Disclaimer: No. I don't own any of the characters of Gravitation, or any rights to the show. They all belong to Maki Murakami, Tokoyopop, Right Stuff and what not.
Yuki liked lemons. Often, Shuichi would inquire as to why there were so many of the golden fruit in the refrigerator, not knowing that Yuki liked to eat them raw. With salt.
He would slip into the kitchen in the early mornings, when the house was still and cool and quiet and crack open the fridge, pulling out one and peeling it hungrily.
Then, he would take the salt shaker out of the cabinet, and sprinkle a liberal amount of the stuff before opening his mouth and biting down.
He loved the way it burned.
The way it made his mouth tingle and stung at little cuts. Remnants from a bad habit of biting his cheek and lips and flossing. His muscles would tighten up, causing his whole body to go ridged and his toes to curl, defining every muscle of his body. Lemon juice would run between his fingers and over his hands and down his arms, cooling old scars and making new ones burn and come alive.
It was a strange addiction of his. Discovered by happenstance one night when he was too drunk and too hungry and the lemons were just there.
And with one bite, for a moment, there was nothing else. Just the burn of the fruit and his teeth and tongue nudging at the fleshy substance, inhaling sharply, sometimes moaning into the sensory overload.
And when he was done, he was left standing in the middle of the bleak kitchen, wet and sticky, his body tingling in serene silence. Waiting for the world to come rushing back in.
A.N. Yeah, I know. It's not Coffeeshop or Broken Wings, but it's 2am, and I couldn't take my wallscroll of Eiri staring at me anymore. I stumbled across this drabble I wrote months ago, realized I kinda liked it, and decided to post it. Anyways, since Eiri's disappointed face is keeping me awake, I guess I'll actually get cracking on those two.
PS. I finally bought a Kumagoro. It's so fucking cute! I'm gonna post pics on my Livejournal if you want me to link you.