Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroshitsuji, or the characters in this story. I simply wrote out the scenario in pure boredom. XD... like all of my other stories lol
Pairings: Ciel/Sebastian
Note I: This is an AU Kuroshitsuji story, where Ciel's parents are still alive, but very unkind individuals. Their unkindness turns on their son after an unfortunate mistake is made on Ciel's part. But when a mysterious new butler turns up at the Phantomhive estate, he takes a considerable interest in protecting Ciel...
The story develops from there. Don't like? Don't read.
Soundtrack Inspiration: Pan's Labyrinth – by Javier Navarrete
Despite his wealth… despite his prestigious family name…
Ciel Phantomhive was not a happy boy.
While Ciel was never entirely clear on why he was so despised by his parents, an outsider may to privy to deeper insight.
When he was just two years old, his mother became pregnant again. Up until that point, Ciel had experienced a relatively happy, privileged childhood – loved by both his father and mother. Like all children, he felt a bit pushed aside when the preparations for the new baby were interfering with the time he spent with his parents – but Ciel was a mature, quiet boy, even for his age – and tried to focus on the fact he would have a little brother or sister to look after.
However, tragedy struck the Phantomhive household when Ciel was three – just after Lady Rachel Phantomhive gave birth to the child. While she was still recovering, the babe rested in a cradle beside their bed. Ciel ventured into the room while his mother was napping to look at his new little sister. He was astounded by her beauty and innocence, and vowed to be a suitable brother for the girl. And like most children with something to prove, Ciel was eager to start that bond, and take care of her…
He picked up the newborn, intent on holding and cradling her, just as he'd seen his mother do. But his small arms and under-developed strength was not enough. He struggled to keep her in his hold, and tightened his grip on the baby, who had awoken, and begun to cry. Startled by the loud sound and uncomfortable struggles of the baby, Ciel accidentally dropped her.
His mother woke during the sounds of distress, only to find her young son standing over the limp newborn with a look of utter shock on his face. Her screams and panicked voice immediately brought Vincent to her side. They did what they could to try and save her, but the impact of the fall, and the injury to her head, resulted in the newborns death.
Both Rachel and Vincent were devastated by the loss…
Ciel felt his own little heart break. He tried countless times to explain his intentions were nothing but good when his parents bombarded him with angry questions and accusations about the incident… but they failed to listen.
Thus, the grief-stricken couple began to take out their anger on their son.
By age four, the abuse had started. It came in small bouts at first; Ciel would be reprimanded for incorrect answers during his lessons, both educational and when being instructed to play the violin. Slaps on the wrist soon became slaps to the face and the back of his head. Ciel was too young to understand why his parents began treating him so poorly… but like all children, the boy believed it was his fault. It was hard to deal with the emotional pain, knowing that he had killed his new sibling… but no one was there to offer him any comfort. The weight grew heavier and heavier, and instead of easing their child's guilt, Rachel and Vincent almost seemed to thrust it upon him.
Ciel tried harder of course, but that only seemed to lead to more neglect, and more abuse – both physical and verbal.
During one particular incident, Ciel had attempted to help the family butler wash dishes after dinner. He dropped a couple of china plates which broke; the butler Tanaka was forgiving, and saw the merit in the boy's attempts to help… but his parents were not so forgiving.
They scolded Ciel for lowering his status to 'help' wash dishes like a servant. His father beat him severely. During the scuffle, Ciel was pushed into the china cabinet, which resulted in more broken plates and cups. Unfortunately, a shard of glass struck Ciel in his right eye. The wound resulted in a scar, and a vision impairment – which forced the young boy to resort to wearing an eye patch. He could still see out of it, but just barely. His eye was over-sensitive to the light, and ached more often that not from the damage…
But he received no apology from his father, and no nurturing comfort from his mother.
Just before his fifth birthday, on the anniversary of his newborn sister's death – his parents engaged in a particularly abusive verbal fight between one another. Ciel fled from the house completely distraught, and decided to hide in the garden. He knew full well that his parents fighting between themselves could be JUST as damaging to him. Ciel knew his father would never strike his mother, but would instead, seek him out to release his pent up anger.
