A/N: I'm back! And with the sequel to Semper Fi to boot! If you read the preview at the end of the last fic then you know what to expect. But the preview could only show so much, so get ready for one hell of a ride!
I don't own Mass Effect
Eric Lachance, former Marine in the United States Marine Corps, fighting the war in the middle east in the 21st century. Until the day that changed his life.
During an ambush, Corporal Lachance was brought into the Mass Effect universe. Saving his life, but also bringing him into a new conflict and war.
Joining Shepard and his team, they fought against the rogue Spectre Saren and his Geth forces. Uncovering that the Reapers were planning an invasion of the galaxy, with the though of mass extinction of all life in their CPUs.
Together, the team stopped Saren and the Reaper Sovereign before the other Reapers could be unleashed. He went from a Marine fighting for his country, to the hero of the whole galaxy.
In his journey, the Corporal also uncovered a secret involving himself that he had never knew. The Marine had been fused with the spirits of the last remaining Protheans at birth, inheriting their intelligence, use of their technology, and the power of a natural biotic. Everything turned out okay for the Marine...However.
Dispite his knowledge of the universe through the games. Eric couldn't stop certain events from occuring. One of those...was the death of Commander Shepard at the hands of the Collectors. He tried his hardest and failed, but he knew the Commander would be back in two years. Everything seemed peaceful for the moment.
But dispite how much he tried...war always seemed to find the ex-United States soldier.
The elevator slowly rose through the levels of the space station. Onboard, Eric stood weapon ready as the lift slowly made its way to its destination. He was dressed in custom made armor; an Aegis Vest with stabilization gauntlets on his arms and stimulator conduits on his legs, the whole suit was dark blue with black trim. A recon hood over his head with glowing blue goggles finished the look making the man look like a soldier of death.
He checked over his M-96 Mattock assault rifle to make sure it was ready. His other weapon load out also consistsed of an M-29 Incisor sniper rifle, two M-4 Shuriken machine pistols, and an M-5 Phalanx hand cannon. It was a heavy loadout, but for a mission this important, it would be needed.
Four others stood on the lift with him also in armor and fully armed. a human, a Asari, a Quarian, and a Turian. No one could see what they looked like under their armor, but Eric knew them well.
After the Citadel council had disbanded Shepard's old team, Eric quit the Alliance military and went to Illium with his girlfriend/mate Liara T'soni, the Asari researcher on the team. After a year, Liara had made a name for herself as one of the most powerful information brokers on Illium. This had attracted the unwanted attention of a few bad people. One in particular was the Shadow Broker.
This had started a small war between Liara and the Shadow Broker, and Eric was there to back up his mate. The couple had gotten a ship and a small team put together to help fight the Shadow Broker. The team was well rounded, a three humans, a Turian, a Quarian, a Krogan, and an Asari. And that was just the assault team. The whole ship had a wide array of species working together to put an end to the Shadow Broker.
The ones in the lift with him were ready for the fight ahead. "I hate elevators." groaned the Asari. "It tain't that bad mon. Ya gatta take the silence while ya can." said the human with a heavy jamacian accent. "Just as long as we get to shoot something." said the Turian clentching his M-76 Revenant machine gun. "I know what you mean." said the Quarian pulling out a Mantis sniper rifle.
The Asari was Lazura Z'eno, an ex-commando with a chip on her shoulder. Though in her 450 years of life she hardly lost her temper. But she was a damn powerful biotic and deadly precise with her attacks.
The other human was Rez Kingston, a jamacian from Earth who became a freelance merc. The guy was crazy with hand to hand combat and was the teams comedy relief. The guy grinned so much his teeth were practically bone white in contrast with his dark skin.
The Turian went by Talon, he didn't give any other information other than he wanted the Shadow Broker dead for killing his father and little brother. Once a proud soldier in the Turian army, the guy was cold and calculating. A bit of a loner, never really hung out with the rest of the crew if he could help it. Though he had respect for Eric as a fellow soldier.
And lastly, Sev'linar vas Neema, the Quarian. He could hack almost any lock and any terminal. And his skills with a sniper rifle surpassed any that Eric had ever seen before.
The last two were Rico Santigo and Urdnot Zen. Rico was a mountain of muscle, and enjoyed ripping enemies apart with his heavy guns. Urdnot Zen was a proud Krogan warrior who had turned to being freelance to look for a good fight. Needless to say the two got along well, which was why Eric stationed them to guard their shuttle back in the station's cargo hold.
The lift came to a stop, the team got their weapons ready as the doors opened. The team stormed the corrdors beyond, several security mechs came out and fired on them. Lazura launched several waves of mass energy sending the mechs flying.
Armed men came next, dressed in something similar to Eclipse merc armor but where white with black trim and had red eyes in the helmets. Eric and Talon gunned them down with Sev firing well placed head shots.
A Krogan burst from one of the door up on the right and charged. Rez put his Tempest machine pistol away and pulled two long curved knives from his lower back. He lept into the air slamming both feet into the Krogan's face before driving both blades into its eyes.
They rounded a corner, Eric smashing the butt of his rifle into a man's face before firing a round into his helmet. "We gotta be geting close." he said to the others. "About 200 meters, take a right up here." said Sev checking his omni-tool.
