Hey everyone! This is chapter 2 of Girl Problems! I know it was a one shot but I felt like a total jerk leaving it like that… so… This is dedicated to my friend Emily who recently started the boy she likes from the beginning of the year! So, before I go into all talk modes, on with the story!

Isabelle's POV (I had a great idea for this, that's the only reason)

After Brandon had almost crushed me in a hug, I noticed after we left Nico had walked away… towards Percy's Cabin… hmm…

"Hey, um save me a seat at the camp fire," I told him, "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Are you sure? I don't think Nico would want you to go off into the darkness by yourself…"

"Brandon, if I haven't told you once, I'll tell you know; I rule the darkness. Okay? I'll be fine." I said, trying to convince him.

Once he finally let me go, I sneaked with the shadows to Percy's cabin. I was always helping the Aphrodite cabin with relationship gossip to keep them away from me and Brandon, which I took that deal immediately. Aphrodite had gotten me in trouble before with love; I'm not going to let it happen again…

I blended in with shadows and crept in the open Cabin door. Luckily, there was enough shadow around the walls that I could sneak in. I listened into their conversation, and when Nico almost screamed I almost fainted.

"I LIKE THALIA!" he had yelled.

"What?" Thalia's voice ringed from the doorway.

"Ruhr Rohr…" Nico said. I had never told Nico I was helping the Aphrodite Cabin, so I was apart of they that he mentioned… I all of the sudden felt sick to my stomach. I had found out last year Hades had given me the power to control wolves'.

I summoned two out from the woods and sent them to chase Percy and Thalia, so I could talk with Nico. Now, being the son/ daughter of Poseidon/ Zeus, they ran when they saw the wolves.

Nico turned around and stared at me… I think I blew my cover…

"Izzy, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Nico, there's something I have to tell you…" I explained to him how I had been helping the Aphrodite's with relationships…

"So, who did you report to them?"

"Just a few out in the opens they really should've noticed… Percy and Annabeth don't know how you could miss that one, Katie and Travis, and… oh yeah! Jason and Piper, a newbie. Just a few others… I thought that if I told them who you like, they wouldn't have me keep doing this…"

"So, you risked your friends and brothers love lives for you?"

"Uh, yah…" I said guilty.

I looked up to see him grinning.

"You finally understand the concept of being a child of Hades… well done."

"Whoa, you sound like a real older brother would sound like…" scary… I thought.

"We should get to the camp fire…" I said.

"Yeah… but you cannot tell anyone I like her, okay?"

"You got it big bro. I promise never to tell about your crush on Thalia." I will never tell a soul I had my fingers crossed when I promised him.

Percy's POV

I had finally escaped the wolves, Thalia wasn't as lucky. She had escaped but had gotten bit by one. She was currently in the infirmary getting the wound treated.

It would have been different if it was a regular wolf. But these were summoned by a daughter of Hades', so it had some kind of death poison, so she got the bite infected.

I sat down next to Annabeth, my current girlfriend, and participated in the camp fire sing-along.

I had thought about how the wolves appeared from the forest and chased me and Thalia when the only person who can summon wolves is… Oh no! Isabelle heard who Nico likes. She had told the Aphrodite cabin that Me and Annabeth, Katie and Travis, and Jason and Piper were dating… She's the snitch everyone talks about… Oh Crap…