I have no idea why, but I was inspired to write a horror fic...like... a horror movie, you know? And since it's Halloween soon, I figured...'Eh, why not?'

So, here we have the first part of a short Halloween shot. It will only be like...two chapters...maybe three if it gets a bit long. But don't worry, this isn't going to be a full out, serious multi-chap story...I've already got two to deal with and that's my limit.

I suggest, to get the full feel, that you listen to some or all of the following songs during the reading, as they were the songs I listened to while writing. You can find most of them on Youtube, I think.

1. Ronal Jenkees Halloween 2007 Theme Remix.-(this I know fore sure is on Youtube, I listened to it there.)

2. Spiritus Elektros by Immediate Music.

3. Mercy in Darkness by Two Steps From Hell.

4. Stalemate- Naruto Shippuden Soundtrack.

5. Empyrean Mercenaries by Immediate Music.

6. Leave U Far Behind- Mortal Kombat Annihilation Soundtrack.

7. Smack my Bitch Up by The Prodigy( I have no clue how this got onto my playlist, but it helped fuel one of the chase parts)

And if you find any other, creepy and/or adrenaline-rush-istic songs to listen to, then...Cool. They make reading so much more exciting by setting a good mood! ^_^

And so...Here goes the HORROR!

In a secluded canyon like area that was, as most would describe, literally in the middle of nowhere, was a small town that was alive with activity that Friday night. The streets were aglow with soft flames from millions of creepy Jack-O-Lanterns and Cauldron candles. The streets were filled with people, all wearing disturbing outfits and get ups, and all of them were talking, screaming, yelling, wailing, crying, calling and creating an almost ethereal chanting to the usually still and quiet air of the surrounding cliff side. But what was even more disturbing was that some of the activities taking place in the 'festival' seemed a bit too life-like and cult-ish to be festival games.

But looks may be deceiving.

There was every sort of nightmarish creature to be seen walking the streets. It was the perfect Halloween town, really.

Uzumaki Naruto could only stare down in horror at the town, wondering what sort of wrong turn he could have taken to land up in a place like this!

Looking at the small map he'd gotten, he tried to find out where he was, but seriously, this place was definitely not on the map.

Behind him, his companions Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuuga Neji crossed their arms and scowled at his back.

"You got us lost again, didn't you?" Neji asked snidely, his pale eyes raking over the town with distaste.

Naruto spun around, waving his hands. "N-no! I know exactly where we are!" he insisted, even though his mind was screaming about how much of a liar he was. But if the other two knew he was lost, they'd do the unthinkable...

"Hn. You idiot, you obviously got us lost. Let's go ask for directions."

...They would make him go into the freak show of a neighbourhood.

"No! Come on guys, I know where we are, I just wanted to...uh...rest! Yeah, that's it! I was getting a bit fatigued, so I decided to stop here and take a rest!" Naruto insisted, grinning at his genius excuse.

Neji and Sasuke shared a look, before they both smirked.

Naruto felt his grin fade a bit.

"Oh? Is that so, Mr. Oh-so-responsible-and-never-gets-lost-driver?" Sasuke asked mockingly.

"Y-yes..." Naruto stammered, not liking the evil looks they gave him.

"Well then. I suppose since we're 'resting', we should go check out the town. It's obviously having some sort of festival, so it might be fun." Neji said smoothly.

Before Naruto could protest, the two jumped him, grabbing an arm each and proceeding to drag him down towards the town.

"No! Guys stop! I'm okay; we can carry on driving now! Seriously! Let go you assholes!" Naruto kicked and struggled, but he couldn't get out of the deathgrip the other two had on him. When they were only a few feet from the town's entrance, Naruto was almost reduced to tears.

"Come on you guys please! You know I hate this sort of stuff! Stop!" he begged, his body starting to shake uncontrollably.

He'd always been terrified of monsters and Halloween creatures ever since he was younger, due to an incident on his eighth Halloween.

He'd gone out trick-or-treating by himself, since he didn't have any friends back then and his guardian had been busy. But after the third house, someone had decided to play a trick on him rather than give him a treat. He'd gone up to the front door of one of the houses and knocked. But while he was waiting, several of the house's residents had sneaked around the back, wearing very realistic monster outfits. They'd waited until Naruto began to walk away before jumping out of the bushes and screaming ferociously.

Naruto had gotten such a huge fright that he'd stumbled back over the railing and fallen into a very large thorn bush, where his costume had gotten tangled the more he thrashed. It had taken the owner of the house, his guardian Iruka, and three passersby to get him out, by which time he was bleeding profusely through hundreds of deep scratches, and was limping due to a twisted ankle.

