A Prince's Love Story

Summary: In the land of Preywal where the father and son Edgeworth ruled, a thief was apprehended by the name of Phoenix Wright. Forced into slavery to serve Prince Miles at every beck and call, what happens when an attempt of the Prince's assassination befalls them at the day of the archer tournament?

Note: Ace Attorney belongs to Shu Takumi.

Prince Miles Edgeworth was situated in one of the many balconies of the castle that belonged to his family, comprised solely of himself and his father, King Gregory. The Kingdom of Preywal was a peaceful one…most of the time. On that particular day, Miles heard the distinct whistle of the police giving chase to a poorly dressed man running for his life. Under his arm was a gauntlet from one of the armors displayed outside the castle doors.

Miles watched the chase scene and sighed heavily. "That vermin will resort to doing anything just to make a profit…" he muttered. "He should be prepared to be apprehended today," he said as he saw a small fleet of police disperse from the pack and take a short-cut to head off the criminal, ultimately managing to corner him.

"Check and mate," Miles said triumphantly as he rose to his full height and watched the police apprehend the criminal and bring him to justice. His father passed judgment on the thief, allegedly named Phoenix Wright, to serve time for his crimes as his son's personal slave for the next three years.

Appalled at this treatment, Phoenix was about to protest but stopped when Miles was called into the room for formal introductions. Immediately, Phoenix found himself unable to speak.

"Miles, I believe you know this scoundrel from off the streets who's been causing a stir with stealing a number of random and not to mention precious items?" Gregory inquired.

Miles stiffly nodded with a look of disgust evident on his features. "I'm afraid I do father."

"His punishment is that he be your personal slave for the next three years," the king continued before gesturing to the guards, who in turn forced the criminal forward. "You, introduce yourself!" he demanded.

Stumbling forward with the shackles on his wrists and ankles, the thief kept his gaze averted. "Phoenix Wright…" he muttered out.

"I can't hear you boy!" Gregory plowed on.

"MY NAME'S PHOENIX WRIGHT!" the criminal introduced loudly.

With a satisfied nod, Gregory turned his attention to Miles. "He'll be kept under close observation while serving you so if there should be any problems do not hesitate to inform any of the guards to restrain the lad," he told his son.

Miles nodded without giving so much as a second glance over to Phoenix and headed off. One of the guards unshackled Phoenix's ankles and pushed him forward to follow the prince. From that day onward, Phoenix began learning the ways of being a slave; bringing whatever is asked of, doing whatever is tasked to do however silly and constantly accessible to his charge. No matter how much Phoenix inwardly protested, however, he noticed a strange feeling developing towards Miles Edgeworth that he couldn't quite comprehend.

A few months later, an archery tournament was scheduled to take place in the spacious backyard of the castle. King Gregory and Prince Miles were favored guests in the tournament as well. Phoenix had stationed himself about two meters from the prince should there be any sudden need of a beverage or, in the worst case scenario, a need to protect him should he be assaulted upon which Phoenix hoped would never happen.

Unfortunately for Phoenix, however, that day was today. Perched inside one of the castle's towers was a trained sniper by the name of Robert Hammond, who was setting up his crossbow, aiming for the unguarded prince.

The contestants pulled back their bows as Hammond prepared his. While this was happening, Phoenix felt a change in the wind. Furrowing his brows, the slave began looking around intently, waiting for something to happen. 'Suddenly I have a bad feeling…' he thought.

And just as he finished that thought the arrows were fired and feeling instinct guide him, Phoenix promptly lunged towards Miles and forced him off his throne chair as an arrow punctured the backrest, causing a flurry of gasps and shouts.

"Who shot that arrow?" Gregory demanded, rising to his feet as his guards rustled about the competitors.

"It looks to be a short arrow used in a crossbow Your Majesty," Chief Soldier Dick Gumshoe reported.

"Then investigate who would try assassinating my son!" Gregory demanded as Gumshoe scurried off.

Miles groaned at the sudden shove, disoriented for the moment before spotting Phoenix nearby. Glancing to his chair where the arrow still was, he shifted his attention to the slave. "You saved me…?" he asked carefully.

Dusting himself off, Phoenix nodded. "Well, I am tasked to protect you aren't I?" he answered cheekily, managing a grin.

This grin was enough to ignite a spark in the prince. As much as he refused to admit it, Miles began seeing Phoenix in a new light; more than being a mere thief or slave, but as a human being. This change in disposition towards Phoenix made Miles a changed man. He fell in love. It took him about 4 days before he came to realize it, and about 2 days more to get the courage to confess.

One afternoon, Miles led Phoenix to one of the gazebos out in the garden and had a seemingly innocent conversation with him pertaining to the flowers. And soon after, the conversation shifted rather awkwardly.

"This might be hard to believe Phoenix… but I think… no, I'm quite certain that I've… come to develop feelings towards you," Miles began.

"What kind of feelings?" the former thief inquired.

With a slight blush, Miles looked away. "Love, if I may be so blunt to pronounce."

Phoenix's eyes widened. 'I never thought he'd actually…return my feelings!' he thought cheerfully to himself. Eager to voice this out, the slave approached the prince. "I have something to tell you as well!" he said.

Miles turned to him in anticipation. "What is it?"

"You don't have to say anything!" Gregory called out as he approached the two, flanked by two guards. "I'm afraid I'll have to banish Wright from here, Miles," he said.

"What?" Miles said in protest.

"What about my punishment?" Phoenix added.

"Oh please, you stopped treating him as a slave ever since he saved you during the archery tournament. You didn't think I'd let things go on like this unchecked do you?" Gregory challenged over to his son. "You are forbidden to start an affair with this filth!" the king ordered as he nodded to the guards. "Escort Mr. Wright out of the Kingdom."

"Father, you can't do this!" Miles protested as Phoenix was brought away.

"I am only doing this to protect you Miles," Gregory said in a steel tone before leaving the prince to his lonesome on the gazebo.

Miles spent the rest of the afternoon in deep thought, figuring out the best plan of action to take. By nightfall, he had decided. Dashing off to his room and changing into less extravagant clothing, pack some food and drinks for his trip before he successfully sneaked out of the kingdom of Preywal with his horse and began to search for Phoenix.

It took Miles a day before he stumbled upon a neighboring kingdom, which he found out was their brother kingdom of Dreywal. He was welcomed with open arms as the prince of the kingdom personally came to greet him.

"I never thought I'd see you come here Miles," Phoenix said with a warm smile.

"Y-You're a prince?" Miles exclaimed in surprise.

Phoenix snickered. "I didn't think it was appropriate to divulge that piece of information to your father. After all, I enjoyed playing the part of a commoner. As well as your slave," he explained.

"What were you going to tell me on the gazebo the other day?" Mile suddenly asked.

"That I loved you too~" Phoenix replied simply, holding out a small box. "This is for you."

Miles blinked before taking it and opening it, revealing a single engagement ring.

"Marry me?" Phoenix asked sheepishly.

Not really caring that he would be going against his father anymore, Miles nodded without a second thought. He had already gone this far, and he did not regret his decision. And it turned out to be the best decision he had ever made. "Of course I will, Phoenix Wright."