Hey, this is really an assignment for English, so tell me if it's any good! That's why I'm descrribing so much, in case you didn't know!

Disclaimer: I don't own Max Ride, right. On with the story!


I crawled through the air ducts, ignoring the sticky cobwebs that clung to my face. Now, my second favorite pair of jeans were forever stained by the filthy ventilation dirt. My good, non bloodied top was hopelessly smudged with dark soot. Why couldn't a single day ever be normal for me?

I usually didn't complain about my strange, crazy life. However, today was one of those days that she hated her life. A normal fourteen year old didn't have to take care of five people. A normal fourteen year old had food provided for her, had a place to call home, and didn't worry about being captured by maniacs every hour of every day. A normal fourteen year old girl was completely human.

Of course, I just had to be born different. I guess that I was destined to be a freak. However, if I wasn't a misfit, I would have never have met my family.

Speaking of which, what was that noise?

I brushed my flat, brown hair away from my ear so I could hear better. I heard the extremely familiar chatting of Nudge. Nudge was part of my family, who have all been kidnapped. That's why I'm in an air vent.

Anyways, I followed the sound of her endless talking. Then, her chatter reached an abrupt halt. I froze. Now, faint cries and screams could be heard. Oh, no.

I hurried down the shafts, wincing every time the vents emitted a loud bang. My family is being hurt and tortured and it's all my fault. I only wanted a short break from leading and taking care of everybody. I just wanted some time alone. When I came back, my Flock was gone.

Oh, it's all my fault! I finally reached the vent where I heard the screaming. Now, the screaming was louder. Apparently, I was in the roof, because the shouting was coming from below me.

I peered through the narrow slits in the vent shafts. Lovely, since I was in the roof, I now had a panoramic view of my family being tortured by their worst fears.

I banged and pried against the stubborn vent cover, but the thing just wouldn't budge. I could only watch as my family, the only people that I've ever cared about, go mad with terror.

I wanted to bust through that annoying vent cover and save my family, but I couldn't let the kidnappers find me. I'd be a lot of help locked up,…just kidding.

I couldn't help but watch with a sick curiosity what my family's worst fears were. Somehow, their captors had figured out what each person feared most.

Gazzy, an adorable eight year old, was cornered by vicious, bloodthirsty dogs. The dogs were snarling and howling, with foam dripping out off their black chops. Gazzy tried to shove one of the dogs away, but it almost took his fingers off. Gazzy's short, spiky blond hair was gilded in a cold sweat and his sky blue eyes were wide with fear. Gazzy was too terrified to think, much less beat the snot out of those dogs.

Gazzy was normally capable of beating up three normal, fully grown men at once, easily. Of course, everyone in my family could beat any normal person up.

In the opposing corner of the room, Angel, our sweet six year old, was being pinned down by an Eraser.

I know, that sounds funny, but there is nothing funny about Erasers. Erasers were mutants, like my family. However, Erasers were fifty percent wolf, fifty percent human, and one-hundred percent of horrible, bloodthirsty, evil. An Eraser would just love to eat any one of my family members for lunch.

Anyways, Angel was terrified of the creatures. The Eraser maliciously yanked her curly blond hair. Angels round, icy blue eyes filled with unshed tears, but se didn't give the monster the satisfaction of hearing her scream. I was proud of her tough attitude.

To Angel's right, Nudge, the eleven year old fashion lover, was chained to the wall by her wrists and ankles. The chain was rusty and sharp. I could tell that it was going to leave awfully painful chaff marks later. Nudge was shrieking like a Banshee warrior because she was being bombarded by large, brown rats with beady little red eyes. The rats crawled into her curly brown hair and their nasty yellow buckteeth gnawed into her brand new clothes. Nudge's mocha colored cheeks were streaked with salty tears.

Iggy, the blind, strawberry blond fourteen year old was running around in tight circles. At first, I didn't see what he was so afraid of. Then, I saw them. Tiny little spiders were all over him. He futilely attempted to brush the little arachnids away.

I guess that I should explain the weird names. We've never seen our parents, and you can blame the evil scientists, or whitecoats as we call them, for that. Well, the whitecoats wanted to see if human DNA would fuse with avian DNA. Well, it worked, and we were the result. Me and my family are all two percent bird and ninety percent human.

We escaped from the scientists, who treated us worse than dirt, and lived in a secluded house in the mountains with a good whitecoat named Jeb. Since the scientists didn't care enough to name us, we named ourselves when we were younger, so hence, the strange names.

Anyways, the whitecoats and their pets, the Erasers, weren't happy with our escape and have searched for us ever since. Yesterday, they captured my family, also called my Flock, and now I'm going to bust them out. Or at least I was planning to, until this stupid vent got in my way.

I frantically searched for Fang. Fang is my beta, my second-in-command, my wingman, and my best friend. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and I can trust him with anything.

I couldn't find him! What have they done?

Ok, I know it's short, but I'm updating either today or tomorrow so don't kill me! Reviews are greatly appreciated!