He'd been terrified of Halloween and anything related since.

Sasuke stopped tugging him, noticing his immense distress, and his black eyes softened slightly.

"Relax Naruto. They're just in costumes, there's nothing to be scared of." He assured. Neji scoffed and dropped Naruto's arm before stalking forwards.

"When you two pansies are finished, I'll be in the town having some fun." He called over his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.

Sasuke sighed and glared after the brunette. "Great, now we have to follow him." He said.

Naruto stared at him wide-eyed. "No we don't! Let's just go wait in the car, he'll get bored eventually!" he insisted, grabbing Sasuke's forearm and tugging slightly.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and pushed back. "Fine. You go wait in the car, I'll go grab Hyuuga and get him to come. Then we can drive out of here and find our way back to the highway, okay?" he offered.

Naruto bit his lip, looking up the hill at their car before looking at the horror show town. Finally, he gave a weak nod, looking at the ground. "Okay... but just hurry up okay." He said and turned, heading up the hill.

He looked over his shoulder and saw Sasuke walking into the town, and suppressed a shudder.

"I hate Halloween." He grumbled, reaching the car. He pulled the keys out, and stuck them in the door, when a noise made him freeze. His eyes wide, he listened carefully.

There was a thudding noise coming from near the back of the car.

Naruto swallowed thickly, hoping it was just an animal or something. He looked back towards the car door, wondering if he should just forget the noise and climb in, but he knew he'd only freak out more if he didn't know what had made the noise.

Turning back to the back of the car, he crept forwards, his heart rate increasing slightly.

When he reached the back, he took a breath and stepped out, looking every which way, but there was nothing there. He breathed a sigh of relief and gave a chuckle.

"Hehe...That really scared me-" His sentence was turned into a scream when he felt something grab his shoulder behind him, and he spun around, arms flailing wildly.

"Holy shit! Calm down!" Sasuke snapped, stepping back. Naruto gasped for breath, clutching his shirt and shaking.

"S-Sasuke! You s-scared the shit out of me!" he panted. Sasuke shook his head, smirking.

"You're such a baby." He said. Naruto nodded and stood straight and gave him a look.

"...Where's Neji?" he asked.

Sasuke was already heading towards the car door. "I don't feel like looking for him after all. It's way to crowded in that place. We'll just wait here."

Naruto nodded slowly and glanced towards the back of the car. "Okay..."

Sasuke sighed and looked down at the town, leaning against the car. "But that idiot better hurry or else we'll leave without him." He warned to no one.

Naruto gulped, also looking down at the town. "I'll call him..." he said, pulling out his cell phone and dialling the number.

It rang three times before it was answered, but before Naruto could say anything he heard heavy breathing and a panicked voice on the other end.

"Naruto? Naruto is that you!" Neji's voice yelled, loud enough for even Sasuke to hear.

Naruto flinched at the loud tone, but answered quickly. "Yeah. Neji what's happening?" he asked.

"This place is...I'm stuck...Need to get...They're...Run!..." the call was breaking up, and Neji's sentences were faint now, drowned out by static. Naruto could hear the sound of a large crowd in the background, but there was something wrong with it. It didn't sound like a festival at all.

"Neji! Neji, what's going on!" Naruto yelled into the phone. The static noise was growing louder, but before it drowned out the sound completely, Neji's panicked voice screamed.


The line went dead.

Naruto stared ahead with wide blue eyes, the phone beeping blankly in his ear while Sasuke stared at him, shocked and confused.

"What the hell?" the raven mumbled.

Naruto blinked and looked down the hill, feeling his blood run cold. "...Sasuke..." he breathed.

Sasuke followed his gaze and his eyes widened. "...Holy...Fuck! Fuck! Naruto get in the car!" he yelled, spinning around and grabbing the handle.

The town's people were running towards them, screaming wildly and wailing, carrying pitch forks and knives and any other sort of make shift weapon. Naruto rushed to the other side of the car and placed his hand on the door handle, but before he could pull it open something long and wet wrapped around his torso. He only had a split second to look down and see something red before he was literally pulled off his feet and dragged backwards into the dark, menacing woods.

He kicked and screamed the whole way, struggling to escape from the clutches of whatever had grabbed him.

"SASUKE HELP ME!" he screamed, reaching out towards the car. He saw Sasuke climbing out, the raven's face pale and panicked as he ran for the blonde.


Sasuke pushed branches out of his way as he finally reached the blonde, who was still being dragged by the red, rope like...thing. Sasuke dived forwards, grabbing a hold of the blonde's torso and ripping at the red bind. He felt disgusted at the slick, tongue-like surface of the thing.

