Okay peeps, this is my first story for this catagory and I am positive that Billy is going to be OCC, but I really can't help it. This is just how I wrote him. If anyone wants to review, and I got to warn you, this one is finished and I'm already writing the sequel, please only contructive comments and if you completely hate the story, thats cool, but don't bother to tell me. Personally, I think it is very rude and nasty to just leave a comment about how it sucks and is not worth the computer space...hey, you don't like something, simply don't read it. I do however, welcome any ideas to improve how Billy's character is. Also, I am completly unimaginiative when it comes to crap like names for people and places, so sue me. It is not a MarySue though, so don't worry. So on with the show...

Chapter 1

Chris blew her bangs out of her eyes as she shut off the engine to her car and grabbed her things as her best friend Chrystal got out. It had been a really long day and Chris was so looking forward to a hot shower and crashing on the closest horizontal surface possible, whether that meant the couch or her bed, she didn't care at this point.

Just as the two girls stood on the sidewalk while Chris waited for Chrystal to unlock the steel outer door to the apartment they had shared for the last four years, three guys came barreling down the sidewalk at a full run and almost knocked them over.

"Assholes!" Chris felt safe in yelling at them after recognizing that they were gang members from Stokely Hall and wondering what the hell they were doing so far out of their turf.

Just as the word left her mouth and she turned around, another group of guys ran smack into her. She landed on her back and her head smacked the pavement hard enough to see stars as someone big landed on top of her and knocked the breath out of her lungs. As she fought to get her breath back, she opened her eyes and saw the brightest pair of gorgeous blue-green eyes she had ever seen. "Son of a bitch!" She muttered as she felt the knot on the back of her head and winced.

"Dog, Spink, Tommy, Bodie, go get those fuckers!" the man currently on top of her snapped in a deep voice and four men broke off from the group that had ran into her and took off.

He levered himself off of her and she hesitated for a split second as he held out a huge hand to help her up before taking it. As he grasped her hand in his warm one, she had the weirdest feeling, like electricity zinged up her arm to her chest, making her heart jump. She thought in automatic reaction that it was fear until a warm feeling started to unfurl in the pit of her stomach that plainly called her a liar.

He was tall, and shaved bald with the only hair on his face being a rather untidy goatee. Old scars decorated his face on the bridge of his nose on the left side and along his jaw on the right, with a deeper scar next to his left eye. He wore a pair of scruffy jeans and a dark gray long sleeved t-shirt with a short-sleeved black one above it and big biker boots. The sleeves of his shirt were pulled up to the elbows exposing muscled forearms with solid black tribal tattoos starting at his wrists, disappearing under his shirt before reappearing at his collar and snaking their way up his neck to end in points right behind his ears.

She had seen those tattoos before, so she knew that they must be some members of the local Darley gang, the ones that ran this part of town. She stepped away quickly, not so quick as to offend him, but enough to get some space as her mind started to give her libido a firm lecture. She could not—absolutely would not—desire this man, it told her. He was an absolute stranger, and a dangerous looking one at that.

He radiated power, dominance and ruthlessness in equal measure. He tightened his hand around hers so that she couldn't draw away after he pulled her to her feet effortlessly and asked in a rough deep voice, "You okay?"

"Uh—yeah, thanks." Chris managed to stutter as his eyes traveled down the length of her body and back up again, her eyes broke away from his mesmerizing gaze as another man, smaller, with dyed dark red hair and a red leather jacket started to help Chrystal pick up the contents of their spilled purses while a few others looked at the two girls with interest in their hard eyes.

The leader pulled out a cigarette and lit it with his hand cupped over the flame of his lighter while continuing to stare at her. Tilting his head back and blowing the smoke out of his mouth sideways, he asked demandingly, "What are two girls like you doing in this fucking neighborhood so late?"

Chris narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to tell him that they had been at the bar on the corner, not about to tell him the truth, but Chrystal, eyeing the smaller one with interest, answered, "We live here."

His gaze flicked to Chrystal for a moment before back to Chris as he asked, "Where?"