They had grown to resent Ciel after all that had happened; their grief over their lost child was affecting their relationship with their young son… but both Vincent and Rachel were too stubborn and too prideful to admit it. But the truth was, the Phantomhive household was in disarray, and only appeared regal and 'united' in the public eye. They had not forgiven their son for his innocent mistake… and it was unlikely they ever would.
But it was as he sat in the dark, extensive garden grounds, which surrounded the Phantomhive estate – he heard someone whisper his name…
The small boy lifted his head as tears streamed down his face, even from beneath his eye patch. But all he could see were the trees, bushes, and blossomed flowers blowing gently in the evening breeze; illuminated only by the moonlight above.
Whimpering and hugging his legs to his chest, Ciel continued to weep – at a loss of what to do. He had tried so hard to make his parents happy. He wanted to be a good son, but it seems that his attempts to please them only made things worse. The young Earl had no one to turn to, since his parents (and his status as a young Earl) insisted that he be privately tutored in the estate. He had no real friends to speak of.
Isolation was a terrible thing – and combined with the worsening abuse he was forced to endure by the hands of his parents – Ciel was slowly breaking down…
"Bocchan…" A smooth, velvety voice called; carried on the wind, right to his ears. "Why do you cry?"
Lifting his head, Ciel was surprised to see a man standing in front of him. He was lean and poised; he had the pristine, dark attire of a butler… but he had a unique air about him. His features were incredibly striking – beautiful almost – in their sharp, raven-like manifestation. But it was his eyes that caught Ciel's attention. They were a deep crimson color; certainly unique, and potentially frightening…
But for some reason, Ciel didn't feel afraid.
"I-I…" The boy stammered. "I… don't know what t-to… do…" The five-year-old sobbed in a quiet voice.
Suddenly, he felt himself lifted up from the chilly grass. Warmth began to flood back through his body as the mysterious butler cradled the small child to his broad chest. Since he rarely received any affection or embrace of any kind – young Ciel was quick to latch onto the butler; wrapping his legs and arms around the tall figure. One might have expected a child to show more caution when faced with a stranger… but Ciel's life of solitude and abuse won out. It felt nice to be held.
Once upon his time, his mother and father held him like that…
"Shhh, bocchan," The dark-haired butler purred with a smirk on his lips. "Things will not always be so dark." He soothed. "You can change your life… if you wish."
Ciel frowned, and kept his face buried in the butler's neck as he clung to him. "I-I don't… kn—"
"I have taken a considerable interest in you, bocchan," The butler continued as he interrupted the boy. Lifting a free hand, while his other arm cradled the small child with ease, he began to stroke the back of Ciel's head. "I've been watching you. You are quite… special."
These words were a surprise to Ciel. His parents used to tell him he was special all the time, before his newborn sister died. Now they tended to refer to Ciel only as an inconvenience: a curse. "I… am?" He asked with innocent curiosity.
"Yes." The mysterious man replied.
Ciel tightened his small arms around the stranger, and rested his head wearily on his shoulder. "I just… want to b-be… happy… again." He choked out.
"I can help you, bocchan…" He whispered intimately into the boy's ear. "Do you trust me?"
The young Earl was so confused; he wasn't really sure why he was feeling so conflicted inside. But as young as he was, Ciel didn't know how to interpret these feelings… all he knew was that this man was comforting him now. He didn't strike him, he didn't scold him, or yell at him…
"Y-Yes…" Ciel answered meekly, closing his eyes as his emotional weariness began to grip him.
The butler smirked wickedly. "Good." He purred. "It's time for bed, bocchan…"
When Ciel slowly opened his eyes – he found himself in his room, in his bed. The sudden change of scenery surprised him, and he gasped worriedly… only to feel a large hand settle atop his head. Looking up, he saw the same mysterious stranger standing at his bedside with a content smile.
