*It took me forever to decide on something for this chapter, but I'm really happy with how this one turned out. It's all DxC friendshippy and sane Courtney-ish, I love it 3*

I wasn't exactly thrilled about spending a whole bunch of travelling time alone with Courtney in first class, but I had no other choice since we were the winners. We had only been stuck together for an hour and the silence was already killing me. I was sitting in one of the comfy chairs polishing off my carving masterpiece while I watched Courtney from afar. She was sitting on a barstool, her back straight and to me while she possibly blew on her nails. I got up, put my knife away and strode over to the girl.

"What's up?"


I sat on the barstool next to hers and laid one of my forearms on the granite countertop. I craned my neck to get a better look at her. She was blowing on her nails then examining them with her half-lidded eyes.

"So Court, seen any good movies lately?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation. It's not like I really wanted to have a conversation with her, but she was the only one available.

"I don't hate you!" She responded. The sudden outburst instantly slapped a look of confusion on my face. She turned on the swiveling stool to face me. Her pupils seemed magnified as if they were trying to squeeze out of the crinkled corners of her eyes.

"Uh..." I murmured. The air just got way more awkward in here. "Care to explain, Princess?" I asked, finally able to form a coherent sentence. Her face immediately had the look of annoyance on it at the mention of my old nickname for her. Come to think of it, I hadn't used it for a while.

"Don't call me that." She requested of me in a nervous tone of voice.

"Whatever." I said coolly. After a brief silence, I asked her again. "So, you don't hate me?" I asked with my brow raised in utter skepticism.

"No. Well, I mean, not really. Thinking about it now I kind of figured out that we don't really work out well...and we kind of annoy each other." She said. Her voice still rang nervous to me, but I nodded, for I couldn't agree more.

"You've got that right, Sister." I said laxly. She rolled her eyes at me, but then her look of perpetual sadness returned and I have to say I felt bad for making her be that way.

"Look, I'm sorry that all this crud happened like that, but I-"

"I know." Courtney said to her feet. The silence that followed felt more comfortable. I felt more comfortable knowing that now she probably won't be trying to strangle me in my sleep tonight. Courtney broke the silence first. "What about you and Gwen?" She asked. She sounded almost hopeful for me, and I was glad for that.

"No clue." I answered quickly and truthfully. The A-Type looked back down at her feet.

"She's mad at you." She whispered. Upon hearing that, my thoughts went straight to mine and Gwen's last encounter. But how does Courtney know that?

"How'd you know?" I asked. If one didn't know any better, they'd think I was trying to mimic Noah with my vocal pitch.

"I would be." Court squeaked. I laughed dryly.

"Guess you two are more alike than you thought." I snorted. She finally looked up at me again.

"If it helps, I'd be jealous too." That set me off again and I kicked the hard base of the bar and stood up.

"That's what I don't get!" I yelled as I began to page. "I don't get what she's 'mad' at me for!" I declared furiously, still pacing. I watched Courtney stand up and wait for me to walk by her again. I stopped when I got in front of her again. There was silence again as I stared at her expressionless face. I didn't even see her arm as she lifted it and whacked me in the back of the head with it. Hard, I might add. "Ouch!" I hissed. One look at the female's face told you that that wasn't just to calm me down. She took pleasure in that.
"Duncan, she's angry because she thought you still wanted me!" She yelled. And the old Courtney returns. But it also brought most of my common sense back.

"Oh." I said slowly, trying to process everything as best I can. It made perfect sense that she'd be ticked at me for that!

"But you can fix it." Court chimed in optimistically.

"You want her to like me again?" I asked skeptically.

"Well, I defintely don't want you back. And she still does." She pointed out.

"How do you know?" I interrogated.

"It was so obvious." Courtney said. Then she took a sip of the drink on the counter. "Sierra couldn't have said it better."

"Sierra?" Now she's in this?

"Nevermind. Just don't screw it up this time." Courtney commanded. I nodded surely at her.

"I won't.

"Good. I still hate you."

"I hate you more."

*So, I think it totally qualifies as a Duncan and Gwen moment, but that's sort of just me. Anyways, please review! :D*