
Once upon a time two people introduced themselves to one another in an old beat up camper van. Nothing strange about that, right? Sure they were in the back end of nowhere in the snowy plains of Canada but hey lots of people meet lotsa other people all the time. Sure they had only ever seen each other, what, half an hour ago before this introduction, but who's counting.

It may have been unorthodox for a young innocent girl like her to hitch a ride with a cage fighter who didn't stay down, no matter how much you hit him. Okay- so that might have been a bit- off. He was a mutant. But she was a mutant too. She could suck your very soul from your body and lock it up inside herself. Touché.

They were both mutants but that didn't make it a boy meets girl kinda thing. For starters you would never describe him as a boy. So, you couldn't touch her and he wouldn't let you touch him. You couldn't kill him and you couldn't lay a finger on her. Well that might have been a bit different.

That day they both met a person who would change their lives. A little for the better, a little for the worse.

Yet neither of those two people ever regretted that introduction.