Turning the next corner, the team came to a set of double doors. "Sev, do your thing." said Eric. The Quarian went to work hacking the door while the others covered him. "Where are all the soldiers? You think this place would be more heavily guarded than this." said Lazura. "Mon must not t'ink it important enough to protect tis place." said Rez.
"No, what we're after is more important than any creds to this bastard. He just thought no one would be dumb enough to attack one of his stations." said Talon keeping his eyes sharp.
The doors opened and the team stormed the large room beyond. "Targets just on the other side of that door." said Sev pointing to the doors on the other side of the large room. There were crates everywhere, most likely another storage room. Plenty of places to hide. "Stay frosty guys." said Eric as they tredded into the room.
They made it halfway into the room when two large crates split open. The large forms inside transformed into two YIMR mechs. "COVER!" ordered Eric. The team got down just as the heavy mechs opened fire on them.
"What do we do?" shouted Rez. "You and Lazura take the one on the left, me and Talon got the one on the right. Sev, fire off a couple of overloads to take out their shields." ordered Eric. The team got into place and got ready, "NOW!" shouted Eric as they attacked.
The heavy mechs' shields flickered as the rounds hit them. The YIMRs returned fire forcing them back into cover again. Sev launched overload after overload as the team got up and started shooting again.
When the shields were down, they targeted specific places on the mechs to bring them down. Eric pulled out his sniper rifle and aimed for the head of the one he and Talon were shooting at. Sighting it, he pulled the trigger. The three round burst from the rifle shattered though the mech's head causing it to drop to its knees. Its chest started to blink and a loud beeps echoed through the room, "Get down!" shouted Eric.
The team got into cover just as the mech overloaded and exploded in a large fireball that took out the other weakened YIMR that was standing next to it.
When the it was over, and the ringing left their ears, the squad moved to the doors and went into the room that was guarded. Inside was what looked like a small lab with various machines hooked up to a stasis container in the center of the room. "Is tis it?" asked Rez. Sev walked over to the main terminal and checked a few files, "Yeah...its him."
Eric walked up to the stasis pod and activated his comm, "Shore party to Shadowed Light, we found him. Rico, Zen, get ready cuz we'll be heading back soon." 'Good, I'm fucking bored down here.' said Rico.
Sev went through the terminals, deactivating the various machines so that nothing happened to the one inside the pod. "Hes ready for transport." said the Quarian as the pod hovered off the ground. "Lets get moving before we run into anymore resistance." said Lazura. "Too late." said Talon from the door.
The door they had come from had a line of 15 mercs standing in a line with various weapons, including rocket launchers, waiting for them. "Surrender now, and maybe we won't kill you." said the leader.
Eric walked out into the large room, putting his assault rifle on his back. Wisps of white mass energy started to gather around his form, "Take your best shot." he said as his eyes started to glow white behind his goggles.
The mercs opened fire. The energy around Eric flared brightly, he snapped his hand out and the bullets and rockets froze in midair two feet from him and his team. The mercs looked stupified, while Eric's team put their weapons away, they wouldn't be needing them.
Eric held the fired rounds in the air, he suddently felt blood trickle down from his nose. "Child you must release it. You are not fully ready to use this ability yet." spoke a voice in the back of his mind. Eric flared his energy again which sent the rounds and explosives back at the mercs. Armor was shredded and bodies went flying when they were hit with their own bullets.
When it was over, Eric fell to his knees breathing heavily. "Idiot, you over did it again didn't you." said Talon helping the man to his feet and slinging an arm over his shoulder. Eric smirked under his hood/mask, "At least it saved us some rounds." he said with a chuckle. Talon shook his head as the team made their way back to the cargo hold with their target.
Making it to the cargo hold, Rico and Zen helped them load the pod onto the shuttle. "We ready to go?" asked Zen with a growl. "Not yet." said Eric as Rico and Talon took a large device off the shuttle and set it on the floor. Sev armed the device and walked to the shuttle, "Its ready, just hit the button on your omni-tool." he said taking a seat inbetween Rez and Lazura.
Talon got into the pilot's seat with Eric in the passanger spot. The shuttle started and flew out of the hanger and headed off toward where the Shadowed Light was waiting for them. "We're at a safe distance." said Talon. Eric brought up his omni-tool, "Guys get ready for some choppy air." he said hitting a button.
The station behind them erupted in a massive explosion. The shuttle shook from the shockwave as they departed. "Damn...dat nuke was beautiful." said Rez. Sev made a slight bow, "Thank you. I'm an artist." Rico chuckled, "Yeah, artist in blowing shit up. Thats my kind of artist." he said bumping his large fist with the Quarian's.
In the cockpit of the shuttle, Eric took his hood off and opened a secure line to Illium. A beautiful young Asari materialized on screen. "Eric, did everything go well? Are you all okay?" she asked a little concerned. Eric grinned, "We're all good Liara. We got him, and on our way back to the ship." Liara smiled, "Thats good to hear. I can't wait to see you again." "Neither can I beautiful." replied Eric.
The Asari smiled, "May the Goddess be with you my love." the line disconnected. "Whipped." muttered Talon. "Shut it." said Eric. He brought up him omni-tool again and checked the status of the pod. The one inside was still preserved, good.
It wasn't easy finding Commander Shepard's body.
A/N: One hell of a start. Like it said in the preview this will be a mini-fic, so there will only be about 8 to 10 chapters. But there will be enough action to make up for the shortness of it. Review!