"Here." Chrystal said.

Chris barely contained an eye roll as Chrystal indicated to the heavy steel door with her keys still in the lock. Please, DO tell the scary ass gang members that we live here, Chris thought privately. Sometimes Chrystal was entirely too trusting, especially if there were cute guys involved.

"Wait," said a Hispanic man with a teardrop tattoo on his face, "You two girls live here?" He asked in a tone of disbelief as he waved at the long building housing a used car lot at one end and a bar at the other with various businesses in between in the middle of one of the worst areas of the city.

"Yes." Chris answered with the air of someone explaining something to a toddler.

"Alone?" another one of the men asked in astonishment as he plainly looked around for signs of an apartment. This one had a faux Mohawk with some Latin writing tattooed across the front of his neck.

Yeah, like they were really stupid enough to tell a group of rough looking tattooed guys that two women lived here alone. Not only alone, but in the one apartment in the whole building.


Chris shot a look at Chrystal that plainly said Shut—Up—Now! as she said, "No."

"No what?" the leader asked gruffly as his eyes narrowed.

"No, we don't live alone." Chris lied through her teeth as she prayed Chrystal would keep her mouth shut, "We live with our boyfriends." The guy didn't look like he believed her, and she really couldn't blame him. She knew her nervousness was not helping to make herself sound convincing. Normally, she could lie her ass off when it was really necessary, but something about this guy made her want to tell the truth even though she knew that this would put her in a very sticky situation.

"What are their names?" he asked, testing her.

"Darnell and Trey." She said the first names that popped into her head.

"Darnell, Darnell Williamson?" the small guy asked with the red leather jacket said oozing with charm, "The guy that sells pot around here? We know him really good and I don't remember him telling us him and Trey's girls were so beautiful!"

Crap— Busted! She thought.

The bald one took another drag of his smoke as he gestured to the phone in Chris's hand, "Call him."

"Call who?" she played dumb, buying some time to think.

"Darnell, sweetheart." He said as he stepped closer to her crowding her personal space and his smirk grew bigger as the corner of her eye twitched, knowing that he had her caught.

She flipped her phone open and hurriedly dialed Darnell's number, hoping he was available to take care of these guys for her while she silently cursed to herself. Four years! Four years they had lived in this neighborhood and never been bothered, she thought to herself as she blew at her bangs again. Now all she could hope for was that these guys would be on good terms enough with a fellow member of the same gang who happened to be the local pot dealer enough to leave them alone.

She knew the word around. The Darley gang was a big gang, with who-knew how many members, though the inner circle was very small and tight knit. She just prayed that Darnell's position in the gang was good enough that he could get this guy to go away.


Breathing a sigh of relief, she turned her back to the men and took a few steps away as she said quietly, "Darnell?"

"Yeah? Chris?"

"Yea, it's me. Can you come over here? Like quick? With some guys?" she asked.

"Sure babe. You in trouble?"

"Um-hum." She hummed significantly, "Got a little situation."

"Be right there." He said before hanging up. Chris rolled her eyes heavenward and said silently to herself, Lord please let me and Chrystal make it out of here alive. Thank God Darnell had become one of their good friends and not just the guy they bought pot from occasionally. He was protective of them and Chris knew that after hearing they were in trouble, he wouldn't waste time getting here.

"Should we wait for him inside?" the small guy asked, still making an attempt to be charming.

Chris merely gazed at him with an expression that plainly asked if he were stupid and said, "No. He said to wait here."

"Yeah," Chrystal piped up, finally getting her clue on, "He's like, crazy jealous and protective of Chris. Trey is like that with me too."

Chris fought a cringe. Now Chrystal could never lie to anyone about anything if her life depended on it. If they suspected Chris was lying, Chrystal just proved it, and they knew it as she saw the smirks and smiles surrounding them grow bigger.

"Well," the small one said, plainly flirting with Chrystal, "If I had a girl as beautiful as the two of you, I would be crazy jealous and protective too!"