"Sleep, young master," The man encouraged as he trailed a long finger down Ciel's small, flushed cheek. "I will take care of you." Pushing Ciel back onto his pillows gently, the butler tucked Ciel in. Already, the boy's eyes were drooping. He trembled a bit as he looked up into the eyes of the stranger; they were glowing red. And while it confused him, Ciel still wasn't really 'afraid' like he felt he should be.
Finally, his eyes closed… and he drifted off to sleep.
Ciel was roused the next morning by Tanaka and dressed, before the elderly butler excused himself, and allowed the boy a few minutes of privacy like he did every morning. Tanaka was well aware of the hardships his young master had begun to endure after the loss of his sibling… but he was powerless to speak out against it, or aid the boy. He was under the employ of his parents, not Ciel himself.
Looking at himself in a large mirror, Ciel took a few shaky deep breaths. While only five, the boy had already learned to wear the mask of obedience. He knew he had to put on a submissive, quiet façade in order to avoid upsetting or angering his parents. It was an exhausting mental and emotional preparation he put himself through each morning, and unheard of for a child his age. Hesitantly leaving the safety of his room, Ciel headed down the grand staircase – only to see his parents already standing there, speaking with Tanaka… and someone new.
Ciel froze as he reached the grand hall, spotting a familiar face…
It was the stranger he had encountered last night in the garden; standing there, looking just as properly tailored as he had last evening – the same smirk present on his lips… and those calculating, piercing eyes. Had it not been a dream?
As if sensing the boy, the new butler turned his eyes on Ciel and smiled, placing a hand on his chest and bowing.
"This must be your son." He deducted formally. "Good morning, young master."
Ciel tried to stop himself from shrinking down when his parents turned their resentful eyes on him. "That is Ciel." Rachel introduced coldly. "Ciel… this is Sebastian Michaelis. He is the new butler under our employ." The boy took a few more cautious steps forward as his mother continued. "He will be tutoring you from now on, while Tanaka attends to more household matters."
"Do not become a thorn in his side." Vincent growled threateningly to his son.
Ciel nodded slowly and lowered his eyes to the ground. Sebastian took a few steps forward, "Come then, young master. We will retreat to the study for our first lesson."
Lifting his eyes to see Sebastian staring down at him with a warm gaze, Ciel nodded and slipped his smaller hand into the butler's – intending to be led to the large, family study.
But a rough hand on the back of his neck pulled Ciel backward. The boy gasped and turned his eyes up toward his father, only to be greeted with a harsh, firm slap to the face. Ciel winced as the pain stung and pulsed through his face. A small whimper escaped his lips after a second.
"Do not hold the hand of your servant." Vincent snarled distastefully. "You were born a Phantomhive, and you will conduct yourself as such. If you continue to make unwise choices that lower your stature… I will not hesitate to painfully correct you." He threatened.
Ciel kept his watering eyes on the ground. "Y-Yes father." He responded timidly.
Beginning to walk down the large, lavish halls of the Phantomhive estate, Ciel made his way to the family study – with Sebastian following dutifully behind him. When they entered the room, and the door closed behind them, Ciel flinched again when he felt the weight of a hand on his shoulder.
He felt his small body being turned, and timidly, his large, exposed blue eye looked up at Sebastian as he knelt in front of him. "Is your cheek alright, bocchan?" He asked in a velvety voice as his thumb and index finger lifted the boy's chin up.
"It… s-stings…" Ciel admitted hesitantly.
Sebastian nodded, "Then allow me to kiss it better, young master." He smiled – before leaning in, and placing a soft, feather-like kiss to the boy's tear-streaked cheek.
When his ruby eyes focused on the five-year-old again, he saw Ciel staring at him in awe. It only caused Sebastian's smirk to broaden a bit. Stepping forward, the small child innocently wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck and buried his face into Sebastian's neck as he hugged him. Releasing a small scoffed breath, the butler easily engulfed Ciel in his long arms.
"You must only touch me in private, bocchan. Only when we are alone." He instructed. "Do not reach for me in public, nor in front of the eyes of your parents. You must retain your status. You are a young Earl, after all." Ciel nodded, before letting go of Sebastian a bit regretfully. Sebastian's eyes drifted along the slightly red, irritated mark on his otherwise unblemished cheek, before he lowered his head in a small bow. "Sit at the desk, bocchan. I will return in a moment with tea… and we will begin your lessons."
