A/N Decided on Papa Don't Preach first, but don't worry I promise you get both outcomes ; )

CHAPTER ONE: Didn't See it Coming

I had charms first period this morning. We had been back in school about six weeks and despite having to live in the same dorm as Scorpius I had managed to successfully almost completely avoid Scorpius since term began. I felt horrible as it was, but seeing him every day just made it all that much harder. Professor Flitwick was talking about switching charms, something I had mastered earlier this year, so I was tuning in and out of the lecture, doodling absently in the margin of my paper.

I looked up and scanned the people around me. I was sitting in the middle row so I could only see part of the class, Albus four Ravenclaws, two Slytherins and a Hufflepuff. He wasn't there. Somehow it seemed that Scorpius always managed to sit out of my sightline, even when I sat in the last row of seats in a class. I twisted inconspicuously in my seat, making it seem as though I was looking at the clock. He was there, only one row behind me on the other side of the aisle, and he was staring right at me. I caught his eye only momentarily before looking down at my notebook, and a sudden wave of nausea hit me. I pushed back my chair and my hand shot up into the air.

"Professor may I be excused? I'm not feeling very well," I choked out.

"Yes, of course Miss Weasley. Is everything all right?" but I was out the door before he could finish his response.

I barely made it to the nearest girls lavatory in time before I got to taste my breakfast for a second time. After I finished emptying the contents of my stomach I sat on the floor of the cubicle and reached for the toilet paper, wiping my mouth and throwing the piece of tissue into the toilet. I leaned my head against the side of the stall and took a deep breath.

"That's the third time this week, you know," I practically jumped out of my skin when I heard the voice, "I'm no expert but I think that means something is wrong."

"Myrtle god dammit don't do that!" I snapped at the ghost peeking her head over the stall. I hadn't really noticed that I had run into Myrtle's bathroom, and frankly having her there kind of creeped me out.

"Well it's not my fault you didn't check to make sure you were alone," Myrtle snapped back, "I was just trying to be helpful." with that she disappeared and I heard the splash of her diving back into her toilet.

I stood up and unlocked the stall, making my way over to the sink. I washed my hands and rinsed out my mouth, trying to get rid of the taste of vomit eggs. Myrtle was right; this was the third time in a week this had happened. I hadn't been able to keep down any food in the morning lately.

Probably the stomach flu. I had been feeling a little off. It could have been stress. Things were really stressful nowadays with everything. That must be it. Too much stress always makes me sick. With everything going on it's a wonder I've been throwing up and having trouble with sleep. Definitely stress.

Before I got out the door of the bathroom someone else ran in.

"Oh Rose thank goodness it's you," Lily squealed, "Quick, do you have a tampon? It's an emergency!"

I almost laughed at how urgently she said this, "Here," I reached into the hidden pocket on my bag and handed her one, "You're lucky I keep them with me."

"You're a lifesaver!" with that she ran across the floor into a stall. I shook my head and laughed silently before walking out of the bathroom.

It was weird, but I hadn't needed one in a while, lucky for Lily. In fact, she was really lucky considering I should have needed them about two weeks ago and normally wouldn't carry them around right after needing them. The thing was, I hadn't needed them, which was really weird considering I've never been late in five years.

The corridors were empty, thank merlin, because suddenly it hit me. My hand flew up to my mouth, but I didn't think there was anything left for me to throw up so I didn't move. I froze midstep in the middle of the corridor as my mind went over the facts.

I had been throwing up after breakfast a lot. I was tired and moody. I was late...by a lot. Maybe it wasn't stress at all. Maybe it wasn't even a stomach bug. Maybe I was...

"No no no no," I whimpered, leaning against the wall, "Please no." I buried my face in my hands.

"Rose, are you okay?" I looked up to see Albus standing in front of me, eyeing me cautiously, "Professor Flitwick asked me to make sure you were okay. You ran out of there pretty fast."

"I-I'm fine," I managed to choke out, "Al," I said, thinking fast, "I need to borrow the cloak and the map. Don't ask why, but I have something I need to do."

"It's in my trunk," he said, and without missing a beat I turned on my heal and headed towards the Gryffindor common room, "But Rose, wait. What's going on?" he jogged to catch up with me.

"Nothing, Al," I said hastily, hoping he would take it and leave, "I'm stressed out and I have been all term and I just need to step out for a few hours and clear my head."

"Is it about Scorpius?" I stopped dead in my tracks, "I've seen you two trying to avoid each other. What happened at Christmas, Rose?"

"Nothing, Al, and this has nothing to do with him. I just need a break. I'll be back by dinner. Go back to class," I snapped. I felt bad for being so rude to him, but the kid couldn't take a hint.

"Fine," I listened to Al walk away. I turned around just in time to see him turn the corner before i took off at a sprint to the Gryffindor tower. No one was in the common room, nor was there anybody in the boys dormitories. I dug through Albus' trunk and found his dad's invisibility cloak along with the Marauder's Map. I pulled the invisibility cloak over my head and set off towards one of the many secret passageways that led to Hogsmeade.

After going into Hogsmeade I had apparated to the nearest muggle town to find a Pharmacy. One happened to be not far away from where I had ended up and I had gone in and bought one of those muggle pregnancy tests. First Response, it was called. I thanked the cashier and left, looking for a cafe or something where I could have lunch. There was a pizza place a few blocks away, and I ordered a small cheese pizza before sitting in the corner and contemplating whether or not I was just being silly. I mean, how could I be pregnant? It just didn't seem possible.

I finished my pizza and went out into the street. I slinked into an alleyway and pulled the cloak back over my head before disapperating back to Hogsmeade.

