A/n: Me no own percy Jackson series or anything in them including characters and etc. rick riordan owns the series.
Watching people follow their feelings is better then watching tv or etc.
Camp half blood
Percy was in his cabin as Annabeth came in. They were both 19 now and were still dating. But Percy could feel something horrible was going to happen today. " Percy I have somethin gto say to you and it's really important." Annabeth said.
Percy was afraid to ask but he did anyways. " What is it?" He said trembling hoping not for the worst.
" I want to break up." Annabeth said strait out bluntly and point blank. Percy's heart sank so deep that even the underworld seemed like outer space.
" Why Annabeth?" Percy asked totally destoried beyoned hopes of repair.
" I've fallen for another guy he goes to my college and he's pure mortal. I'm sorry Percy." Annabeth said running out of the cabin as Percy ran to after her.
Candain wilderness
Artemis wathced as her heart ached through thewhat she saw happen to Percy through the Iris message. She hadn't quiet grasped the aspect of love but knew Percy was a special man. He reminded her of orion the only guy friend she ever had. Tho she didn't like Orion more then a friend. She thought this was all Aphrodite's fault she knew it was her own as she had this odd feeling since she met him. Thalia came into Artemis's tent, the Iris message evaporated when Thalia tried to see what Artemis was looking at. " Thalia tell the other hunters that we are going to camp half blood." Artemis said without looking. What! thought Thalia as she was kinda happy going back their to see her friends and him.
" Yes lady Artemis." Thalia said walking out of the tent.
Athena's palace on olympus
Athena had watched how her daughter break Percy's heart through her Iris message and felt the world turning upside down. How can her daughter let someone of Percy's standard go for a mere mortal. Her daughter was suppose to be smart and yet she let go of Percy for a mere mortal, that made Athena so mad she vaperized the entire half of her forested backyard. Athena kinddly laughed as she realised what she had just thought and thought her self crazy to be this mad over Percy's heart ache. Wait she thought do I have a crush on Percy, Percy Jackson ? That can't be I dislike him everything about him from his handsome face to his perfect body. Athena toke another 5 hours of coming up with the oppsite of why she disliked Percy.
Camp half blood the next day.
Nico looked around camp as he was always the one to wake up first in the entire camp. He walked by the forest and noticed something shiny in the woods. He jumped to his right as he smiled and saw the arrow go pass him. " Welcome to camp Hunters." Nico said mockingly knowing Thalia was the on who shot the arrow at him.
" It's good to back." Thalia said as the hunters parted so that a woman looking aroundher early tweenties.
" Lady Artemis it's odd to see you here." Nico said as he checked his watch, the camp came alive at six in the morning, It was five fifity-seven.
" I'm here to talk to someone and Zeus has a family reunion planed on valintines day. So I'm gonna leave the Hunter's here." Artemis said. Nico saw one hunter twitch at Valintines day. Today was the seventh of Febaury.
" What's wrong Lindsey after living since Sparta went to war with athens and other greek city-states angaist Persia you still hate Valintines day?" Thalia said as all the hunters and Nico looked at the brunette girl with hazel eyes.
" It's my mothers holiday s adn besides I'm totally diffent from her beyond looks." Lindsey said, Nico would never think a daughter of Aphrodites would be in the hunt never mind being a age old relic of the classical age. As if on cue campers got out of their cabins and instead of going to the mess hall they moved towards the hunter as most the camper or young ones hasn't seen the hunters. Artemis sighed when she saw the campers move towards them.
A/n: Thanks to the only person who voted boss-slayer this story is up.