Ciel nodded and headed over to the large chair situated near the desk. As he crawled up onto it, he glanced back toward the entrance to see Sebastian had already disappeared out the door without a sound.
Opening some of the books in front of him, Ciel's eyes drifted over the pages curiously. He didn't really mind being tutored; he loved to learn, and historical stories fascinated him the most. Plus, it gave him an excuse to be away from his parents. He hated having such thoughts, because really, he loved his parents. But it would seem they did not love him. Not anymore. Everyone was entitled to a mistake, weren't they? Even though his father and mother continued to verbally and physically abuse him… Ciel forgave them. So, shouldn't they forgive him? All he wanted to do was make them happy. He wanted to see them smile again.
Kicking his legs a bit as they dangled off the high, lavish chair he was seated in, Ciel took the quill that was nearby. He did kind of wish he was attending a 'real' school with other children… just so he could have some friends.
The sound of the door opening startled Ciel initially, but the small boy breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw it was Sebastian entering with his tea.
"Young master seems eager to begin," Sebastian smirked, setting the tea down on the long desk.
Ciel smiled; his first, genuine smile in weeks.
Tanaka could smell the thick stench of alcohol coming off Lord Vincent Phantomhive as he sat in private study. "Send my son in here…" He grumbled.
The butler hesitated a bit, before slowly bowing his head. "Yes my lord." The elderly gentleman nodded, before he left the room with a tray containing an empty teapot and cup. It was from earlier in the day… but his master had been drinking extensively since dinner; he so often did. He didn't used to be this way… but since the loss of their daughter, Tanaka had noticed a change in his wealthy employers. Unfortunately, they took it out on that poor boy.
Heading to Ciel's room, Tanaka knocked and entered – to see the five-year old sitting at a small table near his window, book in hand, with Sebastian leaning over his shoulder.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, young master," Tanaka sighed, bowing his head with a frown. "But… your father requests that you join him in his study."
Ciel looked up as a sudden pang of fear struck his heart. It was never a good thing when his father beckoned him.
Sliding off the rather high chair and onto the floor, Ciel took a deep breath. But a warm hand on his shoulder distracted him, "Be brave, bocchan," Sebastian purred into his ear. The boy tried to stand up a bit straighter as he left the room, and sheepishly headed down the dark, quiet hallway toward his father's study. When he reached the open door, Ciel saw his father was already standing near the window, with riding crop in hand.
The boy froze. He didn't even want to think about what was going to happen.
"Stand in front of the desk." His father growled in a deep voice.
Ciel took in a shaky breath, and entered the room to do as his father commanded him. Stopping in front of the desk, the boy tensed as he heard his father turn and make his way toward him.
"I am going to share our pain with you, Ciel…" He slurred darkly; Ciel could tell, even at his age, that his father was drunk. "The suffering heartache we feel emotionally… will be endured by you physically." Vincent's stern eyes were brimming with unfallen, spiteful tears. "You brought this on yourself."
Grasping the back of Ciel's neck, he shoved the small boy forward so he was bent over the desk. The young boy grit his teeth together in the hopes of stopping himself from whimpering… but he knew he wouldn't last long; not under his father's wrath. With a loud crack, Vincent brought the riding crop down along his son's small back. Ciel choked back a painful sob as his whole body trembled in silent pain.
"That's right," Vincent snarled, "Keep silent."
He continued to bring the riding crop down across his son's back; his once crisp, white shirt was now marred with blood and almost ripped to shreds. Ciel trembled as he clutched to his father's long desk. His small fingers and hands were almost turning white from squeezing the edge so tightly.
The boy whimpered and did his best to hold back his screams… but when the riding crop began to double back, and strike already fresh, open wounds – Ciel broke. He screamed repeatedly as tears poured down his flushed cheeks.
