A/n, this is my first fan fic and I am hoping you all would enjoy it. =D

Nicos' POV;

I walk around the woods skirting the camp, searching for Zeus' fist. It's not easy to find what so ever, but seriously, this forest is humongous for something that's just made of tall pieces of wood and mud. My feet were aching and I couldn't take anymore of this. So I decided to shadow travel there.

When I got there I saw Thalia, sitting off the edge of the rock, looking at something in her hands. I slowly sneaked up to her, being and quiet as possible. I then tapped her shoulder and she screamed as if she was going to get murdered. Her second reaction was to stand up and punch me in the face. "That's for sneaking up on me Dead Boy." She said, smirking.

"Well sorry Pinecone Face, but I wasn't expecting a punch in the face." I exclaimed.

"Serves you right, ya know."

"Shut up, ya know." I Mocked her. She went back to where she was sitting, with the object still in her hands. "What you got there?" I asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Something I found next to this big rock," She answered, obviously talking about Zues' fist. "And can you not stand so close, you stink of death."

I sat next to her, "Can I see it? The thing you got in your hand."

"Sure." She carefully handed it to me. It was a gold encrusted butterfly broche, its wings were studded with small green emeralds and the edges of the wings were circled with rubies. Its eyes were studded with an electric blue gem, the same colour as Thalias' eyes.

"It has your eyes." I said cheerfully, giving it back to her carefully. I looked at her face and I swear I saw her cheeks turn a pale pink. Maybe it was my imagination.

"Thanks, underneath the broche it has an engraving. 'T+N', so it must belong to someone else." She said, turning the broche over showing the engraving.

"I guess, but if they lost it so carelessly, it must mean they probably don't want it."

"I guess." She mocked me. Probably revenge for mocking her earlier. "Why did you come here anyway?"

"It's a place for me to thing. Where I can be alone to think about the day, or what I should do."

"Me too, mostly because it is in the shape of my fathers' fist, so it makes me feel closer to him." She said. I was surprised that she actually wanted to get closer to her dad. For taking pity on her and turning her into a pine tree a few years ago and all.

"So you do have a sensitive bone in your body."

"Shut up." She said.

"Well I'm going to go." I said, standing up and stretching my arms.

"Ok, bye then Dead Boy."

"Bye Pinecone Face." I waved and shadow travelled back to my cabin, laid on my bed and slept. Shadow travelling does wear a person down.

"Hi Pinecone Face" I waved.

"Hey Dead Boy" Thalia said, waving back. I looked around and I saw we were at Demeter cabins' favourite place, the grapevines. Thalia was walking around, weaving her way through the grapevines with me behind her. "You don't have to follow me you know."

"I do not, not have to follow you." I said, trying to have a witty comeback.

She stopped and looked at me. "Nico, there is something I have to tell you."

A/n, Write reviews telling me if I should carry on or not. Remember, review with a smile =].