Alice bounced so excitedly as they waited in the lobby of the airport for Bella and Edward to make their way off the plane. She had been insistent that they needed to meet them at the airport, although they didn't know that they were going to be there.

"Darlin," Jasper placed his hands on her shoulder, trying to contain the energy of the tiny woman. "You need to calm down. They're going to be tired when they come off the plane."

"Oh let her be," Rose rolled her eyes. "It's not like their expecting us at all. I mean, it's not like we knew what their flight number was, just what day they were supposed to be coming back. So I'm sure that seeing us will be enough of a surprise that a little extra energy from the pixie won't be any surprise."

Jasper agreed, but he still felt a little bad about bombarding his friend. He had to think about that for a moment. He'd known Edward for several years, but he couldn't call him a friend until very recently. Only a little longer than he'd been engaged to the ridiculous little pixie.

"It's just so exciting," she squeaked happily, snuggling back into Jasper's chest.

"Why are we here again?" Emmett handed Rose a cup of coffee. He was still feeling like he was on thin ice with her, and he did anything he could to make himself seem like a better guy in her mind.

"Bella and Edward are going to have big news," Alice rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Right," Emmett took a swig of his own coffee and glanced back up the escalator, waiting for the two in question to come down.

"Just trust her," Rose elbowed him in the stomach lightly. "She's never wrong."

Jasper smirked, agreeing with her, and wrapped his arms lovingly around his fiancé.

Finally, Bella and Edward were seen descending to the waiting area. Rose's jaw dropped visibly as she saw the ring on Bella's finger, as it caught the unnatural airport lighting. "No, she didn't give in already."

"Oh, yes she did," Alice squealed as she ran up to the couple and threw her arms around them, causing Jacob to squeak in surprise.

Edward beamed as he watch Alice jump back and start her line of questions, none of which he caught, but all seemed to be centered around the ring on her finger and upcoming nuptial plans. He was just so excited about Bella finally saying yes, that he'd finally gotten what he'd wanted.

Rose scowled at him, but joined Alice and Bella in their conversation, which still seemed to be one sided.

Emmett and Jasper came over and joined him, shaking his hand in congratulations. "So she finally said yes," Emmett clapped him on the back. "How'd you do it?"

"Just asked," Edward shook his head, still high on the euphoria.

"About a thousand times," Jasper agreed.

Edward nodded, "Yeah, but this was different. I had this big plan. It was going to be an all day thing, but she ruined it. I just fell to my knees and proposed."

"Edward," Bella grabbed his attention, and he realized that they had gotten several yards away. "Can you grab the luggage?" She nodded over to the carousel that had just started to spin. Jacob was nodding off in her arms again, and she didn't look like she wanted to move much. He'd slept just about as much on the flight back as he did on the flight up. Their fellow passengers were still giving them dirty looks. It wasn't a comfortable flight for anyone.

They high tailed it out of there quickly, making it home in record time. Bella wanted to get Jacob put down for a nap before she started to take all the questions from her friends.

"Hurry up," Alice complained from downstairs as she poured herself a glass of wine, completely at home here. "We have a lot of work to do."

Bella shook her head, glaring at Edward. "This is all your fault."

"Mine, how?" Edward placed clean bedding in Jacob's crib, wanting a reason to be needed up here rather than being downstairs. "They are your friends."

"Just Alice," Bella said. "Rose isn't making a big deal out of this. And it's your fault because if you hadn't proposed, she wouldn't be here right now."

"What have I gotten myself in to?" Edward plopped down in the rocking chair and watch Bella get Jacob down for his nap. He would always enjoy watching her take care of their son. And she hoped one day, they'd make their family larger.

"You really agreed to marry me," Edward said in a daze. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her cheek. "A part of me never though you would."

Bella laid her son down in the crib before turning and wrapping her arms around Edward's shoulders. "I love you," she told him seriously. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. It's what I've wanted for a very long time." She reached up on her tip toes and gave him a very slow, very sweet kiss."

"Bella, Edward, get your butts down here this very minute," Alice's voice bellowed from downstairs. "No funny business in the nursery."

Bella laughed and fell back on her heels, away from Edward's lips. "I don't think that we can put it off any longer.

Making their way downstairs, Bella and Edward braced themselves for the onslaught of questions from the little pixie. When they reached the bottom they realized that everyone had settled in for a long night. The guys were already into their second beers, Alice had the bottle of wine sitting out, and there was no telling what concoction Rose had made for herself. She had stashed so many different types of alcohol in Bella's apartment, that she couldn't even begin to guess. Bella realized that she was going to have to figure out where it all was and put it somewhere higher. The last thing she needed for Jacob to accidentally come across some of it.

"Take a drink," Rose held up another prepared glass for Bella. "You're going to need it."

"Okay," Alice bounced a little bit in her chair, as Edward grabbed his own beer. "Now it's time for us to start making plans. We need to get you two married as quickly as possible so that we can get our girl here laid."

Emmett, who had been taking a drink from his bottle, spewed it out across Rose's hair. "Alice, you have got to be kidding me," Rose glared at her friend while she ran to the kitchen to try and clean it a bit. "You couldn't have seen that coming?"

"Sorry," the little pixie squeaked. She turned back to Edward and Bella as Emmett went in to the kitchen to help out the woman that he was desperate for.

"I'm serious. We need to start planning your wedding."

"Yours first," Bella glared at her. "If I remember, you got engaged first. So shouldn't your wedding come first."

"My wedding's already planned," Alice said offhandedly. "We'll pick up bridesmaid dresses in a few weeks and we'll be married within a couple of months. Don't you worry about me. I've got that all set."

Bella looked to Jasper for confirmation, and he shrugged. He was clearly willing to go along with the flow. As long as he got Alice, he didn't care how he got there.

"So, like I was saying. Have you thought any of this through, because I'm thinking backyard wedding for you two." Alice was off in her own little world now. Rose and Emmett made their way back in. Rose was still clearly irritated, but Emmett didn't have his tail between his legs, so she couldn't have laid in to him too hard. "The wedding pictures that I saw from your first wedding were totally not you. You don't want something like that in a big church."

Edward wrapped his arm possessively about Bella. He really hadn't though of the ass that was her first husband in a little while. Jacob was his son. He didn't have any connection to James. Bella never brought him up and he never came around. It was almost like he never existed. He wasn't appreciating the prick being brought back up.

Bella snuggled into him, not really understanding his motives, but enjoying his closeness. "Something small sounds great," she said softly, cutting Alice off. "Maybe something back home, close to our parents." She looked up at Edward. "Your parents have a lot of land. We could do it there."

"This summer," Edward agreed, kissing her forehead. "That would give them plenty of time to polish it up just the way they like it."

Alice squealed, and even Rose smiled. Bella's face was so light, so stress free. She actually looked happy.

"Sounds like we're going to Forks this summer," Emmett wrapped his arm around Rose, and his heart flipped when she didn't pull away.

"To Forks," Jasper raised his beer.