Chris noticed Chrystal, damn her, was falling for it and wanted to reach over and slap her upside the head. Before she could do anything, three cars roared out of the next street and pulled a u-turn right in front of the apartment, screeching to a halt right behind Chris's black Impala. Chris gave an audible sound of relief that made Scary Bald Man chuckle slightly when Darnell and some of his boys jumped out, but when he walked up to her and grasped the tattooed man's hand as he greeted him respectfully, her jaw dropped.

"Hey Billy!" Darnell said jovially as he shook his hand. Then looking between the two girls and Billy, he asked, "What's going on?"

"Just wondering why you never introduced us to your girl here Darnell." Billy indicated to Chris, looking her up and down again and shooting a manly kind of look at Darnell.

Seeing Darnell's confused and uncomfortable expression, Chris rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she said sourly, "Oh alright fine! Darnell is not my boyfriend." Her eyes snapped to Darnell with a plea in their depths as she asked, "So you guys know each other?"

Darnell grinned at her in a helpless sort of way as he said, "Yeah. This is Billy Darley."

Chris's eyes widened. She knew who he was now, she had gotten run over by the Big Dog himself. He was the leader of the gang.

Oh shit!

She had just lied to a gang lord who from all accounts, really took offence at being lied too. Noticing her look, Billy smirked again as he told the other men, "Well, we gotta go. We'll talk some more later Darnell, meet me at the Four Roses in a couple of hours." He said in a demanding voice that expected to be obeyed and from the way Darnell was nodding, he was going to do what he was told.

As he and his boys told the others 'Later', he turned to her and once more ran his eyes up and down her figure before saying softly as he brushed his body uncomfortably close to her as he breathed in her ear, making her shiver as his warm moist breath washed over her, "I'll be seeing you real soon too sweetheart."

As the group made to walk away, he suddenly stopped and asked as he lit another cigarette, "Hey Darnell, who does this car belong too?" he gestured to the black Impala.

"Oh that's hers." Darnell said with a wave at Chris, making her want to stomp on his foot hard enough to break his toes. Billy gave Chris one last smug smile around the cigarette clamped between his lips before winking at her and disappearing into the night with his boys.

The girls trooped with Darnell into the narrow hallway that was the entrance to their apartment and she barely waited for Darnell to finish telling his friends to get back to his place before stomping her foot on the ground and saying sarcastically, "Oh thank you so MUCH for your help Darnell!"

"What?" he asked all wide-eyed, "Did you expect me to lie, not only to my boss, but to someone that would think nothing of putting a bullet in my ass for lying? Honestly?"

"AHHH!" Chris threw her hands in the air and stomped up the flight of stairs at the end of the narrow hallway. She threw herself down on the couch and threw an arm over her eyes in true Drama Queen fashion, a side of herself she hardly ever let herself give into.

"Chris," Chrystal said hesitantly, "It's not that bad. They seemed perfectly nice."

Chris dropped her arm from her eyes as she said sarcastically, "Yeah, I bet that's exactly what the victims of serial killers thought too, before they got gutted into fish sticks!" She sat up and looked at Chrystal with open-mouthed astonishment, "Seriously? Not that bad? I LIED to BILLY DARLEY! A guy who, from what everyone says about him, would happily beat the shit out of me for it! AND!" she added, getting louder with every word and pointing a finger towards the ceiling as her brain whirled overtime imagining all sorts of ways he could put a big hurt on her, "When he left he told me that he was going to 'see me real soon'! Now tell me it's not that bad!" she dropped back on the couch and said with a whine to no one in particular, "Oh why did I have to open my mouth and say your name when he asked?"

"Why did he ask?" Darnell asked with a puzzled frown.

Chrystal snorted as she said, "Because when they asked us if we lived here alone, she told them we lived with our boyfriends and he asked what the boyfriend's names were."

When they both turned to look at her quizzically, she said defensively, "Well, they asked because you were the dummy that told them where we lived in the first place! I didn't know who they were, and even if I did, I wasn't about to tell them that there was two girls living here by ourselves, now was I?"

Darnell nodded and said, "Well, I gotta go, got shit to do before I meet Billy."