It was close to four by now, meaning everyone was getting out of work making Hogsmeade a rather crowded place. I maneuvered my way carefully through the crowds of people and into Honeydukes. I went down into the cellar and up through the secret passageway, making it into the hallway just as the bell rang for the conclusion of classes for the day. I took off the cloak, stowing it in my bag and joined the flow of students headed to their common rooms to get ready for dinner. I did the same, setting my bag in my room and bringing my brown bag from the pharmacy into the bathroom. I set it on the sink and left, not wanting to think about that until after I had eaten.

Scorpius had potions, so I had thought that I could be in and out of our common room before he had even gotten there, but on my way out I almost ran right into him. I muttered a hurried apology and walked as quickly as I could down to the Great Hall. There were already masses of people sitting at the four house tables, and I made my way down the Gryffindor table to sit next to my cousins Roxy and Molly. I ate and talked and for a few minutes it felt like everything was okay, but nothing could permanently take my mind off the brown paper bag I had left sitting on the bathroom counter. I decided to wait until after dinner to do it, and the only reason I could think of for doing so was that I just didn't want to know. Cowardly but true, I did not want to see the results of that test.

"So Rose, are you in," Roxy asked.

"What," I said, snapping to attention.

"A party in the Gryffindor common room," Molly said, "You wanna go?"

"Sure," I said detachedly, "But only for a little while, I'm kinda of tired." We got up and headed towards the Gryffindor common room and it was only then that I realized Scorpius hadn't come down for supper.

The party was insane, and as Head Girl it should have been my duty to break it up, which is why I left. If I didn't see or hear anything then I couldn't be blamed for anything. I went slowly back to the Head Dorms, wanting to put off what I know had to be done as long as I could.

When I reached the portrait of the singing elves I gave them the password and stepped into the common room. It was completely dark, but from the light of the moon I could see that Scorpius' door was closed. Good, that meant he was in bed. I walked as quietly as I could across the common room and into the bathroom, flicking on the light. I barely had time to notice that the paper bag from the pharmacy was gone before I heard a light click on behind me.

"Looking for this?" said a quiet voice. I spun around and Scorpius was sitting in the armchair facing away from the portrait hole. In his hands was the paper bag with the pregnancy test in it.

"You had no right to touch that," I said, trying to keep my voice from quavering, "What I buy is none of your business."

"In this case I think it might be," he didn't raise his voice, but I could hear how angry he was and his hands were shaking.

"What makes you think so," it was a low blow, but I was just as mad as he was.

His eyes shot up to glare at me in the most evil way anyone ever had, "Are you saying it doesn't?" he stood up slowly.

"So what if I am," I spat, taking a step toward him.

He closed the space between us and grabbed my wrist, "Rose, tell me the truth. Is it mine?"

Scorpius PoV

"Is it mine?"

She looked down and I could hear her swallow, "Well considering you have my pregnancy test I don't know if there's an "it" at all. But if there is then yes, it is yours." Before I could register what was happening she burst into tears and I was holding her to my chest stroking her hair.

"Rose, when were you planning on telling me this?" I asked exasperatedly.

"I didn't know if there was anything to tell," she sobbed, "And I didn't want there to be."

"Rose," as shocked as I was by this revelation I had to ask what had been bothering me for six weeks that before now I couldn't bear to bring up, "Rose, why did you leave? You know that I love you, right? How could you do that?"

"I had to," she whispered. I pulled away and looked at her.

"What do you mean you had to?"

"I mean," she said, drawing in a deep breath, "That I had no choice. After I left your room that night, I ran into your grandfather. He told me that if you stayed with me he would disown you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I exclaimed.

"How could I, Scorpius?" she cried, looking up at me with tears running down her face, "I couldn't tell you, Scorpius. If I had it would have been like asking you to choose between your family and me. I couldn't ask you to do that!"

"So you just made the choice for me?" I asked, feeling more pissed off than I should.

"I had to make you think it was my choice, Scorpius. Making you choose would have been selfish. And..." she trailed off.

"And what?"

She took a deep breath, "And I didn't want to know what you would have chosen. I would never have let you choose me, but I didn't know if I could handle you not choosing me. It had to be my choice to leave, Scorpius."

"Well if you had just told me the real reason I could have told you that my Grandfather can't do that," I told her, and she looked up shocked.

"What?" she asked sharply.

"He lost any and all authority over my family's estate when he went to prison," I told her, "Even if he wanted to he couldn't disown me. He's lucky Father let him stay at all after he came home from prison. If my Grandmother hadn't pleaded with him I don't think he would have done it."

"I'm so stupid," she whispered.

I pulled her against my chest, "You aren't stupid. Just completely and dangerously gullible. But I still love you."

"I love you too, Scorpius. I'm sorry I'm such a bloody twit." I kissed the top of her head, loving the feeling of having her back in my arms.

"I hate that it had to be something like this that brought us back together," I said suddenly.

She looked up at me with a frustrated expression, "You know you really do know how to ruin a moment."

"Well, if the moment's already ruined," I pulled away and handed her the paper bag.

"I hate you," she said.

"No you don't, that's just the fear talking."

"Shut up," she snapped, snatching the paper bag. Then her face paled, "I don't want to do this."

"You have to sooner or later," I told her, "I vote sooner, because then we have more time to decide what to do."

She swallowed and looked up at me, "I'm not ready for this."

"That makes two of us."

She looked at the bag then back up at me, "Pray that there is a little blue minus sign on this stupid stick when I'm done," and with that she walked into the bathroom

A/N Didn't see that one coming, eh? Just wait, because this is about to get infinitely more scandalous…..