Sat 22ndSep 2012

11am- Was out like light last night, think was asleep before Harry got home. Must have carried me to bed again. Why does he always have to do it when I'm asleep/drunkenly unconscious? V. glad that he let me have lie in instead of waking me up as usual. Though now really want him to hurry up with run and come home, as must see what happened with Mrs C.

11:11am- Will make breakfast to help pass time. Will wait till Friends has finished. Episode with prom video tape, can't miss ending, as is best.

11:16am- He is home. Will do breakfast after talk.

11:41am- Not sure about Mrs C yet, will have to wait until Monday to see if have got all of tumour removed. Fingers crossed. Will begin eggs.

11:46am- "You don't need to make breakfast," He had lovely messy hair from just being out of shower. Looked better than has in past few weeks, no baggy eyes. Think maybe more hopeful about Mrs C.

"Why not?"

"Well, it's almost lunch time," He laughed. Have missed laugh.

"Shut up," Continued with egg scrambling procedure.

"Seriously, you're meant to be ill," Ok. Talking of being ill. Still haven't quite worked out how/when to tell him. Think will wait until after Mrs C's results, then news will add to happiness of finding out mother is cured.

"I feel fine," Was true, I did.

"We're still missing the quiz night, though, right?"

"Whenever did we say we were missing quiz night?"

"Well...I just presumed that, seeing as you've been seemingly intent on throwing up your organs for the past few days..."

"You're not getting out that easily. I have been revising,"

"Niks, please," Turned around and gave him my 'I'm serious' look. "There's no point revising anyway, Zack's the worst quiz master in the world,"

"Are you still upset about last year?"

"He asked where the Live 8 concert was held. There was more than one venue, not just Hyde Park! I put all the bloody places down, I deserved a point!"