"What? No words of comfort or anything?" Chris whined at him.

Darnell smiled and gave her a wink, "I wouldn't worry Chris, from the looks of things, he wasn't looking at you like he wanted to beat you. Fuck you maybe, but not beat you."

He laughed as Chris threw a pillow at him as he went down the stairs and Chrystal followed to lock the door behind him. Chris collapsed back on the couch as Chrystal came back up and said, "Shit! A perfect ending to an already fucked up day!"

"Aw, come on Chris." Chrystal smiled at her knowingly, "It's not like you weren't checking him out just as much as he was you."

Chris groaned in disgust as she said, "That's not the point Chrystal. We both know what they say about Billy Darley. He's a dangerous guy and he uses women until he gets all that he wants and just tosses them in the trash like old newspapers. I don't want to get involved with a man like that and let myself be used as a fuck toy!"

"Well," Chrystal said meaningfully, "I'm not saying fall for the guy, just screw him. Jesus Chris, you need to get laid before you blow up! He may be dangerous, but you can't deny he's hot as hell!"

"Good! You fuck him then!" Chris snapped.

"I'm not the one he had his eyes all over." Chrystal snorted as Chris scowled at her. Chris had the impression that Chrystal wished he had been looking.

"Lucky you." She snapped.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." Chrystal reasoned, "He didn't make any moves and chances are that he will forget about us in no time." She flapped her hand dismissively.

"We hope." Chris mumbled as Chrystal went to bed.

As Billy led the way into the Four Roses, he went straight to the tables in the back where the gang usually sat and asked as he saw Dog, Spink, Bodie and Tommy there, "Well?"

"We took care of it dawg," Spink told him bragging, "Those little pussies were crying for their mammas by the time we were done with 'em."

"Fuckin' punks." Dog added, "We also told them what you said, to stay out of our turf or they'll end up in a hole."

Billy nodded, satisfied that the little shits that thought that they could make names for themselves in the Hall outfit by fucking around in Darley territory had been taught a proper lesson by his boys.

Signaling Mandy, Baggy's sister who was the waitress at the Four Roses for some beer and shots for his crew, he turned back in time to hear Dog asking Joe where they had been.

"Talking to those chicks Billy and Bodie flattened. Man did you see the brunette?" He smiled hugely, "Now would I love to hit that! Now normally I would go for the blonde, but man, I think Billy might kill me if I did!" He threw Billy a mischievous grin as he added, "From the way Billy was checking her out, he's planning on tappin' that ass real soon too!"

At Billy's manly smirk, all the guys laughed.

"Man, I can't believe two girls that look like that live in our turf and we had no idea!" Baggy exclaimed as he looked at the others. "The brunette is cute enough, but shit—that fucking blonde is just—damn!"

"What girls?" Mandy asked as she served them their beers.

"The two women living in an apartment off of Stygian, above that long building with the shops and shit." Baggy told her. Mandy knew a lot about the people in the neighborhood due to working in the bar and most people feeling free to talk in front of her as if she was invisible.

"One of 'em drives a sweet black '67 Impala." Joe told everyone.

Mandy's eyebrows rose as she asked, "You mean Chris and Chrystal?" The guys all looked at her with their jaws dropped, except for Billy, whose head swiveled in her direction with his eyes narrowed in curiosity.

"How the hell do you know them?" he asked her abruptly.

Mandy didn't take offence to the briskness of his tone. Billy was like another brother to her and she knew the difference when he wanted to know something because he was curious and when he wanted to know something because he was pissed. She wondered which of the two he was interested in.

"Sometimes I go to that bar down at the end of the building. I mean I work here guys, I don't want to hang out here all the time too, you know?" She told the men who were all looking at her, "Why? What did they do?" she frowned.

"Nothing." Baggy answered with a grin in Billy's direction, "Billy and Bodie just plowed them down as we were doing something, then Billy spent a good ten minutes busting one of them in a lie while imagining how she looked naked and in various sexual positions!"

