A/N: Another short entry for you. Hope you like it!
After walking Sookie home…
I nearly chickened out. Honestly, the relief I felt when I saw that she was actually at the library, and sitting at my table, was so great that I couldn't even bring myself to ask if I could walk her home until it was almost time for me to leave. I can hardly believe she agreed to it, but she did, and I found out that she lives in the apartment building next to me.
The girl I like has been living next to me for months and I didn't have a clue. How messed up is that? Best thing is that she lives with a roommate, not a boyfriend. She also seemed interested in whether or not I have a girlfriend.
All of this pales in comparison to what she did when I tried to apologize for attacking her. She kissed me. I was mid-sentence, and she grabbed me and kissed me forcefully. It was amazing. We've kissed twice now, so does this mean we're together? Are we just dating? What are the rules of dating anyway? Am I just some guy she wants to kiss, or would she see me as just a fling? Does she even want a serious relationship?
Damn. Is this what I have in store for me through the world of dating? Headache after headache of trying to figure this stuff out? I knew college would be different, but I had forgotten about the change in women's attitudes.
High school girls all seemed to want that high school sweetheart thing, where they'd be with their boyfriend forever. College girls on the whole seem different. They're more about living it up and dating, being non-exclusive. What if Sookie wants that?
Then there's the matter of my virginity. Is that something you tell a girl on the first date? I would assume that if I just outright told her she would think I'm only interested in her for sex, and I don't want her to think that.
Why does this have to be so complicated?
The next day…
I'm so confused. I feel like I should be freaking out, but at the same time I'm happy. When I got to the library today, there was a fire truck and everyone was outside. Sookie found me and said that there was a prank involving smoke bombs, so we made plans to start studying together at my place. I'll avoid reiterating the part where I rambled about wanting to have sex with her, to her. I obviously need more of a brain filter.
Everything was great. We studied, and she stayed for dinner. Then while she ate she made these … moaning noises. I attacked her as soon as she put her plate down. I feel like a hormonal fourteen year old. At least I wasn't as aggressive as I was in the library, but Sookie made up for that.
She pushed me back and straddled me, and then she … well, she sort of … what's it called? Dry humping? Grinding? There's too many terms for this stuff. But she did that, and I almost … you know, exploded. That would have been so embarrassing. I think she was confused when I stopped, and she wanted to leave shortly after.
I felt bad, because I was probably confusing the heck out of her, so I asked if I could walk her home. We made plans to meet at the library every day and walk back to my place together to study. But then she kissed me on the cheek happily before she went inside, so I guess she wasn't that upset about what happened in the apartment.
So I now have regular plans to be in close quarters, alone, with the girl I like, she likes to kiss me, and I still don't know if we're dating.