around my waist just moments ago to stroke through my hair. Beck was playing with my hair?

Suddenly the world stopped and my breathing ceased. This god was wide awake. And voluntarily snuggling with me on the couch. I couldn't help but sigh in content pleasure.

Shit! Now he knows I'm awake! I opened my eyes and the first thing I see is becks big beautiful brown eyes gazing right back into mine. Moment of truth I guess.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" beck smiled down at me without moving at all from the position we awoke in.

"Ah hey, morning to you too. Did you sleep ok?" I asked nervously looking down at his chest not daring to see his reaction to my question.

"Yes actually. I had the best night sleep I've had in a long time. You?" beck chuckled. I hadn't realised how tense I was. But the moment those words left his mouth I felt my entire body relax.

"Well apart from the couch maybe being a few inches too short, yeh I had a really good sleep actually. You make an excellent pillow Mr. Oliver". I grinned at him suddenly feeling like the queen of England. He liked sleeping with me on the couch! And he hasn't tried to push me away yet! My morning couldn't possibly get any better.

"so, as nice as this is. How bout we get up, get dresses and you and I head off campus for breakfast?" beck offered raising a questioning eyebrow at me.

Ok I was wrong. My day just keeps on getting better. Snuggles with beck and a breakfast date? Wow. I mean just…wow.

"Sure" I agreed. "Sounds like a plan".

Leaning up onto my elbow and removing all of my weight so beck so he was able to get up I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. Not only did I have a fantastic view of his but from this angle but he also leant down to help me off the couch as well before he disappeared into his room to freshen up for breakfast.

I cannot believe this is actually happening.