The rest of the boys cracked up and Mandy laughed as well even though she felt a little apprehensive about Billy's interest in those particular girls, but she knew that they all wanted Billy to have a girlfriend to look out for him, unlike that slut Julie. When Billy had went to prison for two years, she had cheated on him constantly while trying to cause trouble for the gang by telling Billy bullshit like they wouldn't let her come to see him, they were stealing money, they were stealing drugs, and her favorite one, they were trying to get into her pants.

Thankfully, Billy had known she was a lying tramp and got rid of her right after he was released two months ago, but Mandy and the guys could tell he was already bored with the line-up of bar girls that hung around the Four Roses and the gang like flies on shit, but only Mandy and Bodie, thanks to Billy's drunken ramblings about a month ago, knew that he was lonely and wanted a real girlfriend that would be there for him. Privatly, she wasn't holding out much hope for a happy ending if he was interested in Chrystal.

"What's the blonde's name Mandy?" Billy asked her pointedly.

Ah, so that was the one that had his nose sniffing the air, Mandy thought, relaxing with a satisfied smirk, "The brunette is Chrystal and the blonde is Christina, but everyone calls her Chris." Privately, Mandy thought that Chris was by far the better choice. She liked Chrystal well enough, but she had noticed the subtle signs that Chrystal was intensely jealous of Chris and Chris didn't see it. Mandy had observed them closely and seen the way Chrystal always seemed to want the men that she knew were interested in Chris, but she would pick at the guys flaws in front of her roommate until Chris would lose any interest she might have in the guy.

"How fucking long have they been living there?" Baggy asked.

"About four years I guess." Mandy shrugged as she answered her brother.

"Four fucking years?" Jamie asked, "How the hell have they managed to live in this neighborhood for four years and we don't know shit about them?" he asked no one in particular, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling pretty fucking stupid for not knowing that there were two women who look that hot, living in our part of town alone."

Mandy narrowed her eyes at Jamie and the others as they all nodded, "That just proves how smart they are. Really guys, if you were women, would you be advertising that you live in a building with no close neighbors?" She snorted as she finished setting down their shot glasses from her tray, "Please, they are not stupid enough to set themselves up for rape or worse! And what do you mean girls like them? What's wrong with them? They're nice girls!" she asked, working herself into lecture mode.

Seeing this and not wanting to set off his little sister, who could pin their ears back when she got in the mood, and he didn't want to get Billy mad at her, Baggy hastened to explain, "That's all we meant Mandy. They are nice girls, not like the whores that run around this 'hood—not that you're a whore—" he stammered helplessly as her eyes narrowed at him and her hand went to her hip.

Seeing Baggy digging his hole deeper, Billy cut in, "You know what he means. They obviously ain't from around here. They ain't whores or addicts or at least one of us would know about them, besides Darnell."

"Yeah, well." Mandy was still scowling, though mollified, "They only know about Darnell by accident, and they buy pot from him once in a while, but it's not like it's an everyday thing." She set a bottle of Jack Daniels down and Baggy immediately poured everyone a shot.

Seeing Sammy signaling her to get her ass back to work, she said, "You guys be nice to them. Like I said, they are nice girls and they're my friends. I am asking you guys to not treat them like your usual style…please?" she added a puppy dog pleading look that usually got her way with the guys.

After she left, everyone looked at Billy as if wondering what he was planning. He leaned casually back in his chair and lit a cigarette from one of the pointless candles on the table as he said, "Dog, I want you to watch their place and tell me everywhere Christina goes, everyone she talks too." Dog nodded and Billy added as he stood up, "Take Tommy with you."

After those two left, he told the rest of the gang, "Alright people. Jamie, you and Baggy get back on the corners. Keep your eyes open. Those little pussies might show up again, or else the Hall will want payback for fucking up their boys. Heco, you and I will take the morning shift. Then Bodie, when Tommy and Dog get back, I want you and Joe following them." He looked around after giving everyone their orders, "Let's move!"

Everyone stood up and went about their business, leaving Billy to wait for Darnell, who had some fucking shit to answer.

There, first chappie, now review PLEASE!