After much struggling, and dragging, they managed to get the rope-thing-whatever-the-hell-it-was off of Naruto, who scrambled to his feet alongside Sasuke and they raced to the car.

"Shit! Shit! What the hell is going on?" Naruto screeched frantically as the ripped the doors open and climbed inside.

Sasuke slammed his door. "The fuck if I know! Let's just get out of here!" he yelled.

"What about Neji?"

"We'll get the cops to come back here with us and get him!"

"But what if-"

"Goddamn it Naruto, just fucking DRIVE!" Sasuke yelled loudly.

The window behind them shattered and they jumped as someone or something came tumbling into the backseat.

Wide-eyed, they could only stare as a small, child-looking thing with shaggy black hair and white skin looked up at them and grinned, showing bleeding gums and crooked teeth.

"Hello! Would you like to play a game?" the thing asked, before pulling out a large, dripping red blade.

Naruto gasped, and the thing lunged at him. Sasuke pushed the blonde out of the way and the blade landed in the dashboard, sticking firmly for a moment.

Sasuke had already shoved his door open and yelled for Naruto to do the same. When they were both out of the car, the sounds of screaming and war cries was louder than ever, and they saw the town's people, still wearing their monstrous costumes, were getting closer.

Sasuke tapped Naruto's shoulders, starting to move back. "Run! Come on, just run!" he hissed and pulled the blonde back before they ran as fast as they could down the road leading away from the town.

Their jackets flapped wildly around them as their breaths came out in pants, and the sound of their shoes thudding against the tar was lost to the screams from behind them. Sasuke glanced back over his shoulder and his black eyes widened drastically.

"T-They getting closer!"

Naruto let out a frightened sob and tried to run faster. They were on a ledge now, with the side of the road turning into a steep hill that led down to both a thorn-filled trench and a misty field with dozens of hay bales scattered around it.

Sasuke, who was closer to the edge of the road, glanced to the other side, which was filled with dark forest. His eyes narrowed against the slight wind from his running, he gasped when he saw something running through the dark trees, following them.

Naruto was running near the middle of the road, his arms moving almost as fast as his legs and his eyes focused on the road ahead. So when the thing following them jumped out of the forest, heading straight for him, he didn't even notice it.

He did, however, feel Sasuke grab him and pull him towards the other edge. He also heard Sasuke's grunt and felt the floor disappear from under both of their feet before they went rolling and tumbling down the steep hill. Rocks and sticks and ledges collided with their backs and limbs, and there were many pained shouts from both of them before they finally rolled into the trench at the bottom, landing under a particularly large thorn bush that had a slight cavern beneath it.

Sasuke panted harshly, his arm twisted under him while the other one was snagged on a thorny branch. Naruto lay a little ways away from him on his back, his face turned away and his arm spread to the side while the other lay atop his chest.

The screaming of the town's people was softer now, more distant. Sasuke squinted his eyes and looked back up the incline towards the road, but he couldn't see the thing that had jumped out.

They were safe.

For now.

"N-Naruto..." he coughed and tasted the metallic tang of blood. He'd bitten his cheek during the fall. When the blonde didn't answer, fear clawed at the inside of his chest and he rolled over, freeing his arm and using it to pull himself forward. The sleeve of his jacket ripped from the thorns, but he didn't care.

Crawling over to his best friend, he pulled himself to his knees and reached over, pulling Naruto's face towards him. Naruto's eyes were shut and his lips were slightly parted. Sasuke smacked his cheek lightly.

"Oi, Naruto! Wake up idiot!" he hissed, smacking a bit harder when the blonde didn't flinch. After a few moments of this technique not working, Sasuke let out a frustrated noise and looked around. They were under the thick bushes, and the leaves allowed him to see up to the road, but he knew one wouldn't be able to see him. The sound of stones and gravel being dislodged made him look up, and he held back a gasp. There were two dark figures moving towards them down the steep slope.

He clenched his teeth and reached around, grabbing Naruto's body and lifting him up a bit. Using his knees, he shuffled backwards, deeper into the bushes, dragging Naruto with him until he was sure they were out of immediate sight.

His breathing was harsh as he held Naruto close and leant against a thick stem of the bush covering them. Using one hand, he reached forward and grabbed Naruto's leg, drawing it up before doing the same to the other, so that he was sure Naruto was also well hidden.

Then he waited.

He heard the crunch of heavy boots on the sand and saw the shadows pass in the bright moonlight, and he held his breath.

For what seemed like forever, but was only around ten minutes, the figures prowled up and down, and each time they were away, Sasuke would let out a breath and take another deep one.

