Written for the Fortune Cookie Challenge by NRC.

Pairing: Bill/Fleur.

Prompt: Quill

Fortune: You shall see...

Hey Bill, I dropped by but you weren't here. I got you something from the Wizard-Cultural Department, it's the box with the bow on it. -Dad.

Bill chuckled at the obviousness of the last part, reaching over and taking the box into his hands.

He hefted it a little, wondering if he should do a quick spell to determine the safety of opening it. He remembered last time...

But there was no need to dwell on the past, was there? Though "the past" was a mere two days ago.

Bill opened the small box cautiously, finding inside a rather curious-looking cookie of some sort.

It was twisted and mangled, but it looked good enough to eat. He popped it out of the wrapper and bit into it.

He spit out part of it onto the counter, oblivious to the fact that his wife, Fleur, was standing behind him and watching.

Bill gagged slightly, groaning, "Paper! There's paper in this thing? What's with these bloody idiots?"

Fleur resisted the strong impulse to laugh, though she clutched at her sides to prevent this from happening.

P.S. Break it in half and read the fortune before you eat it, Bill.

And, of course, he couldn't have just read the back of the note; he had thought he was being safe. Honestly!

He separated the half-chewed cookie bits from the slip of paper, smoothing out the edges before he read it.

Youth is a gift of nature; middle age is a work of art.

Was that some subtle hint from his dad that he was getting old? He was only twenty-five, not even forty yet!

Bill jumped a full six inches in the air when he heard a smiling voice speak from behind him.

"What does it say?" asked Fleur. He just shook his head, smiling in happiness and annoyance at his beloved wife.