Um...this is really just a ficlet dump so expect more over time~. XD

Suggest fills for me in the reviews~ X'D

Mathias crept around, looking from room to room for the one he wanted to crash in tonight. He reached out for the next knob and turned it softly, feeling it jam halfway through meaning it was locked on the other side. Bingo. The Dane reached up to the top of the frame and grabbed a small lock pick meant to use in emergencies. This was an emergency in his case. The lock popped and the man returned the pick to the top, thankful the Norwegian was too short to notice the tool.

The door was slowly opened, blue eyes peeping through to make sure his 'pillow' was asleep. Inwardly brofisting himself, Mathias slipped into the crack and shut the door behind him, happy he wasn't met with a pillow to the face. "Heeeeej...You up Nicky...?" Using the annoying nickname he gave to the other man, the Dane was certain the other was out cold now. Pants were immediately slipped off along with his button-up shirt, both garments thrown to the ground. Somewhat of a childish smile broke out on the man's face as he slipped underneath the thick, blue comforter, slowly reaching out to grab the 'sleeping beauty'. Hopefully, in the morning, Mathias wouldn't be forced to wake up with a fist.

Nikolai's eyes cracked open once he was sure the other was asleep. Normally, the man would've instantly pushed Mathias out of his bed but the smaller Nordic made the mistake of getting used to the comforting warmth from the Dane. "You got lucky, idiot..." He muttered silently, wriggling around from underneath the large arm around him and snuggling slightly into his 'pillow's' chest.