When the figures were coming closer for their fifth passing, Naruto stirred and opened his eyes weakly. When assaulted by nothing back black leaves and dead silence, he started to panic.

He tried to sit up, but something around his chest prevented him from doing so. His mind flashed back to the long, red, sticky thing that had dragged him before and he let out a soft squeak of fear before a hand clamped over his mouth.

"Shut up idiot!" Sasuke hissed into his ear, his eyes wide and fearful as he heard the figures walk faster towards them.

Had they heard, he wondered?

Naruto practically melted with relief into Sasuke's arms, but it was short lived when he heard the footsteps, and he tensed, unconsciously pressing back into Sasuke, who tightened his hold slightly in response.

They sat as quietly as they could while the figures walked past slowly, only pausing at their spot for a few minutes before walking away and out of sight.

Naruto sighed in relief, and Sasuke's grip went a bit slack.

"I think they're gone." He murmured. Naruto nodded and let out a breathless chuckle.

"Thank God." He muttered.

There was a crack and the gleam of metal appeared in front of their faces. They screamed, their eyes wide as they saw a hooded figure holding a large pair of shears, and who was ripping the bushes away to get to them. Sasuke pulled Naruto flush against him to avoid a particularly vicious stab before he forced them both to the ground.

"Crawl!" he hissed and began dragging himself across the dirt and through the thorns towards the misty field. Naruto followed his lead, and soon they were both covered in scratches and bleeding slightly, but they continued to crawl away from the sound of shears and knives.

They were almost to the edge of the thorn bushes and into the misty field when Naruto cried out as a gloved hand wrapped around his ankle and yanked him back. He kicked wildly and felt his foot crunch against something fleshy before the grip on his ankle was gone and he shot forwards, bursting through the thicket with Sasuke on his heels and the two sprinted into the field.

Sasuke looked over his shoulder, but the mist covering the field was thick enough to hide the thicket of thorn bushes from view.

'That means we're hidden from view too.' He thought and reached out, grabbing Naruto's hand in his and yanking him toward a large round hay bale.

He slumped down, trying to catch his breath while Naruto did the same. Sasuke blinked a few times to clear the sweat out of his eyes.

"...Holy shit..." he gasped, burying his face in his hands. He had no clue how this had started. They'd just been driving to Neji's Uncle's house to meet up with their friends who were throwing a party in celebration of their acceptance into University.

How the hell did a simple road trip turn into some horror film-worthy night chase.

Naruto slid down next to him, trembling. "W-what are we going to do? We can't go back up the hill without running into those guys, and I doubt they've left the car alone." He said softly, his voice shaking as much as his hands.

Sasuke sighed, still hidden in his palms. "I...I don't know..."

Naruto swallowed back his fear and peeked out from behind the hay bale. Only mist greeted him, and he pulled back, letting his breath out in a whoosh.

They sat in silence, the chilled night air making what little exposed skin they had cold and a bit numb. Finally, after what seemed like ages, Sasuke looked up at the sky.

"I think...we should head into the town." He murmured. Naruto stared at him as if he'd grown a second head.

"W-wait...I'm sorry, I must be hearing things, because it almost sounded like you suggested we actually go to the home of the freaks that are trying to gut us." He said, ending it with a humourless chuckle. Sasuke gave him a look, and for a moment the two stared at each other.

Then Naruto started shaking his head, slowly at first before he was practically vibrating it on his shoulders.

"..No. No freaking way! Absolutely not! Not a fucking chance in fucking hell are you getting me to go to that...that...horror-fest!" he whisper-screamed. Sasuke sighed and stood.

"Naruto, it might be the only chance we have. We can find Neji, and hopefully a place to hide. Better than an open field where we won't see them coming until the last mo-"

There was a strange, 'schloop' sound before that same red, tongue-like thing was wrapping around Sasuke's neck from out of the mist.

Before either of them could blink he was yanked backwards and dragged into the field, disappearing from view due to the thick mist after only a few feet.


Naruto jumped to his feet and ran in the direction Sasuke had gone, screaming for him.


He could hear Sasuke struggling, and followed the sound as best he could, but everything was so confusing in the fog, he wasn't sure if he was heading the right way.


He heard Sasuke scream his name before it went silent, and Naruto was left standing in the middle of a misty field, his blue eyes wide and watery and his gaze facing the last direction Sasuke's voice had been heard.

The town.

-ecetera, ecetera.

So, how was it? Did it spark any sort of horror-film similiar feelings? If not...I'm obviously not much of a horror writer. ¬.¬

Anyway, next part will be coming out soon! By tomorrow or the day after at most... Please review and let me know what you think!

See ya'll later, my pretties. *fades into nothingness*