Soul Eater-Am I in love, or am I just Crazy?

Desc-Stein: Crazy, dark, awesome, powerful, cool, and infathomably smart. Medusa: Evil, infathomably smart, powerful,, Stein+Medusa=Crazy+dark+evil+2(powerful)+cool+2(unfathomably smart)+manipulative=...!

A witch. A witch actually had the guts to become the nurse at the school who's sole purpose is to hunt witches...well, among other things, but hunting witches is one of them. Of course, she had been there for a very long time, and I'm only just now figuring this out, so she is very intelligent, I'll give her that. I'm still trying to understand why, though. It can't be just to study the students, that would be too big of a risk with too little a reward. Whatever the reason, I need to think of a safe way to stop her...I'll send Sid to go investigate her lab later, but for now, I'll just see what I can get from chatting. So far, I see that she takes a good interest in Soul and Maka specifically. Why is that, I wonder? Could she have something to do with that Demon Sword, Ragnarok? And why does it seem that Soul Eater Evans and his friends are always at the center of things?...wait, that's a bit off topic, I think...of course, all of my questions and ideas are all on assumption so far. I have no real physical evidence to believe that Medusa is a witch, although, if she is, that would make this all the more exciting...if she isn't, though, then all of my fear and excitement would be wasted...I guess that would be a good thing, but it's been quite a while since I've ever been in such a dire situation.

Ah well, time to do my favorite activity besides performing experiments: Performing experiments...dangerously...with a potentially deadly witch! And here I thought that I would never again feel the excitement of a new and interesting experiment! It was always nothing but research and annoying repetition on a topic I already knew just to teach to those kids. Most of them probably didn't even care about anything being said, so all I did was waste my time. But now, I get to spend it on a new project! I just hope I don't a go overboard like in the past...actually...that would be quite fun if I did! First off, let's review all of the current evidence: She has a very amazing knowledge of magic and medicine, yet shows no signs of magic capabilities. Keyword: SHOWS. What else? Well, there's that creepy smile that she'll give on random occasions...which tend to remind me of she's somewhat sadistic, it would seem...again, I'm assuming this, but it's good evidence towards being a witch. Well...that's not much, but it's enough for me to start my own investigation. Which leads me to my second step: Research. It's like searching for information, but I'm not the first to know about it...if anyone, Medusa would know about it. If she didn't, then she must have an alter-ego, but that would just be ridiculous...well, not so much.

"So, Medusa, how's your day been going?" I ask in my normal, somewhat monotone and emotionless voice as I sit on an empty wheele-chair, leaning forewards against the back of the chair and facing her.

I can I tell she was surprised, since she suddenly stops what she was doing and covers it up, turning on her wheelie-chair and giving me a cheesy smile, "Oh, Dr. Stein. You really, and I mean really, have to stop popping up on me like that!"

I only smile as she laughs nervousely. She definately has something to hide, "Yes, well you could say I have a thing for twists and turns..." I say, reaching up and twisting the large screw sticking through the side of my skull.

Medusa calms down and sighs, "Yes, I guess you could..." she relaxes her body and places her hands in her lap, shifting her position to fix her nurse's suit.

"So will you ever answer my question?" I ask again, grinning from behind my glasses smugly.

Medusa rolls her eyes before responding, "Well, either all of the students are being extra careful, or no dangerous missions have been given out lately." she indicates her empty infirmary, "As you can tell by my empty office."

I don't even look, "Yes, I see." I don't say anything else after that, leaving an empty air of awkward. Medusa only stares back, her gaze not wavering. I soon begin to focus on her eyes...her unwavering and uncannily snake-like eyes. Fitting for someone by the name of Medusa, "Working on any new potions or spells, witch?" I ask cooly.

Medusa doesn't even show signs of worry or annoyance...well, mabey she laughs and waves her hand, "Really? This again, Doctor? I've told you, I'm not a witch."

"Of course not." I say, still without moving, "Why would a witch purposely join the staff of the DWMA?"

"Yes, of course." Medusa agrees, nodding.

"That is...unless to perform..." I pause dramatically for a few seconds...have I mentioned I like twists and turns, before? "Research?"

Medusa raises an eyebrow at me, seemingly curious, "Research? On what, exactly?"

"Like on the weaknesses of certain students," I start, keeping a slight grin, "Or how they react to certain herbs..." I look down my nose and over my glasses at the seemingly interested look of our supposed school nurse, "Just some simple experiments, maybe?"

Medusa rolls her eyes and reaches over, placing a hand on my shoulder. I tense slightly, wondering if she was going to kill me, but all she does is say, "Doctor, you have a very broad imagination." with a mocking smile.

I puase for a few seconds, relaxing my body again, "It would seem so."

Medusa leans back against her chair and smiles, "You know, if I didn't know any better, Doctor, I would think you were flirting with me." Flirting? Am I?...hmm...I don't know...never crossed my mind, which I guess that means I'm not, "Stein, are you going to answer me?"

I notice that I was thinking, not talking, and give small laugh, "Oh, no, no. It's nothing like that, Medusa. I just like experiments and research."

"So, am I just research to you?" she asks, titling her head to the side.

"My dear, everything is an experiment to me, with no exception to myself." I answer simply.

She looks down her nose at me after I say this. I wonder what she's thinking? If she truly is a witch, then it might be something along the lines of, "Well there's something we have in common," but if she's not, then it's most likely...

"I see you're very seriouse about your occupation."

I grin a bit wider, "Yes, I do..." I sigh and start twisting the screw in my skull again, "If you'll excuse me, Medusa, I have to teach my class." I push against the ground and stare at Medusa as the chair's wheels carry out the door. I swiftly close the door as I past and ride the inertia until my back hits the wall, stopping me completely. Only five minutes later, I walk into class to hear BlackStar's loud and obnoxious voice gossiping to Maka and Soul...about me.

"I'm seriouse, guys! Stein was trying to score with the nurse!"

"Tch, yeah right. Stein's not a people-person." Soul replies cooly, leaning back against his seat and raising his legs onto his desk.

"I'm not kidding, Soul! He was flirting with her like you would not believe!" BlackStar shouts, neither of them noticing my arrival.

Maka hastily tries to calm them down since she has noticed me, although the arrogant fools pay no attention while I calmly approach them from behind.

"Guys! Shut-up! Stein is right!...eep..." she gives up on then and inches away, not wanting to get into the approaching storm.

BlackStar and Soul finally notice my presance, turning to face me slowly and fearfully, "Hello, Soul, BlackStar." They smile awkwardly before a reach out and grab their collars, "Time for a bit of..." have I mentioned I like twists and turns, yet?