When he finally stopped, Ciel coughed as his father grabbed him by the neck, and dragged him toward the door again. With a rough shove, he tossed Ciel out of the study, and back into the hallway. His strength greatly outweighed the child, and as a result, Ciel landed awkwardly on his wrist as he fell. He cried out in pain as it twisted; conflicted now between what was worse… his bleeding, torn back, or his throbbing wrist.
The slam of the study door confirmed to Ciel that his father was through with him… for the night, at least.
Propping himself up on his knees and uninjured wrist, Ciel was about to try and stand – when he felt familiar, long arms reach beneath his own. Hoisting the injured boy up, Sebastian secured his arms beneath Ciel's backside to support the child. The young Earl wrapped his arms and legs around Sebastian's torso, and allowed his abused body to be carried back to his room.
Lying Ciel gently down on his bed face first, Sebastian gently removed his tattered and bloodied shirt. With the boy's injured, bare bleeding back exposed to him – the mysterious servant began to tend to his wounds. He would dab them occasionally… but follow with a rather 'odd' technique. Leaning down, he would run his tongue along the cuts, tasting and cleaning off any remaining blood with his tongue.
Apparently, the scent and sight of the boy's blood was too alluring for the 'butler' to pass up.
But Ciel was far too distracted and innocent to notice – nor worry about the way his butler was 'tending' to him. All he knew was that it was a relief to have a pleasant, gentle touch opposed to a harsh one.
"I want to run away…" The little boy confessed tearfully hugging his pillow.
Sebastian smirked, "Running away will not solve your problems, bocchan," He reminded Ciel. "You must grow to face them head on."
"I…" Ciel stammered. "I… can't do it a-alone…"
The raven-haired man grinned, "You will not face it alone, bocchan." The butler corrected. "I will help you."
"You will?" The boy asked hopefully, propping himself up on his arms, and turning his head. It sent a small jab of pain up his stinging back, but he ignored it to look at his butler.
Sebastian placed a hand over his head; his whole palm was almost able to cover the entire crown of Ciel's small head. "When you are a bit older, bocchan… you and I will help each other." He purred, moving his hand to then cup Ciel's small cheek. "But until that time… I will watch over you. Can you be strong for a little while longer?" He asked in a lulling voice.
Ciel lowered his eyes and slowly nodded. Sitting up, the boy allowed Sebastian to take hold of his twisted wrist, and bind it in a steady bandage with a small, sturdy piece of wood. It acted as a splint in order to reduce the pain of his wrist bending awkwardly until it had healed.
"Better?" Sebastian asked. The five-year-old nodded, touching the tight bandage with his free fingers. Smiling, Sebastian stood and shifted Ciel's small body back into his bed, before he tucked him in. "You should get some rest, bocchan."
Taking the candelabra in hand again from Ciel's bedside table, Sebastian began to head back across the large room toward the door, when a small voice stopped him. "S-Sebastian?"
"Yes, master?" The butler turned, tilting his head as he looked to the small lump lying beneath the large blanket and comforters. When he didn't hear anything, Sebastian walked back closer toward the bed, until he saw Ciel's head and hands peeking out from the top of the blankets where he'd left him.
Ciel stared up at Sebastian with a curious stare… but also a serious one. "Are you… magic?" The boy asked.
"What would give you that idea, bocchan?" Sebastian purred as he smiled at the child.
Ciel didn't answer; his large cerulean blue eyes just peered up at the tall butler calmly. "Sebastian," The boy's voice came again. "Are you?"
Leaning down, Sebastian met Ciel's gaze from a few inches away.
"I suppose… I am." He mused gently. "But let's keep that between us." He whispered, touching the tip of Ciel's small nose with his gloved finger.
Ciel blushed and nodded, slowly closing his eyes.
Sebastian looked over the child once more, before he took his leave from the Ciel got a little older… Sebastian would use his growing bond with the boy to form an everlasting contract. His soul screamed strength, despite the weakness age displayed. But that could be remedied. He would ensure the boy endure this pain a little more. Sebastian would teach him to harness his inner strength and anger as the years went on… and when the time came…
Ciel Phantomhive would be his.